Topic: What bounty hunter weapons are there to choose from?

Seriously? What BH weapons are there to buy and choose?

You're foolish words can never hurt me

Re: What bounty hunter weapons are there to choose from?

snipers rifles work well that would be the best thing to get but a blaster rifle is good too i would only go with it if you cannot sniper

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Re: What bounty hunter weapons are there to choose from?

a million. Verpine Shatter guns, snipers, E-11s, other Blastechs, and a million I don't even know. Does it matter? And a sniper is only good for long range. Close in you're screwed. A Verp, with a scope, is a deadly accurate sniper weapon, but close in it's just as deadly.

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--Captain Dynamic--

Re: What bounty hunter weapons are there to choose from?

I'm not quite following your train of thought here, IF you mean what weapons could a bounty hunter use? Then the answer is any and all. Bounty hunters would be inclined to use what ever they felt necessary to get the job done, perhaps with part of their choice dictated by personal favourites. There would be nothing stopping a bounty hunter from using military grade weapons if he/she could acquire them, in fact they'd probably go out of their way to do as well as modifying some to suit their personal needs and preferences. Bounty hunters are also required to take some of their prey alive so there would also be a range of non-lethal weapons to choose from too. However...
IF you mean what weapons are there in the game Bounty Hunter to choose from then that's different, and includes all the oldies but goldies; from Westar 34's, Sniper rifle, thermal detonators and Jetpack rockets. To Kamino Saber-darts, gauntlet flame unit (my personal favourite), whipcord launcher and of-course the old reliable fist. Everything a budding Jango needs to complete his or her mission.*

*Remarks "borrowed" and adapted from Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg in the Fifth Element


Re: What bounty hunter weapons are there to choose from?

don't forget rockets and cluster missiles. Grenades and grenade launchers, the two different machine guns, and the viewfinder.

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--Captain Dynamic--