I love them! I have 9 at my mum and stepdads house. Molly, fred, Milo, O'Malley, flora , Belle, Jimmy, Archie and Harry! :D
Topic: Do you like Cats? :)
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
66 posts
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Interesting topic, I love cats, I have one, His name is Tequilia, he is amazing
I'm sooooooooooooooo allergic to cats...and they kinda creep me out when they look at you as if they were the superior lifeform...lol
I like cats. Especially with ketchup and some mashed potatoes on the side. Yum! :P
lol, cats are pretty cool, although I prefer dogs. I've never had a cat, seeing as how my dad is allergic to them, but I have some friends with pretty spiffy cats. :D
I love cats, but my dad is allergic, my sister hates cats, and im too lazy to take care of one anyway.
I love cats, I love their individual personalities, their different tastes for food ( my one cats yoda loves junk food, like gummi worms and dorito nacho chips)
I have 3 cats, Squeekies, Yoda, and Mika.
I relativly dislike cats. Their agility is awesome, though. I prefer dogs and rabbits.
I like cats. I have one, a black one named Mara.
I like cats. Especially with ketchup and some mashed potatoes on the side. Yum! :P
Don't you mean "catsup"? :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I've always had cats (actually I've had a lot of pets over the years, though never allowed a dog because my dad hates them). We currently have a tabby and white girl named Bella. She's very cheeky but highly amusing. She'd sell her soul for fresh chicken :P
Can't image my life without a cat, I think it'd be very boring :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I love cats, they are so creepy and cool! My cats name is Aozora and she is a handful! She was dumped when she was about 5 weeks, at my work and we took her home. I think she is part feral but that just adds to her persona, as she is gray with black stripes all over her body like a tiger!

All my cats ( apart from jimmy and archie - the newest ) are rescued. :P Belle is my favourite. She has a little hernia though :(
It doesn't make her bad tempered though.
Here is my brothers site home page, or if i am mistaken, my cat flora ( as told in first post )
Oh yes!! I practically grew up around them. Currently I have three one is a big-boned calico cat named Zena, the next is a half-persian great red named Icky, and finally a big black cat we to nick name "The Mayor" Jesse.
I love this thread!!
Cats don't usually like me. I usually get this when I meet one.
Yeah but Draco your rabbit is trying to kill you too. :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Draco's rabbit
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Does anyone like the picture of my cat flora? :O :0
She is one of my favourites, aswell as Belle. :D
Notes* ( X2 ) 1. - Is that really appropreate AA? :P ;)
2. I'm glad you like the thread, Sharra Fett! :D
Cats Rock! :)
I love cats, I love their individual personalities, their different tastes for food ( my one cats yoda loves junk food, like gummi worms and dorito nacho chips)
I have 3 cats, Squeekies, Yoda, and Mika.
uggghh...dude you tryin to kil the poor cat?!...i don't think that stuff's good for them...
probably not.....i've got one, and she's REALLY fat. but cute. they're just dumb.
--Captain Dynamic--
My cat loves ice cream. Her favorite flavors are anything vanilla-y. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is her absolute favorite. Followed by Cookies and Cream. She also likes to stick her nose in the cherry cheesecake ice cream, but she doesn't usually eat it though, she just takes a lick or two. She doesn't like anything chocolate. And last time I tried she won't eat the canned kitty foods, she likes the dry stuff. But she does like licking out tuna cans.
Just on cats and food and stuff.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

lol, Cat's rule. So does Belle! .........and flora, etc. Check her out on my bro's website.
I love my kitties!!! I have two brown/tan/black sweeties and a new one thats gray/white mix. My favorite is Chewie (chewbacca)...named her that cause she has hair that sticks way outa her ears...lol
LOVE em... mines called BOB... seriously..
after---- silent bob as he couldnt meow very loudly when I got him... also known as BOB A -CATT too thou.
Staff Reporter - [url=http://www.action-figure.com]www.action-figure.com[/url]
I love cats, they my second favorite next to penguins. At my friends house he has a fat cat. One time I was over I was playing with him and he was digging his claws into a cover and I was trying to get it from him. He wouldnt let go so I pushed the cover forward to losen his claws and then jerked it back. He was all WTF! and he was waving his arms around trying to get it back. He was so funny and so cute. :)
Is that really appropreate AA?
'Appropreate' yes, on topic, no, on a side topic yes.
I don't mind cats.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
LOVE em... mines called BOB... seriously..
after---- silent bob as he couldnt meow very loudly when I got him... also known as BOB A -CATT too thou.
Thats a great name. I think cats are cute and fun and all, but most of my family is allergic. And so is the BF, plus he just doesn't like them. So I don't know if I'll ever get a cat. I always wanted one though. I seem to want them less now, because I have become a bird person in the mean time. I have an adorible green Parolett named Sydney. I also have a rabbit in which I happen to be allergic to, Kirana Ti and a guinea pig named Emerson ( like the race car driver :P)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I ADORE cats!! my parents had seven at one point. I have 2, Cookie & Kyrie, both female. Kyrie's 13 years old, tortoiseshell colour and very timid. Cookie is the exact opposite, she is very hyperactive & always happy to greet anyone. Cookie is about 3 & is a beautiful striped tabby colour. :D
I would think its hard to have that many pets, like 7+ cats. Or more than 2 dogs. Can we add dogs to the discussion?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Does any one elses cats do this? They like think that if they move slow enough infront of the computer screen or tv that you wont notice them? lol

One of my nine cats, Jesse, Milo, goes infront of the tv, and we cant see it. He paws at the picture, trying to grab to tiny people in it. lol, so funnny. He also eats people's hair. It hurts terribly but we all like it. Btw, it's my birthday in 4 days! Then I am 12!
PleaseNote* - He also, ( when the tv is off, he looks at himself in the tv mirror blank screen thingy, lol.
One of the following nine cats called Archie, does somersaults in the air when he trys to catch overflying-too-near-to-a-cat birds. It is HILARiLOUS! I am like WTF, ARCHIE? Your great! :P :) :D :P

Awwwwwwww! That's a shame, Karson! Would you like to have one if you weren't allergic? :O :)
My dad said ''Always have a Cat around ''after seeing all the Rats come up from the Sewers in
Turkey,,and also they can tell if a Earthquake is coming that's one thing Bats is scared of
My beloved Siamese.. Salidin ..I had him over 29yrs I just love Siamese.. the breeding that went into the breed
At the moment I have a Birman..took a bit of getting use too after having Himalayians cats.. as Siris has
more Siamese in him ,he is named after the Egypyian God.. OSiris..everyday it's O!! Siris what have you done
now still haven't got over that Snake incendence,,,my Anti-Christ Chihuahua has no time for him at all
just refuses to think he even is here LOL!!!

But, Bats.......lolz! That isn't the point. DO you, like cats? :)
Thanks for sharing your ideas anyway. :)
If you read the post its obvious that Bats likes her cats.......She named one after an Egyptian God.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
While at my cousins' house, I finally met a cat who didn't try to maul me. There not all bad.
Yes Ph34r, I concer. Kitty kitty taste goooood with taters! :P
I have a cat, although I'm slightly allergic to her. My mom and sister named her Miss Kitty...real creative, I know...
I do love my cats ..but then I love all animals,,I was thinking on my cat's names
Mando [katmando]
O Siris
I have and breed Budgies ,Koi Fish ,Anti-Christ Dog ,god-Like cat ,,deformed Budgie.. Ziggy.. and Hero !!! a
tropic type Finch that flew in with abroken leg and is healing well
How nice bats! Such nice names too. Wow a bird breeder. I know who to call if I ever want another one. What's Ziggy's deformity?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
It's ironic. I love cats. I do. But.....I'm allergic to them. The strange thing, is that I only really act up in the early mornings, or in the late evenings. The rest of the day, I'm fine around them.
IShe also loves water. Whenever anyone drinks something, she's always so sure she wants some. But she'll really accept only water. She also loves hot water, like in a tea or a... bathtub.
My cat loves sticking her nose in cups of water, I always have to either cover them or put them where she can't reach. And she, too, loves drinking out of the bathtub. I'm always scared she'll fall in and claw me so I started shutting her out of the bathroom when I take a bath.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
My 9 cats like water. We feed them cat food, munchies ( the little brownish green biscuits ) and water. :P
GHF ( Masterchief )
I got to see the cat from next door yesterday, she's really pretty, gray and white with apple green eyes. She's probably the cat that made me like cats, she's really friendly and sweet. Anyhow, she walked up on my driveway while I was outside so I went to pet her, my dog was not to thrilled to say the least... :P
I like cats. Especially with ketchup and some mashed potatoes on the side. Yum! :P
Not sure about me, but every dog I ever had would TOTALLY agree! :D
I don't mind cats, and you can't help but love kittens, but I'm 100% dog lover *and no, I don't mean with potatos and/or gravy :P *
lol, ( well obviously ) :P :D
I have got 9 cats if none of you know already! :)
Ralin Drakus wrote:Ph34r wrote:I like cats. Especially with ketchup and some mashed potatoes on the side. Yum! :P
Not sure about me, but every dog I ever had would TOTALLY agree! :D
I don't mind cats, and you can't help but love kittens, but I'm 100% dog lover *and no, I don't mean with potatos and/or gravy :P *
Awww. And Peter was starting to like you. :P
He never liked me. Thought he owned all my stuff, and probably me to, but I don't think he ever liked me.....

ummmmmmmmmm, no offense like, but has this got anything to do with cats? :O :)
Awwwwwwww! That's a shame, Karson! Would you like to have one if you weren't allergic? :O :)
I have one. He is outside though.

9. Lolz! What an amount. Check out my cat, Flora ( first page, somewhere )
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