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Topic: KotOR 1& 2 Help desk
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
44 posts
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Help I am stuck.
I cannot get into the locked door in the Vulkar base.
Can you help me please?
Edited to add: I no longer need any help as I have managed to do it :D (I had missed an area in the garage section and in that area was the thing that I needed to get into the locked area :D )
yeah, that Taris quest is complicated; I've forgoten a LOT of it................reason for playing again :D

We are having a sale :P Any question will be answered. :P
the main thing I'd want to learn about are Mods for the PC version. How can I get Mando stuff for either game, but especially KotOR 2. Old-School and Boba styled helmets and armor. The lake of decent Mando stuff really bugged me in both games, and the inability to wear at helmet/mask REALLY bugged me!
Also looking to get Revan's armor

The unknown planet and star forge hold them.
Go to the temple on the unknown planet and walk tword the rune stone thing and mandos will attack kill them and search their bodys
Yeah, did that. and that SUCKS.
#1 I think the Mando armor is yellow, but I can't remember for sure. NOT a yellow fan..... it should be red or blue.......or black and grey with a touch of blood red :D *see my Av.*
#2 It's at the VERY END OF THE FRIGGEN GAME!!!!!!!! I want Mando armor for a LOT longer then that
#4 Revan's armor as shown in the cut scenes and memories is NOT what you get at the end of the game in the Star Forge. Not the way I remember it anyway. You get the sucky jedi robes, just in black. I want the EXACT SAME robes he wears in the cut scenes, WITH the mask and hood!
#5 I want Revan's armor for more ot the game as well
here is something interesting on the xbox version
if you go to the messages screen and enter X, Dpad left, A,X you get this free roam camera, its very fun

Yeah, did that. and that SUCKS.
#1 I think the Mando armor is yellow, but I can't remember for sure. NOT a yellow fan..... it should be red or blue.......or black and grey with a touch of blood red :D *see my Av.*
#2 It's at the VERY END OF THE FRIGGEN GAME!!!!!!!! I want Mando armor for a LOT longer then that
#4 Revan's armor as shown in the cut scenes and memories is NOT what you get at the end of the game in the Star Forge. Not the way I remember it anyway. You get the sucky jedi robes, just in black. I want the EXACT SAME robes he wears in the cut scenes, WITH the mask and hood!
#5 I want Revan's armor for more ot the game as well
I can't find any more Mando armor with a helmet. other than there.
When I found it, and got it, it was blue when I put it on....
To get Revan's exact robes you have to be a dark sider.
If you are light side, you will get the Star forge robes.
These robes are a tan color, they have the breast plate and wrist bands and hand covers. Thar are a brown brassy color.
Hei :D
Can you help me please?
I am on Manaan at the moment and I am in the Sith base. There is one locked room that I need to get into but I cannot (I got into the base via the stolen shuttle)
Can you help me get into the locked room please?
Thank you in advance :D
Since I can't remember exactly I'll give you a link. I used this site whenever I was stuck.
Thank you so much Sev Fett :D that was just what I needed :D Yay I managed it :D
the guide that I was using was not too bad but if you did not follow the game in the order that he did then it was not much help :(

*Falls out of carbanite* *draws in deep breath* I am back, and blind!
Good I'm sorry I didn't get to you can see I was frozen.......and thanks Sev for filling in!
okay I don't know if anything can be done on this one. On telos I did all the czerka missions and at the end when you can finally get a shuttle out of there, you are told to go see the guy in shuttle bay 3 ( the czerka shuttle bay ) the alien at the entrance gives you the go ahead to enter.... but the door does not open and you can no longer be let in through conversation, he just tells you you aren't authorized to be there. there is no switch or console to open it... I don't know what to do.
Ouch.....that almost sounds like a bug. Are you sure you're at the right shuttle bay? Did you try the other two? It's been a while since I've played, so I don't remember all that well, but I don't recall any problem like that.
You might try the link Sev posted above *asuming it helps with KotOR II, I havn't tried it*
yeaaaaah I'm of course using vista so that may be it but yes i'm in the right one, I can get to the ithorian shuttle just fine but it won't let me get on.
I looked into it and no one else seems to have encountered it so I'm not really sure how to tackle it... to make matters worse the only save point that seems to work for me is the auto save as the other ones either don't load and freeze the game or load up a game in a completely different area, at lower level, and for some reason not wearing any armor..... strange.
so if someone knows how to solve the corrupt save problem I would mind going back a bit and at least being able to save next time I encounter the shuttle situation
LOL can any of you help me find the time to play the game ;) (I ave not been able to play it for a while now :( )
yeaaaaah I'm of course using vista so that may be it but yes i'm in the right one, I can get to the ithorian shuttle just fine but it won't let me get on.
I looked into it and no one else seems to have encountered it so I'm not really sure how to tackle it... to make matters worse the only save point that seems to work for me is the auto save as the other ones either don't load and freeze the game or load up a game in a completely different area, at lower level, and for some reason not wearing any armor..... strange.
so if someone knows how to solve the corrupt save problem I would mind going back a bit and at least being able to save next time I encounter the shuttle situation
Hmmmmmmmm........... Are you sure it's not the Ithorian shuttle? Did you walk around behind it? For some reason I'm thinking you take that shuttle, even if you did the Czerka missions. You board it be moving Behind the craft, not in front.
If that doesn't work I'll get back on my game and see if I can find the problem, cause that issue sounds familiar... I might have had the same trouble myself once when I first played *which was about an age ago...*
haha yeah I'm sure it's not the other shuttle; I tried to board it from every angle I could think of as I sat alone in the dark, swearing at the game.
I would rather find a way to fix the save slot problem, does the vista patch actually work... it's a long shot but it may fix most of the problems if it works no?

Whoa I am behind! :) Maybe the shuttle wasn't the one to board.
haha yeah I'm sure it's not the other shuttle; I tried to board it from every angle I could think of as I sat alone in the dark, swearing at the game.
I would rather find a way to fix the save slot problem, does the vista patch actually work... it's a long shot but it may fix most of the problems if it works no?
Ok, that did it. I'm gonna have to dig out my game and see if I have a save that's somewhere near that point. Might take me a while to work up to it...sorry for the wait; I know how addicting the game can be and how much it sucks to be put on hold.
If anybody else out there has an answer please throw it out there, as I don't know how long it's gonna take me to get to that point.....and then even when I do, you COULD just be dealing with a Vista issue, in which case I'll be no help at all *XP for me*
I'd start a new game, and see if you encounter the problem again. That's what I did when I was stuck. Try to do stuff from a different side.
―Boba Fett
I need help please with KOTOR II.
I have not long started so I have got to the asteroid and I am on the planet trying to locate my ship (LOL I have forgotten the name) I went in for the racing in the cantina and even though I did it in 37 seconds he still said that I had not complete it.
I cannot work out if it is a problem in the game or I am doing something wrong.
You're in Telos? Oh, and the ship's name is Ebon Hawk. ;)
Thank you :D I knew the ship was the Ebon Hawk though :D (I think that is a great ship) Now I just need to get the race to work now.
damn racing on KotOR II is hard.....or at least it was for me. I hardly ever tried it myself. Some courses weren't too bad, but I remember that one was tough; don't think I ever beat it *didn't try all that hard, but I seriously would have had to if I was determined to beat it*
You have to beat the best record then talk to 35 seconds or something. That was my problem too, and that's how I solved it.
―Boba Fett
damn racing on KotOR II is hard.....
I agree. I've never beaten the best time.
In Telos,Devil Girl,go talk to Luxa. She's in the cantina. ;) :)

Okay, I don't think that you have win a swoop race in KotOR should be able to do stuff for the Ithorains or Czerka to get a ship to the actual surface of Telos.
One there your going to have to fight through Mercanaries....litsen to the Zabrak....he knows stuff....soon after you fight through the Mercs, you have to fight through lot of droids again, Yes, again....NOTE when you activate the Power Genorater in the Base a large Tank driod appears and trys to kill you...I stayed my distance and got him with lighting and ion stuff. After that you have to fight the HK 50 droids......Or you could run like Heck and try to reach the entrence into the enclave...but you will have serch for more parts for HK 47
Thank you about the racing :D It may not be part of the main plot but I had hoped it would be a good way to make some money.
Thank you Karson, that is very helpful :D
I need more help please.
I am fighting Malak at the moment and the battle is getting to the really tough part. I am near the end and not matter what I do I keep getting killed (what gets me is that he stuns me so much so I am not able to heal myself)
Can you give me some tips on how to finish Malak please? (LOL it seems that I am so close yet so far from the end)

Do you have the force power Drain life? If you do you can suck the life out of the dead jedi and get it all before Malak can use them. But only use them when your heath of force is low.
I have got that now thank you Karson :D (I have got many saves from various points in the game) so that meant I was able to go back to when I was level 19 to gain the skill. When I get the chance to play the game next I will see how I get along then.
Yeah, the ending was HARD. Took me forever to beat it, and was only able to do it by running around the room popping med pack after med pack *They're easy to get just before you get in there, and I tend to horde them anyway, so I had plenty.* Even then it must have taken me a dozen tries to beat that last fight... or if not it sure seemed like that many or more

I only had to try 3 times....or was it 4?
3 times? TWICE. I followed Malak's lead with the force drain first time I played...I killed Malak at the same time he killed me *he hit me, I poisoned him*. At the movie, it said I had died, so I got to fight him again, which was th reason for two times.
Don't let your health drop below a quarter, EVER. The same thing happened then for me, and I'm not sure if my game glitched or that's all games, but just a tip.
―Boba Fett
Thank you very much for the tips Ralin and Mandalore :D I am facing Malak again at the moment. Is there anything that is good for softening him up?
I am just going to make sure that I save the fight often and do a little bit at a time (I do not like end of game fights) but it seems a shame to get so close to the end without finishing (I also want to see Revan and Carth go off into the sunset together)

They kinda do....Have you read any of the walk through? Tip: use mines around the jedi bodies...use them any where as long as you can make him run through them.