1 (edited by Karson Fett Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:28 pm)

Topic: Poems

I should've
  I should have listened in grammar class,
now I haves an F
   I should have listen in Math class,
now I gots a -0

   I should have listened in Spelling class,
I could've paste.
    I should have listen in History class,
ya no George Washington be lass.

     I should have listened in P.E. class,
now I gots a cast.
     I should have listened in Science class,
Dang wat an miss.

              I shouldn't have listened in lunch,
ow my belly hurts.

                                                               Report Card

Grammar                                                                                -F                                                   

         Math                                                                                      -F   
Spelling                                                                  -F
History                                                                    -F

P.E.                                                                            -F

Science                                                                        -F

Lunch                                                                                            +A

Re: Poems

LOL! I like it.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.

Re: Poems

Smart, but stupid. Brave, but crazy.
Mad, but wise.    Poor, but famous.
Dark and deprest, sad and desprit.

He would fret in his poems, the guy is
                This is the darkness, the sadness of Poe.
                   Edgar Allen Poe.

Re: Poems

"Out!  Out are the lights, out all!
And over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall
comes down with the rush of a storm.
The angels, all pallid and wan,
uprising unveiling, affirm,
that the play is the tradegy man,
and its hero, the Conqueror Worm." 

Poe FTW.

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING." 
-Captian Murphy

5 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Tuesday, November 6, 2007 2:58 pm)

Re: Poems

"This is a Poem!
Please do as your told!
And here is a bucket of water,Ice-cold!
Please take this water and dump it on me!
Dont hesitate!
Do it ASAP!"
By Bill Watterson (spelling?)
I am not taking credit for this, i just think its awesome
(from Calvin and Hobbes)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Poems

It's Bill Watterson, not Jim. tongue

And yes, he is awesome.  Great poet, not just a great cartoonist.

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING." 
-Captian Murphy

Re: Poems

Anything by Poe.

take it easy baby take it as it comes

Re: Poems

Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

"This is a Poem!
Please do as your told!
And here is a bucket of water, ice-cold!
Please take this water and dump it on me!
Don't hesitate!
Do it ASAP!"
By Bill Watterson (spelling?)
I am not taking credit for this, I just think it's awesome
(from Calvin and Hobbes)

nice choice right there big_smile

Re: Poems

Take away is a game.
And you’ll want to play.
Know it sounds like fun.
Everybody does at first.
All the rules are simple.
When you’re up to play.
Alright it’s take away.
Yes, I took your turn.
It’s just the thing to do.
Since I took you take.
A fun little place have we.
Guess you didn’t listen.
A bit of a bind is that.
My game is Take Away.
Everybody gets to play.
-By Maltese Kentaiba

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: Poems

Maltese Kentaiba wrote:

Take away is a game.
And you’ll want to play.
Know it sounds like fun.
Everybody does at first.
All the rules are simple.
When you’re up to play.
Alright it’s take away.
Yes, I took your turn.
It’s just the thing to do.
Since I took you take.
A fun little place have we.
Guess you didn’t listen.
A bit of a bind is that.
My game is Take Away.
Everybody gets to play.
-By Maltese Kentaiba

Thats realy interesting. i like it

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Poems

I'm trying to get a compelation published when I've got all these poems together. It'd be cool to do a project for school and take myself as a source. Even though poets generally make less money than novelists due to a lack of recognition and sales.

I think that's the first acrosstick (spelling?) I ever tried doing seriously.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: Poems

this is off topic, but have you ever tested your signature?

(i bet they dont but still, just wanted to know)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Poems

Moving this one over to the Creative section.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Re: Poems

Moved to Creative? I suppose I kept it in fans because it's not Star Wars related but, just as good.

But yes, I did try out my signiture and no they do not accept Car Trouble. Which is ridiculous, both of our cars didn't work and we were lucky that a friend could drive my dad in for work and me to school that day. I was very much late.

To keep this post on Topic, I mean, the question probably should have been sent through PM.

Doesn’t sand burn
Ever burn
Sorrow burns
Ever more burns
Righteousness burns
Time to time it burns
-Maltese Kentaiba

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)