Re: MySpace!
What!? BFFC has a myspace? since when?
The BFFC boards will be changing soon. Take a look at the brand-new pages and start using the new version now. You can also contact us with any feedback or requests.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → MySpace!
What!? BFFC has a myspace? since when?
That's pretty cool even though I don't like Myspace as much but it should bring in more fans to the club
Added, mines
i just sent a frend request.
fett3393, yes, it's only outreach to those on MySpace who either 1) don't know about this yet or 2) frequent MySpace anyway.
ARC, yes.
Pimp-my-profile has a good myspace profile layout editor, if you want to snaz up the front page.:D
hey i got a myspace
lol i forgot i had this ghost rider pic i also have boba fett ones
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I too have a myspace:
I also sent a request, Admin.
hey nice space just sent my elmo21 in case u wonder who that is : )
Broke 100 "friends" recently. Not bad, but just the beginning.
If anyone would like to contribute graphics or suggest ideas, we could use a "friended" or "thanks for the add" kind of graphic, unique to BFFC (since we like being original here).
5 shy of 200 now. Pretty serious bunch. Only real BFFC fans and affiliates in there.
u guys are added to my friends now
Yes the MySpace page has been up for some time. Actually I found this website through MySpace. My Myspace name is Painting Faces. Good job with the BFFC page Aaron!
I'm on the friends list I think...Revan is the name, Miniguns are my game. j/k (But you would not be able to tell from looking at myspace...)
That is funky
LOL I had not heard of myspace until a few months ago.
Ooh, Top 8 just adjusted.
That is funky
LOL I had not heard of myspace until a few months ago.
Join the club.
Hey, look at that... We pimped our MySpace:
Awesome new look if you rely want it.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → MySpace!
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