Masterchief,we understand you,you can talk to us,parents,teachers,friends... :(
I hope they leave you alone.I'm so sad.
Topic: I feel weird.
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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For those that chat with me enough they know my parents... have ways to go in the parenting department. But even still ( as horrific as i think they are somtimes) I know that when I was in school if I had similar problems going on my mother and father would be the first one to call the school, call the police, or even go after the other child and their parents. You might be surprised by what happens if you are honest and open with them.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

This is somewhat a very depressing topic. Can someone close it? I'm kinda alright now. But I still got taken down today aswell.
I am a quite miserable person.
You should not pity me, as it happens every day. :(
Well, if you think so....

Stop coming here to post random sites! Can you post something appropriate to the topic?
* sorry, fellow Fett fans *
Hey,Green...what are you shouting?

Because zbych85716 is posting silly advertisisng.
That is all. Sorry for shouting. Do you forgive me? :)
Sorry, F3TT.
Nevermind,Green,you're my best friend here,so.

Thank you. * You do, think, though, that Zbytch85716 is a robot? Or a advertiser? *
( see , Si's " Spammers " )
Sorry, for the outburst.
He is!That was strange.Posting random sites...

That's because he probably isn't a real person.
F3TT, if you want to learn about these people, go to Si's, " Spammers "
( sorry, if I scared you )
remember, there is nothing to be scared of.
Thanks, F3TT. :)
I'm still scared! Daaah! Spammers! Cool,I'm thankful you're not spammer.Anymore... :D
Stop coming here to post random sites! Can you post something appropriate to the topic?
* sorry, fellow Fett fans *
Its okay, I seem to remember have out burst at people.
Real I think that the user is a robot or something like M.A.X. off the XBOX customer support hot line.

Yeah. Merciless Mandalore said to delete his Account.
lolz!Now that robot deleted his post!
Is it really robot or something else?
Sorry,that was stupid question...he is only biggest spammer in the world!
not the robot, one of the mods.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Whoae!Now I'm scared,thanks for telling me,A_A.

Lol, can we get back on topic, please? :)
Thank you.
Yeah,we can.

Thank you.
I hate getting taken down
I hate getting taken down
So do I.I hate getting taken down.Why people do it? Silly question. I think nobody can't explain.Theres too many reasons why they take you down.One of my friends takes me down couse he thinks its funny or something...
and thats not funny.

Reece lacey takes you down and grabs your neck and trips you over, then. It hurts and is very, very, very, very, very, very ( 24 hours later ) , very, very ANNOYING!!
* goes crazy *
Yes,it is.Grabs your neck?? That hurts!
Reece Lacey is so annyoing.
I know, when I was seven one fu*king gay did the same to me!! That hurted! Reece Lacey and everybody else who does like that is an idiot!

Can we just call him R**** L**** now?
he might be looking at this.
So, deal, let us just call him R**** L**** now, k?
I don't want him or anyone that is his friend to see this...... :)
Thank you. :)
That's ok for me but I don't think that he or he's friends will see this....
I agree,but they CAN be careful.

-F3TT- is right, The Fox. :|
Be careful.
Lets stop talking about R****L**** and gays.They can see this.But its 92% sure that they don't.

Ok. :)
I get bullied nearly every day... :(
# And that was Callum's...err Green's special fact of the day! :D #
Tune in tomorrow for another, CRA-ZZY FACT! ;)
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
Crazy fact? Are you CrAzY? I know you're not but I ask still...
I'm sorry to hear that. :(
I am too.
When he bullies you, what do you do? If you don't aleady, stand up for yourself.
right! Green,you can't let them hurt you.You have to tell to teacher or something.They leave you alone if you do something.Just watchout hitting them.Oh and say to your friends.Maybe they will help you with this thing...
Yes, one needs allies. Ask them to help you with what ever method you chose, but chose carefully, for here are friend that will give you up in a heart beat
:( :( :( You don't have friends in school? I'm sorry to hear that.That-is-no-fair.You have still friends here.I hope you find new friends in high school.
I am sorry to hear that.
I am 2...
Who cares what other people think just punch them other people don't matter much and the reason i am helping is because i want to help
What do you mean?

Yes. Karson, it is very sad, to see that.....
SOS, thinks punching someone will solve it.
( closes eyes and rocks gently back and forth, hoping that the phrase will go away )
Can I say something and not have it be considered mean?
Suck it up and tell those that can change it. I know it can be scary when you think no one has your back, but at the least the law and the police are on your side. The teachers and principles are wrong if they know this is happening. They can get in trouble if they do nothing to stop it, or even if they are so oblivious that they can't tell you are having a hard time with this individual. If worse comes to worse call the police. What this kid is doing is offically assault and a crime.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

True. But in America, that is allowed. Over here, it is not. :(
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