Re: Signature Rating Thread
is it latin? cool slogan.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → Signature Rating Thread
A very cool motto; 8/10 for Valthonin
Seven out of ten for Mandalorian Assassin.
Hey I had like four hours to practice when I went to Chicago with my dad.
(however, it wasnt dark, we missed the 106 mile mark to chicago, we didnt have a full tank, no cigarettes, it wasnt dark and I wasnt wearing sunglasses
four hours? for what? surely not to remember one line?
no, to memorise it
but what did u memorize? just the gas-sunglass-etc? or more than one line?
I dont remember.....:(
mkay, well that line took me about 5 minutes lol.
*hides face* I've never seen Blues Bro's.
but what do you guys (and gal's) think of mine?
Goes Great with the avatar, and its funny
(GAH DECIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I got mine playing Republic commando, last night
ah that's true, even in real life. 8/10
(though i personaly prefer: Flying is easy, its the landing that gets ya.)
Nine out of ten for Adeptus.
Yours is ok, Draco i guess about 8/10
7/10 for Adeptus' signature. (I think I may need to play Halflife to fully understand the context of the quote.)
That is a sweet double kill. Ha I did something like that on Halo 3. Except with man cannons. I'd say about an 8/10.
ARC Fett, I agree with the Sweet Double kill thing; and I like the price countdown thing as well; 8.5/10.
Sev Fett, I like the insult, very cool, and I know of a few people who it could apply to. I think that the Deadpool link is the absolute best! 10/10 for the link and quote.
Hey Adpetus, is that off a new episode of Red vs. Blue?
kinda sorta, For ARC fett, 10/10 Sev 9/10
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → Signature Rating Thread
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