Topic: A' Sharad Hett .VS. boba Fett
The jedi padawan A' sharad hett vs the all powerful boba fett, who will win? You decide! Answer here. ( and p.s - dont keep saying boba, it gets really annoying , thanks )
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → A' Sharad Hett .VS. boba Fett
The jedi padawan A' sharad hett vs the all powerful boba fett, who will win? You decide! Answer here. ( and p.s - dont keep saying boba, it gets really annoying , thanks )
Well how about Darth Krayt A'sharad Hett? But as a young padawan I say Boba would win. He didn't have enough experience at the time.
But in the comic pack he defeated Aurra he might win against Boba.
Must say Lord Krayt. Realy, a force user against a normal human (When I say Normal i mean unaugmented/no pwrs)
But couldn't he have a tiny chance to defeat boba? although he is a padawan and they're quite weak against sith lords/bounty hunters i've heard.....
If he was a padawan, then he isnt fully trained, his offensive capabilities would be low, as he would not use darkside powers. This is a pointless argument. Its like a chipmunk with a shotgun against a starving mountain lion. The chipmunk has the potential to use the weapon and kill its hunter, but does not have the ability, or knowledge.
But i make good threads and your critisising them? ( just a question...)
But i make good threads and your critisising them? ( just a question...)
Some good threads. Some.
jedi padawan A' sharad hett would pretty much destroy Boba in a battle so i agree with Adeptus [A'sharad Hett WOULD WIN HANDS DOWN]
. Its like a chipmunk with a shotgun against a starving mountain lion. The chipmunk has the potential to use the weapon and kill its hunter, but does not have the ability, or knowledge.
The chimpmunk is A'sharad.
Darth Kryat is a different story. That chipmunk can use the shotgun.
Fett. He has killed Jedi, so a padawan would be no threat.
Fett. He has killed Jedi, so a padawan would be no threat.
See, exactly my point.
Asharad hett would kick boba's ***! Asharad becomes darth krayt (the only sith lord since palpatine to rule the entire galaxy:)
Plus, he has really good luck (he should haved died in a battle with anikan)
Asharad hett would kick boba's ***! Asharad becomes darth krayt (the only sith lord since palpatine to rule the entire galaxy:)
Becomes. Anikan becomes Vader, but that does not mean that he could have killed Darth Maul. That does not mean he could kill jedi. Only Krayt, not Hett.
Hmm, now that's a hard one. A'sharad is a Tusken (Well, raised by Tuskens actually...) and a Jedi, and Boba is a super smart and strong human.
That would be a pretty close match in my opinion. Now A'sharad all grown up, aka Darth Krayt, could easily kill Boba.
Thank you, (also Boba is a Mandolorian.)
Boba is a human actually...Mandalorian isnt a species, but a culture
Boba is a human actually...Mandalorian isnt a species, but a culture
So is A'sharad. Being raised by Tuskens has to make someone a pretty hardcore fighter, Jedi or not.
Padawan Hett? Fett would dominate, and then dance on his grave. Experience would win out there. However, with Krayt, it would be a different story. Fett would give out, I think.
With Krayt, as i have said. Fet would get pwnd, Also he would be dead of of old age, no?
Sorry, but Fett... He would toast the jedi and eat him for lunch...its not like he hasn't taken them before.
Sorry, but Fett... He would toast the jedi and eat him for lunch...its not like he hasn't taken them before.
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! unless your speaking of Kyrat....
What? does a sharad become a sith, called darth krayt? ( GHF )
Yes. he does
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Role Playing → A' Sharad Hett .VS. boba Fett
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