Just beat the Last level on Legendary. Sweet video at the end of the credits.
Topic: Halo 3 Baby!!!!!!!
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
69 posts
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Me and BD are trying to beat in on legendary, but we have a skull on, so the enemys have 2x their normal health, so its really hard. AND he have a skull that when you shoot a grunt in the head, he exploeds into to confettie, and you hear kids yell "Yay" skull name = grunt birhtday party" its so funny.
I love playing video games, and my bf plays them a lot and I don't mind. My thing with Halo is kinda stupid really. I tried to play the first one and ran myself into a wall and couldn't get off and ended up getting dizzy-sick from the camera spinning. It wasn't till recently that someone explained that was cause I wasn't using the controller right. My hands are tiny (no really, my sister who's 13-years-old has bigger hands than mine), and back then I was using the huge controllers and I couldn't figure out how to use it.
I totally hear you. I didn't really start playing any games untill they came out with smaller controllers. And even still I had to go out of my way to find them and pay more. I don't think they have smaller ones yet for the 360. I hope somebody makes them before I end up getting mine. I have a friend who can't even watch any of us play Halo because she gets sick. She and a few other of my friends (the girls at least) think it's ridiculous that I play and enjoy video games and totally hate that their bf's and husbands do too. That' s where I'm comming from. The first time I played I had to quit because I was inverted and totally messed up my motions. Later I figured out that you could change that. (It was definately a blonde moment).
Fett II- the vid was quite the funny. I'm glad I don't have more time on my hands because there is so much I would waste on stuff like that.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
a funny halo review. (warning language)
generally my thoughts-but much wittier and articulate.
a funny halo review. (warning language)
generally my thoughts-but much wittier and articulate.
Its funny (mostly because he's english and his voice makes me laugh) and I always enjoy crappy drawings accompanying reviews.
As for what he says though... the game is 75% multiplayer, and he didn't even try it. Which made me want to wonder why he gets paid for that stuff.
Hail to the King Baby!!
The multiplayer isn't really that innovative or amazing. Its just like the other two Halo's. What it is is 007 Goldeneye for the N64 with better graphics and now "equipment" the shield and stuff. That stuff is a minor notch on what they could have done with the game. I agree almost completly with the guy in cujo's video, its not bad, its not good....its average. Meaning that since there was so much hype, so much to look forward to, so much that microsoft promised, so much of us believing Halo could be any better than what it already was that since the game is actually just average...they failed. More was expected. Wait a month at most, it'll die down and people will accept that they waited 4 hours in line for a game that didn't deserve that much.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
yeah, but retards around the world are exclaiming it's the greatest video game ever to exist. Please, Super Mario RPG is hella lot better than Halo 3.

it seems most here have an x360 so I'll ask you guys for some assistance since microsoft is to stuck up to help. I activated my gold acount on x360 to play halo3 online, then I go onto win vista to play halo2 and it switched my acount back to silver and that pissed me right the hell off.
is this a flaw ofusing both win-live and xbox live?, Will it be $60 down the drain every time I want to play halo2 on the computer? I know most of you have never used windows live, but its exactly the same as xbox live in every way except on the computer AND DEATH TO MICROSOFT they're seriously to money hungry and rip you off every change they get.
I don't think they have a gold option for the old Xbox, do they? Since Halo 2 isn't really a 360 game, it probably just defaults to that, maybe? Have you tried playing on the 360 itself to see if it's still a gold membership on there?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
they made halo 2 vista to work with all that xbox live crap. On the old halo2 on xbox there was no acheivements, with H2 vista there is acheivments. And yes I have tried playing 360, it went right back to silver. and those b*st*rd microsoft people refuse to give me another damn trial.
Hold on now. Mabey your trial timed out. I know people who play halo 2 on the 360 over live
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah.........exactly the oposite of the microsft repair center........
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
my trial couldnt have timed out. I activated it to play halo3, five hours later I go on to halo 2 and im back to silver. I'm not a math expert infact its my worst subject, but 5 doesnt quite add up to 48
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Hey guys, I was playing Xbox Live and I unlocked the Mark V helmet. (The halo 1 helmet) It rules
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Howdo you unlock stuff? Ive been playing for a while. I is called Scary Goat.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I have a lot of the helmets. The Hayabusa is sweet! I'll add some of you guys. I is called Sergeant Soren.
if anyone is intrested my gamertag is Clone Spartan (send friend request)