I do love philosophy..........
draco fett wrote:I think that cloning is extremly sinful, as the clone has no soul, and that is not what God has intended.
How do you know for sure thats what God intended? Saying that as a definite statement is kinda unreliable. That may be what you believe, but it may not be true. How do you know the clone would have no soul? Even though, physically, the clone is identical that is not to say that they would have the same soul, or no soul. I would compare this situation to 2 people (lovers or w/e) CHOOSING to have a child. They choose to have a child and do so. When the child is concieved or born or w/e stage, we dont know for sure but eventually, a soul is imparted upon the physical body. So, when scientists CHOOSE to create a clone, perhaps the same thing happens as with the child. Eventaully in a stage of conception or w/e a soul is imparted upon the cloned baby.
ARC Fett wrote:i agree cloning is wrong, it is trying to be God by makeing a person. but trying to make body parts to replace i think is ok but not trying to creat a person
Then why isnt two people creating a baby playing God? because it says it in the bible? Thats unreliable. How do we know the bible is correct? Theres thousands of religions out there, who really knows which is right. We dont really know for sure. You may say it is fine for 2 lovers to have a child because they love each other and want a family. True. However some people have children and they do not love each other. Many children are born to ill fitting parents who have no love for each other, but had intercourse for lust and pleasure, accidently producing a baby (Not to say all accidental children are born unto ill fitting parents). So there was no love there. Yet it happened. And many of those children go on to do great things. So maybe God willed it. Just as God may want a clone someday in the future to be created and he'd place a unique soul into the body.
Maltese Kentaiba wrote:I wouldn't say the clone has no soul, it's a copy of the same soul it was cloned from. Morally it's not right at all, scientifically it's a joke, and religously it's unheard of. However, the cloning of an entire human is wrong what about kidneys or livers. What if you could clone those body parts for transplant, it would be a medical miracle.
MandalorianSpy9 wrote:i agree with cloning certain organs...but as far as cloning a human, its like chrys put it...the creating of the soul and a whole person cloned....i don't think that is morally right....good posts guys...i'm glad i'm in the majority.
{MW} MS9
Secondly (this is mainly directed towards both Maltese, Mandalorianspy, ARC's points about creating organs and crreating souls), how can you say that cloning a person is wrong, yet organs are fine? We are made up of organs! So is there a limit to how many organs we can create for one person, or what organs we can create from some person? So if organs are fine, i dont understand how the whole thing can be wrong. 2 rights dont equal a wrong after all, why would a couple more rights equal a wrong? Just because we put the organs together and create a clone doesnt mean we create the soul and put it in. Thats Gods job isn't it? Reproduction creates a child, yet God puts the soul in. We cannot. No matter how we try. We may create the physical recipient of that soul that is destined to have that soul, yet we cannot make a soul........................I think, who knows after all? There is no way to know that what I said is true or not. There is no way to know whether what you guys say is true or not. Except maybe when you meet your maker, whoever you believe him to be. But until then, if there is a God and we meet him...I'll have my notebook full of questions to ask.
And thats basically what I believe on this subject.
Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.