Topic: Costume: T-visor help

what could i use for my t visor for my scratch built mando helmet.a tutorial would be nice if u nkow one.

Ryan vanvulkangoedwell miss you bud your gone to heavan and you will be missed...Jared and Jacob your brothers...think of this not a good bye but a see you later.....and ill bring the beers! :?

Re: Costume: T-visor help

Not sure if this would work or not, but maybe buy a cheap used motorcycle helmet from a thrift store and cut the visor to the shape? Or maybe some of that window tint stuff. Or black mesh fabric, though that wouldn't look very good.

Honestly I have no idea.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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Re: Costume: T-visor help

thnx for the ideas!

Ryan vanvulkangoedwell miss you bud your gone to heavan and you will be missed...Jared and Jacob your brothers...think of this not a good bye but a see you later.....and ill bring the beers! :?

Re: Costume: T-visor help

Welding mask shields make great t-visors.  They are fairly cheap to.  You can also goto and buy one for $10.00

Mandálii kote. Eran, vode, c'rtä! - Mandalorian Glory.  We, brothers, stand as one!
[url=]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]

Re: Costume: T-visor help

id probaully go with the welding sheild because mines a custom bulit bucket

Ryan vanvulkangoedwell miss you bud your gone to heavan and you will be missed...Jared and Jacob your brothers...think of this not a good bye but a see you later.....and ill bring the beers! :?