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Topic: What would your blaster be?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
153 posts
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id go with a ee-3 blaster rifle and daul westar-34 pistols
cool, i think you'd pick that blaster because you are building ure costume aswell and when its finished you can show off as boba fett, lol :D
Who needs a blaster when youve got a bolter???
actualy, id like one of those heavy repeater things, like on Republic Commando, you know the one the bbig trandos have
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Those Are so cool, but poorly engendered
............dude there three guns in one, i wouldnt call them poorly engendered
wrong gun... I mean the big huge thing with the spike on the eand that the huge trandoshan impales the clone with.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
ah. I woudnt call it badly engendered, just rugged. the trando SMG is another story though
They are not as eleagant or as efficient as they could be for their power I think .
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
tht only thing there not very good on is droids
There is the perfict weapon for every advasary. Then there are weapons that do well on multiples. It all depends on the situation. That's where the warrior comes out to make the most of what they have.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

I still think it is not well designed.
Ok...its a gun. heres why i woud want one (And why Kal'ak on Raj'el's RPG has a modified one)
1 Its big
2 Its fast
3 Its LOUD!!!
4 Total pwnage
5 theres a attached bayonet. (you can impale some one if you run outa juice)
6 Its not fancy. It kills. Form follows function.
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verpine baster rifle or pistol silent deadly
and hard for most jedi to block
―Canderous Ordo
For a presonal sidearm I would have to go with the "Han" style(I dont remeber the model number).Then I would have to have EE-1 from ROTJ.Plus mixed in my arseal would be a long range blaster,"sniper" style and the staff weapon fron the Holiday Special.
And ofcorse any other "little goodies" I can mix in ;)
Especially since the SW Battlefront games, Ive always been a fan of a nice Chaingun. Puts exceptionally difficult odds in your favor, right quick. That, and a few samples of explosive ordinance, and Im right as rain.
Remember Vode, "P for Plenty."
'nuff said...
Anything Mandalorian
Yeah SW games are very good to help you think about it but my blaster would be:
1.A quick reloader
3.Scope (like Snipers)
4.long range and has blade on tip for close combat
What do you think about my blaster do you think it would do any damage?
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
sounds like it would have quite the kick!
I like it! (blade might be over the top; keep a blaster or VibroSword for the close in work. But other then that, very nice)
Hah! i can beat all that, I wouldent have a "gun" realy, my "gun" would be the death star|
That is all...
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
lol u are halarious Adeptus
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
I think i would pick a sniper. Im a pretty good shot, and i dont think i would want to be shot, so i would go with a stealthy approach.
I would have a skiff guard blaster......the shape is pretty cool,lol. A blaster kaiza....that what you picked is in the rifle family,lol....what " blaster? " ;)
I would have a skiff guard blaster......the shape is pretty cool,lol. A blaster kaiza....that what you picked is in the rifle family,lol....what " blaster? " ;)
Thats in the spear "family" :P
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
lol , no its not! just because of the shape doesnt mean its in the spear family, lol! Hey astartes, what would your blaster be? --------------------------------------------
i would have a wookie bowcaster :) they are just soo kewl
Yes, but i've heard humans cant operate them because the trigger is too hard. Am i mistaken? :O
Yes, but i've heard humans cant operate them because the trigger is too hard. Am i mistaken? :O
If so, then it would be a Bowcaster with a easier trigger
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yes, just cut the original trigger off then make an easier :)
I've heard there are easier ones that humans can operate; I'm pretty sure Chewiee's was like that. Though Wookiees take pride in being able to pull back a really tough bow as I understood it
I've heard humans could break their fingers on trying to operate a wookie bowcaster, am I mistaken? :O
Don't know myself; maybe. Not really sure how the bow part accually is supposed to work
I guess it works like a regular crossbow, except requiring immense strength.
Although how it hurls energy as well as explosive rounds is beyond me.
I'd probably have some thing that could do it all, like a DC
The Deece's nice,but I'd love a Verpine Shatter gun--well, its not a blaster, btw. Weapon. And its absolutely silent. Very nice
--Captain Dynamic--
I would have an E-11 Carbine rifle (Boba Fetts rifle) and Han Solo's pistol.
First, Han's is a Blastech DL-44. I would like a Relby KYD-21 blaster. I think Bespin's wing gaurd uses them. E-11's are cool, but are bigger. (I like pistols)
P.S. Skiff gaurd pistols are cool too, but can somebody tell me what they're called? I can't remember.
P.P.S. E-11's are stormtrooper rifles. Boba's is an EE-3. Both by Blastech.
there we go--EE-3. knew it was blastech, and thought it had an "E", but forgot the rest. the E-11 is more of a small rifle..
--Captain Dynamic--
And as I've said before, there is nothing I hate more than small rifles. Which is why I love the DC-15.
the 15 is huge, heavy, and has a single purpose--shooting. the DC-17 has Ion-pulse blaster, RPG anti-armor, and a Sniper attatchment, and is small enough to use in the tight quarters they're likely to be in. So 'bout as good as they come....
--Captain Dynamic--
Oh yeah, Skiff Guard pistols are Blastech DL-18.
As a gal I like that the DC-17 is a bit smaller. Makes it more comfortable for my scale. I'm no 6 foot plus clone. I'm just someone trying to make her way through the universe.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I would never use the DC-15 A, its way to big, so what happens if someone pops out of nowhere right infront of you, and your gun is to big and you cant point it at them and they kill you???? I like the DC-17, it looks way cool
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i really like the skiff guards ones, theyre sweet! :D
How many times have you told us that? Stop spamming. really.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Masterchief wrote:i really like the skiff guards ones, theyre sweet! :D
How many times have you told us that? Stop spamming. really.
Yeah SPMMING isn't very good thats why i dont do it!!!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
i really like the skiff guards ones, theyre sweet! :D
Ok, as we all know this is GHF. now these are all separate posts by him (one of them has been shortened)
i would have the skiff guards blaster, :P i think there way cool! but they are a strange shape
and i would have a skiff guard blaster , they look cool, and pointy
I would have a skiff guard blaster
Notice a pattern?
Ok, so Verps are nice, but i cant call them blasters cause they shoot projectiles. I would like a disruptor pistol, but they consume to much ammo. WESTARS are nice, mabey a modded one thats more effective at medium/long range and has more ammo.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Masterchief wrote:i really like the skiff guards ones, theyre sweet! :D
Ok, as we all know this is GHF. now these are all separate posts by him (one of them has been shortened)
green helmeted fett wrote:i would have the skiff guards blaster, :P i think there way cool! but they are a strange shape
green helmeted fett wrote:and i would have a skiff guard blaster , they look cool, and pointy
green helmeted fett wrote:I would have a skiff guard blaster
Notice a pattern?
Ok, so Verps are nice, but i cant call them blasters cause they shoot projectiles. I would like a disruptor pistol, but they consume to much ammo. WESTARS are nice, mabey a modded one thats more effective at medium/long range and has more ammo.
Ok we understood the first 2 times i dont need another three more and AA a disrupter pistol would aslo be cool!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
I've never thought about blasters all that much. Because I've had some experience with swords and foils in real life, I've always been drawn to vibroblades/ vibroswords and lightsabers. a little something for you saber people. ;)
I would duel wield two repeating blaster pistols. like in my pic:
But if you want a "real" (as in from the movies/comics) blaster it would be two customized DC-15s side arm blasters: or maybe two of these:
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