What about mine?
Topic: Avatar rating
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
828 posts
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8/10 something about it turns me off to it, I think its the way the helm is pointing strait at you (Mona lisa stile.)
And I think I got it from a screen shot I took off ep2 and cropped down.
I really like yours Karson. Much like mine with that 'coming out of the shadows' affect. 9/10
Like yours Darlin', though I liked the Mando skull better *even if it wasn't in black :P* 9/10
Hoping to someday have a real pic of me in my custom Mano armor as my Av........................*sigh*
That's ambitious and something I would look forward to seeing!
Probably won't happen any time soon, but I am actively looking for a Mando helmet that I'll paint/repaint for my colors as seen in my curent Av.
If anybody see's a metal constructed helm out there that's not far too expensive, keep me in mind ;) Can be in rough shape and unpainted; going to get my colors anyway.
what do ya'll rate my avatar? btw I think the girl avatar is pretty weird. :/
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Alo- I think the new one is great 9.5/10
terra- very personal. 9/10
even though this one wasn't thrown in for consideration I love Rev's new one too 9.5/10
I guess I need to step it up and design me a new cool one too.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Great pic of the Fett Man, TW 9/10
yeah, its a good shot
like your's Ralin. Very nice helm. 10/10
and 10/10 terra! very original and personal. Cute, too!
--Captain Dynamic--
Well, I have to give a 10/10 to terra, the little missus is wonderfull!
Werda, your avvie is really beautiful! Where did you get that pose? I love it! 10/10 for you as well.
Oh, too bad we have so many restrictions regarding the avatars, I would have my special-order-custom-made K'kruhk!
Ah, I forgot. I'm waiting for a similar-style Mandalore the Ultimate. It will be more suited for this forum, I suppose.
Lets see...
William Shakespeare
Werda Verd wrote:yeah, its a good shot
like your's Ralin. Very nice helm. 10/10
and 10/10 terra! very original and personal. Cute, too!
aww thanks!
9.5/10 for yours WV, perfection doesn't exist, so I never give 10. But I like the colors, style and cropping of yours. NICE choice, really. Who did it? I'd like to mention that person too.
no idea. I actually just found it online, while searching for something Mandalorian. I just sized it down, and am using it on at least 4 forums (I'm on a lot). Thanks though, terra, Nazde. I wish I had done it, or knew the guy but alas.....lol. I like it though. No idea what the reflection is, though. Besides lightning.
--Captain Dynamic--
to answer ur question Werda Verd- the reflection on the visor is yuhzong vong. and the name at the top is "Corran Fett". he is a member and that is the cover for his fan fiction, that he and i are working on turning it into a comic. he changed it from a pic of fett and the reflection was ig-88.
its a cool avatar.
4 forums, huh? I'm on a lot, too, but it's mostly greek. 9 forums, here (hehe)!
But I tell you, it's been a long time since I last saw an avatar of the same caliber. You should get an award, or something!
Or change it, I'll buy the copyrights..
William Shakespeare
to answer ur question Werda Verd- the reflection on the visor is yuhzong vong. and the name at the top is "Corran Fett". he is a member and that is the cover for his fan fiction, that he and i are working on turning it into a comic. he changed it from a pic of fett and the reflection was ig-88.
its a cool avatar.
oops...lol. Nice though. Good name, Corran. Awesome EU character. Sorry for the stealage, I had no idea.
--Captain Dynamic--
Sooo Corran Fett.. Mandalorians and Yuhzang Vong? I mean, together?
Nice.. Strange thing to hear but a nice idea overall...
Has 'Rage of the Shadow Warriors' come out, yet?
William Shakespeare
GREAT Mando Avs for both Nazde and Werda Verd! 9.8 for both
And Cujo, tell your friend who repainted Werda Verd's Av that his work ROCKS!
thanks, RD. and yeah, he did a great job. hope he doesn't mind...
Sooo Corran Fett.. Mandalorians and Yuhzang Vong? I mean, together?
Nice.. Strange thing to hear but a nice idea overall...
Has 'Rage of the Shadow Warriors' come out, yet?
I think the reflections of the Vong is an opponent....
--Captain Dynamic--
->Werda; No, I meant in the same comic book, not like allies or something..
Thank you Ralin! Check out the progress of my new avatar, it will kick @$$!!!
William Shakespeare
ahh....well, they did fight them, in the Vong wars. No idea what the story is, but I'm guessing that's what it is.
--Captain Dynamic--
I will return to my original, but what do ya'll think of my new avatar?? :P
Aww, such dedication to your daughter terra! :D Shes cute!
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
WOW! So many Mando Avs! Now I KNOW I'm on the right site!!! I can't judge them differently; love them all! *and yeah, like True Warrior said, VERY cute Terra :)*
Anybody like mine?? It's Kelborn from KOTOR II!!!
Looks good Kelborn! I like the bright colors. Good to see an Old-School Mando on the boards, as well! 9/10
Nazde Bors wrote:->Werda; No, I meant in the same comic book, not like allies or something..
Thank you Ralin! Check out the progress of my new avatar, it will kick @$$!!!
http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2213/mandaloredx8.pnghttp://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2213/mandaloredx8.pngMight be me, but your pic doesn't seem to work.
doesn't work for me, either.
and very nice, TW. 9/10
--Captain Dynamic--
I really like yours Verd! To me it looks like a golden Mandalore with either a cracked lense or rain on his lense. 6/10
I like it! Ralin Drakus yours is really cool. 8/10
Oh, and btw, Si Titran, I's be cool for you to get a new one. I think its kind of plain....
So is mine, is looks like something Paint threw up. :P
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
9/10, TW. and thanks.
Anyone seen Mandal's new one? I like it alot!
--Captain Dynamic--
terra... the new one 10/10 only you could hae created something (rather someone) so perfect.
How's my new one?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Looks GREAT Ner'vod! 9.5/10
new avatar!
whadda ya thinks?!
i dont believe this will be my final avatar, Si is currently working on a colored version. plus i suck at making these things :D
8/10 for yours terra.
Anyways hows my new one?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
interesting, using that dude. and i made my avatar with MS paint, and photobucket's picture resizing thing :D i gives it a 8.5 (AA's)
Looks good Kelborn! I like the bright colors. Good to see an Old-School Mando on the boards, as well! 9/10
THANKS Ralin!!! I really like yours to!!! Very sneaky looking!!! :D
Anyways hows my new one?
very nice. Never would have thought of using N as a avvy.
--Captain Dynamic--
thanks to Fetterthanyou, i now has a perfectly sized avatar. ty Fetter!
Cool new avatar fett 2! But as Terra said, it is a little blurry. To me its good though, I give it a 5/10
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
what do ya'll rate my avatar?
I really like your new avatar, I'd give it a 9/10 ;)
Anybody like mine?? It's Kelborn from KOTOR II!!!
I think yours is awesome too, it really stands out. I'd give it a 9/10 too ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Hey, True Warrior, 17/20 for yours. I really like the pose..
Damn, I have all these nice photos i'd like to use, but I suck at resizing.
Terra, what programme are you currently using? Maybe I could get my hands on it, too..
Ah, Kelborn! What a marvellous character! I really liked him, and his neo-crusader armor!
I must congratulate you, lad!
Alas, I am more of a comic book fan, than a KotOR one, and i dislike screenshots from the game.
I shall make an exception, 7/10 for you!
William Shakespeare
Hey NB if you post links or email me your pics and tell me what you want from them I can totally try to make you something. I've been having enough time at work where that would certainly be possible.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
You're so kind, vod!
Thank you, I might do so when i'm home.
I'm at Halkis, AT LAST!
Damn 6-hour trip....
William Shakespeare
Fett_II wrote:yea a tiny bit blurry, but otherwise perfect.
As I asked if you had the bigger pic, if you still have it, I could try to make it look better. But with that tiny thing, not much can be done.
yes i do in fact have ze original pic.
there ya go, i actually couldn't find the original original, so i just spiced up a new one.
uh i cant get the links to work. could you please load em to some other place? geocities doesn't run on my pc..
Awwww.Awesome avatars,terra.
9.6 to you as well, only thing i see that could be considered 'wrong' is that your cutting her head off. (in a completely non violent way)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
What would mine be rated?
Train your sons to be strong, and your daughters to be stronger.
Pheonix 9.4, I love the colors, and it looks awesome
Terra: 9.6 realy good
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Terra, your new avvie is just as adorable as the previous one.
And more! The photo's better. No, i mean the poze is more suited for an avatar of this sort than the previous one.
9 for the little missus! (so that you keep trying for that perfect poze!)
William Shakespeare
Well, thank you very much!
Special in a strange way, though..
I picked the wrong forum to use K'kruhk as an avatar, I guess...
Here, he's merely a Jedi-scum!!!
William Shakespeare
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