The only thing Bats finds to not like is the Boots they look
like Sandshoes or Riding Shoes,,
But then what would look good instead,,????
Topic: What Spoils Boba Fett's Uniform
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
66 posts
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I don't mind the boots. But a pair of combat boots would look cool.
The shoes look a little unawesome. i dont know what would look cooler sadly.
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But still, the spikes in the boots make them all the more awesome.
If you mean like sneak attack spikes, he could put those in other shoes, but anyways, i just dont like the style, they look like converseses. (spelling)
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What's wrong with Converse? YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CONVERSE! I don't like them much either.
the spikes arnt sharp.. i dont like how he doesnt have a belt buckle, how the bantha does he get it off?
I like the shoes... especially the spikes.
(Lancelot! <3)
Ha. I think the boots are awsome. I left my Fett shoes in TN, so on Halloween I wore my grey high top converse and they didn't look bad. :D
Did you dress up as BOBA FETT !! lucky you didn't come to my
House I wouldn't have let you Go !!!
I thought a good tight fitting Boots with his Skull on each side
I don't have much of a problem with Fett's uniform although combat boots do seem appropriate since he is a warrior.
i prefer a more monochromatic armor, bobas armor seems like it was collected from many warriors. ie-
yellow shoulder and knees green chest and helmet.
dont get me wrong i like it scuffed up and battle worn but would be cool to see it all one color.
i prefer a more monochromatic armor, bobas armor seems like it was collected from many warriors. ie-
yellow shoulder and knees green chest and helmet.
dont get me wrong i like it scuffed up and battle worn but would be cool to see it all one color.
Hey, if he got it from other warriors, that either A means he killed said warriors, or B he is the galaxies utimate bargian hunter!!!!!
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i agree, there is a certain appeal to a rag-tag armor collection, and having seen jangos armor in ep2, boba is a polar opposite style wise.
Hm, maybe a good pair of stilettos instead of the boots? *laughs* Just a joke. No one kill me.
I don't think I've ever really paid much attention to his shoes though. I've been too mesmerized by the helmet. *grins*
maby the shoes were on sale (ULTIMATE BARGAIN HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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I always thought the jetpack+rocket launcher was a little too much. Unless he had to destroy bunkers and jack convoys daily, that heavy backpack looks like overkill.
if you ask me his jetpack should be smaller makes him looks like hes allways leaning forwardd
Maybe he IS leaning forward that pack is so big. I wonder if he could find a smaller one with enough power.
I dont think he should, cause then he may get weaker.
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Ive always had a small problem with the wookie pelts hanging from his shoulder. It doesnt seem like Boba Fetts style to boast about his kills. Also any wookie near him who saw such a thing woulpd definitly attack him and I dont think he wants that attention drawn to him at every pass.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I don't particularly like the jetpack.
Hey, its nice to see you posting.
Anyway, I think the jet back is a good thing to use if you are a sniper.
Anyway, I think the jet back is a good thing to use if you are a sniper.
...Sounds like somebody's played a bit too much Jedi Academy... ?
(Lancelot! <3)
Jetpack is good for getting places, but the exaust would be a dead givaway. and the noise.
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i dont see a problem with fett at all...hes got pretty awesome armor clothin etc hes perfect on my standards
Well, on a scale of one to ten, his amour definitely rates a 9.75. I don't see anthing wrong with the armour, BUT (hey, it was inevitable) I think that he should re-think the Wookiee pelt things, and possibly better leg protection. The leg protection is not that bad, actually, but I'm all about the aesthetics (spelling?). Now, the pelts, those I don't like. Boba knows he's the best, everyone ELSE knows he's the best, why show off? Besides, wouldnt they get in the way in case he's trying to make a fast exit, and they get caught on some portrusion while he's jeting away? That wouldnt be very good. And there's no point in enraging a whole species of able-to-tear-arms-off creatures whenever you walk by. That's not worth the pain, I'd say. Other than those small complaints, I think his armour is the best, appearance-wise.
Karson Fett wrote:Anyway, I think the jet back is a good thing to use if you are a sniper.
...Sounds like somebody's played a bit too much Jedi Academy... ?
As far as traditional beskar'gam goes, Boba Fetts armor's okay. His ingenuity has made it work for him, with his "always have a backup plan" attitude. As far as color, I know the color Green represents Duty in Mando'a culture, and in my opinion, it's a sense of duty to his father (we learn more of the Fett's personal motivation in Legacy of the Force:Bloodlines.)
We all know that jetpack and rocket combo has saved his sheb more times then we can count.
Like I said as far as traditional beskar'gam goes, Boba Fetts armor's not too shabby.
Terron wrote:Karson Fett wrote:Anyway, I think the jet back is a good thing to use if you are a sniper.
...Sounds like somebody's played a bit too much Jedi Academy... ?
Ah, so you didn't know?
Multiplayer --> Mercenaries --> Scout-class = Boba Fett with a jetpack and a sniper rifle.
(Lancelot! <3)
That would be a dangerous combo...
Actualy a dangerous combination is:
Zombies+Ninjas+Pirates in The desert on a big mesa locked in mortal combat+Chuck Norris, with nothing but what comes attached
But you raise an interesting point, and I agree.
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I don't see anything too bad about Boba Fett's Costume.
I still think the total lack of leg protection is annoying. Just one of those things that makes you say well (for lack of a better word) GAH!
Ok, so Boba's on a mission. Say he doesnt have his jet pack. A sniper sees him, where does he shoot? The head? The chest? No, the legs, because he would know that the head and chest would be heavily armored.
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"I don't see anthing wrong with the armour, BUT (hey, it was inevitable) I think that he should re-think the Wookiee pelt things, and possibly better leg protection." "Boba knows he's the best, everyone ELSE knows he's the best, why show off? Besides, wouldnt they get in the way in case he's trying to make a fast exit, and they get caught on some portrusion while he's jeting away? That wouldnt be very good."
That's a very good point; a point that I'm sure isn't lost on Boba. Which tells me they have a VERY special meaning for him.
As usual, I have a far-out alternat expalation.
Does anyone know anything about Mando marriage rights?? Is it posable that the braids aren't battle trophies at all (or not all of them are), but a Mandalorian version of a wedding ring??
I know this one is reaching WAY out there, but it's something that came to mind as I was writting my story.
There is no canon info on what they really are or where he got them, is there?? Also, is there such a thing as a blond Wookiee??? That's the big one that jumps out at me.
The bountyhunter he had a child with, she has dark hair, right? so that could be one of those braids. The blond one. . . another flame in our favorite bountyhunter's life??
Just thinking out loud. Can anyone prove me wrong?? I'd like to know myself
Well, on a scale of one to ten, his amour definitely rates a 9.75. I don't see anthing wrong with the armour, BUT (hey, it was inevitable) I think that he should re-think the Wookiee pelt things, and possibly better leg protection. The leg protection is not that bad, actually, but I'm all about the aesthetics (spelling?). Now, the pelts, those I don't like. Boba knows he's the best, everyone ELSE knows he's the best, why show off? Besides, wouldnt they get in the way in case he's trying to make a fast exit, and they get caught on some portrusion while he's jeting away? That wouldnt be very good. And there's no point in enraging a whole species of able-to-tear-arms-off creatures whenever you walk by. That's not worth the pain, I'd say. Other than those small complaints, I think his armour is the best, appearance-wise.
Honor those you have killed. You take a trophie to show that you beat them, and that they were a chalange, that they deserve honor.
(as for the blondness, how old were they? they could have just been paled by sunlight and exposure)
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Maybe thats why he has that blond wookie pelt, because it was from a unique blond wookie he killed. So it would be a more unique trophy of sorts...
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
On the subject of lack of leg armor. Mobility is a major factor. Boba has to be able to move around. Effective leg armor would make it harder to move.
Good point Coyote 850.
'Heavy assault & superior firpower' is more my style, making heavier armor like Jango's more to my personal taste; but that's not Boba's method, and I'm good with that.
If there's anything I'd change it would be the shoes; combat boots really would look better I think
I agree.
However, the leg armour could be compensated by having light armour plating on the thigh and shin. It wouldn't be too heavy, and would still be very protective.
And V_M, if Fett indeed wore marriage braids, why would he go around wearing them in public so much? That would boradcast that he has someone special, and his many enemies would know where to strike. I suppose a blond Wookiee is not farfetched; enough tanning time can do that to a lot of people. But I still think that the braids would hinder him more than help him on the field. Just my thoughts and all.
And V_M, if Fett indeed wore marriage braids, why would he go around wearing them in public so much? That would boradcast that he has someone special, and his many enemies would know where to strike. I suppose a blond Wookiee is not farfetched; enough tanning time can do that to a lot of people. But I still think that the braids would hinder him more than help him on the field. Just my thoughts and all.
No reason to fear wearing the braids if they belong to his GFs; the whole galaxy thinks they're Wookiee pelts! :D Seriously. If they really are some kind of Mando wedding/relationship symbol, the belief that they're Wook pelts may have spawned from Boba himself; one of his 'selfmade' myths that misslead his enemies and furthers his mystique.
One other thing that makes me doubt the "Wookiee pelt Trophies" is that he has more then one (just how many does he have, 2 or 3?? Looking at my Boba Fett FatHead, but can't tell in that pose). Not if he kept them to Honor worthy adversaries. What are the odds that the only 2 creatures in the galaxy that Fett felt earned his respect would both be Wook's; and one a blond one at that :/
One for sure could be, but 2?? I think there's a backstory behind at least one of those braids that doesn't involve a Wookiee
Perhaps he just assumes, i dont know why, that say, skulls clinking on his armor mess with stealth,
once again blond because of sunlight and harsh elements. Mabey he had a bunch of other trophies, but he just prefers to wear the wookie pelt.
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Perhaps he just assumes, i dont know why, that say, skulls clinking on his armor mess with stealth
True; his available space for knick-knacks would be limited to what little room isn't taken up by tactical equipment AND whatever didn't hamper his mission (though I never believed in that story that he bacame a Journeyman Protector, leaving you to wonder where he really got that red belt. . . :/ )
What spoils Bobas uniform to me is that missle that sticks out above his head on his jet pack.To me it is a one shot wonder.
Does he carry extras someone on him we dont know about?Maybe in a chamber in the jetpack?
It would seem that it would get in the way of hidding and creeping around.
I like the arena jetpack Jango used.The stubby one.
I also think that he should have a bit more armour on his legs. It should be nothing too heavy so that he can remain mobile, but at least something more to protect him.
I also think that he should have a bit more armour on his legs. It should be nothing too heavy so that he can remain mobile, but at least something more to protect him.
Plastic Shinguards :D
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Devil Girl wrote:I also think that he should have a bit more armour on his legs. It should be nothing too heavy so that he can remain mobile, but at least something more to protect him.
Plastic Shinguards :D
Yes that would be funky especially if they were pink ;)

What spoils Bobas uniform to me is that missle that sticks out above his head on his jet pack.To me it is a one shot wonder.
Does he carry extras someone on him we dont know about?Maybe in a chamber in the jetpack?
It would seem that it would get in the way of hidding and creeping around.
I like the arena jetpack Jango used.The stubby one.
I agree with that one. Still has the missle, but it's a little more practical. It doesn't tower over your head to get caught on something.
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