Re: Jedi Elite (RPG)
des walked onto the bridge and told him what had happened
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → Jedi Elite (RPG)
des walked onto the bridge and told him what had happened
Gytrew had felt a sith presense, not Darth Vader though, somone else, he had sensed. He could feel it in the air like acid rain......
Awgob needed some rest some he went to the bunks and fell asleep
Gytrew somehow sensed a sith presense earlier and did not deny about it. He closed his eyes. " darth Aegob. "
the voice in his head spoke out. Gytrew opened his eyes again....Surely some mistake, Darth Aegob? He had never heard of that sith before but went back to the hangar to make sure the voice wasn't lying......
he had a vision of him fighting a sith
Gytrew needed to get in contact with Obi-Wan and Yoda first, though, then deal with " Darth Aegob. "
(Aegob isnt a sith he's a jedi master)
aegob told des about his vision
( oh, right, sorry about mistake. )
Gytrew ate his dinner by candlelight in his privare residence. He wondered where Obi-Wan and Yoda were. They had been forced into hiding, after the destruction of the jedi and the republic and the rise of the empire.......
He considered whether or not he should call them to see whether they were ok......
a few days later everyone arrived at the stealth core
Gytrew used his commlink to phone master yoda then obi wan. They were ok, obi wan was on tatooine and yoda was on dagobah, the swamp planet......
Then, the Lightspeed went flying into the Stealth Core's docking bay, startling the few Jedi who were on board. Jodo Kast landed his ship and jumped out barking orders. "All Jedi, to your stations! We have been discovered by a Sith refugee named Darth Zero! He is headed this way and will be here in six minutes! I just barely escaped him, he's that powerful! Let's go!"
Later, to his most trusted confidante, Bonroarr the Wookiee Jedi (a friend of mine who won't join the bffc...), he related some startling information. "I don't know, Bonroarr. He just came out of lightspeed directly behind me. It was as if...someone tipped him off as to our presence. An "inside job", if you will. Keep a sharp eye to those around you. Don't let down your guard until we've found this traitor." (it's not him, don't worry...)
You know....I think this is dead...Just a gues, seeing as the last post was about well i dunno...5 months ago...:|
True. Jodo, this thread is dead, so let it die.......
I was " actually " the last person to post on it.
Name: Ben Okinawa
Age: 20
Lightsaber color: Bronze
Species: Human
Planet assignment: Dantoine
Master, species:none
Astromech droid type (if applicable): R6-D3
Planet of exile (for emergency use only): Kamino
Name and type of ship: Corillian frieghter (simmilar to the falcon) named the mist
Personality: silent, very skilled in the ways of the force, and the blade. Also a grey jedi
sorry informant 20, but this RPG has died due to lack of posting. however, welcome to the BFFC and enjoy your stay.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → Jedi Elite (RPG)
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