The Cloner wrote:Terron you must have heard about this, right? What do you think?
Thank- you.
You forgot to mention: The shooting got place in a school in a kinda small town.
Of course I've heard... You know, everybody talks about it. Less surprising, at school also.
I personally was born in the town the shooting took place... but I haven't been there for six years.
Sad, it is. <---(Yoda-talk)
Finnish schools were known for their Safeness! And now...
All my classmates didn't even come to school because of this!
Personally, I'm not afraid. I guess this won't happen again too soon. Or hopefully never again.
No one can feel safe.
Read more.
BBC news:
CNN: … index.html
Timesonline: … 828084.ece
(In Finnish:) MTV3 … /11/579452
Unbelievable. Shortly: He had 500 shots with him... Quite an ammo, right? Enough to kill the whole school!
The 'gunman's (above) name was Pekka-Eric Auvinen.
His own words on Youtube:
“I am a cynical existentialist, antihuman humanist, antisocial socialdarwinist, realistic idealist and godlike atheist. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. You might ask yourselves, why did I do this. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand. I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true. This is my war, my ideas and my plans. Don’t blame my parents or my friends. I told nobody about my plans and I always kept them inside my mind only. Don’t blame the movies I see, the music I hear, the games I play or the books I read. No, they had nothing to do with this. This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It’s time to put SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!"
ps.(Itse olen ylä-asteella, kahdeksannella luokalla. Miksi tämän suomeksi kirjoitin on koska kaikkien ei välttämättä tarvitse tietää. Koululaisille opetetaan koulussa yksityisyyden arvosta jne. Ymmärräthän.)
Космические рейнджеры 2: Доминаторы
(Lancelot! <3)