Topic: alternate scene with luke and vader episode V
Vader: join me and we will rule the galaxy as father and son!
Luke: i'll never join you!
Vader: obi-wan never told you about your father did he?!
Luke: he told me enough, he told me you killed him
Vader: no, no , no, you were misled, the truth is, i'm your father!!!
Luke: well then why the HECK are trying to kill me?!
Vader: i had no choice, my master commanded me
Luke: think for yourself, stick it to the man!
Vader: i can't, i swore my alligiance to him
Luke: why would you be so stupid as to pledge your alligiance to possibly the evilest guy in the galaxy?! o my god, i would never do something so stupid.
Vader: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i see your point, say, how bout' you come with me, we'll get you a nice robot hand, get a couple of drinks
Luke: sounds good to me
luke and vader shopped for this really cool robot hand, and then got a couple of juma juices at the sarlacc bar, overthrew the emperor, luke found out leia was his sister, every body's happy, yadda yadda yadda, the end of the star wars legacy,......... well, except in those awsome books which they still have to make movies of, but you get the point............