Topic: How are Boba's Unarmed skills?
How would Boba do against todays best fighters? ex. like a cage fighter? Does Boba win by technique and brawn or is he cunning and clever and just better suited to stealth and weaponry?
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → General → How are Boba's Unarmed skills?
How would Boba do against todays best fighters? ex. like a cage fighter? Does Boba win by technique and brawn or is he cunning and clever and just better suited to stealth and weaponry?
By fighters you mean like UFC and the like right?
Hm this is an interesting topic, since i don't the the extent of Boba's fighting ability. Even then I'd say he coudn't match u to Rampage.
I think he wouldn't with by brawn or strength, but by technique, agility, and karate chops to the neck that Jango does in Star Wars:Bounty Hunter.
By fighters you mean like UFC and the like right?
yeah, UFC, Pride, K-1, Olympic level judoka wrestlers & tae kwon do guys..
the elite.
I think he wouldn't with by brawn or strength, but by technique, agility, and karate chops to the neck that Jango does in Star Wars:Bounty Hunter.
me too. btw: sweet Lord Soth Icon. IMHO Lucas stole "Sith" from "Soth"
Really?! I never knew that...awsome. Its good that someone finally recognizes my icon tho, dont know many Dragonlance fans.
I think boba would win most if not all just because he can beat a jedi with the force and a sber while he himself has only his hands.
This may be a little of teh topic, but does boba have a lightsaber? Theres this comic, where vaders about to kill him, but he pulls a saber, and blocks it (yeah, i know its probably not cannon, it was in SW Tales i think, but its pretty cool.)
I think boba would win most if not all just because he can beat a jedi with the force and a sber while he himself has only his hands.
this is a good point. although ive always thought the jedi force was a bit overrated. all you have to do is where a mirrored suit to deflect it. but i guess the 'good' people of the jedi didnt want to let anyone in on that tip.
I don't think Boba ever beats anything in actual Canon.
The books are actual canon. They have to be approved by Lucas.
although ive always thought the jedi force was a bit overrated. all you have to do is where a mirrored suit to deflect it.
whered ya hear that?
its pretty common knowledge around the inner circles
Define Inner circle...
do you guys even read the star wars databank? i fyou have such a passion for star wars, i would think you would go the extra mile to know your stuff.
Expanded Universe novels are NOT CANON!. Lucus just gets royalties from them.
Expanded Universe novels are NOT CANON!. Lucus just gets royalties from them.
I'll believe that when I have a link. Star Wars databank considers EU canon.
Dude expanded universe just encompasses all the "officially" Star Wars license merchandise. If you believe that all of that is canon then you believe that Comic Books, Video Games, Television shows, Spin-offs, and Toys are Canon, which they are not.
The cannon includes the SIX movies and the 3 Zahn (sp?) novels. Not just any old crapmill SW product produced to steal money from the ignorant.
Sev never said that the entire EU is cannon. did he?
This will clear it up.
So basically it all depends on point of view.
I believe that certain material are canon. As long as it doesn't directly contradict the movies I would conisder it canon. But stuflike Tales and Visionaries I don't believe count. As Obi-Wan said, "Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view."
Fett was never formally trained in any kind of hand to hand combat as far as I know. He's as tough and scrappy as they come, being Street, but his skills were geared more toward ranged combat and hunting. If he were to go up against a tae kwon do elitist or a good cage fighter, completely unarmed, he would probably get mauled.... but this doesn't mean he wouldn't go down without a fight. You'd have to finish Fett to make him stay down.
He knows basic combat from what he learned on his time at Kamino. He'd still get schooled in the cage. And as unFettered said he would go down punching.
He'd know how to fight without his weapons. It's basic combat. And he must be pretty good...Jango taught him.
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