green helmeted fett wrote:That might have been the Sith lord/jedi's padawan/apprentice......
((Problems. 1 THIS IS A CANNOK, READ THE ARTICLE IT IS NONSENTIENT. FOR THOSE OF US WHO DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, THAT MEANS THAT IT IS LIKE A DOG OR A CAT. 2 Kain has no apprentice, cannoks can NOT use the force, they are just under Kain's control, they do not have his abbilities. For now, that is all))
Kain walked through the jungle again, he heard a detonation, it was very far off, it would take days for the source to reach him. Unless the source was an overly curious cannok. His 'pet' skreev followed him, every so often dissapearing from view to attack some unseen creature. Lord Kain closed his eyes, even then he could see the beasts that surrounded him. Their signatures in the force were full of the darkside, due to his influence.
(he has the "force sight" abillity that Vissas Mar from KotOR II has, but he can switch between it (if thats ok with you Kaiza))
[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]