Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Wait which one of you am i fighting? I said caped figure, does Zaal have a cape? I thought only adeptus' guy had a cape.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

well. i think we both have capes. but im the only one who dived.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

53 (edited by Boba Fan Sunday, August 26, 2007 4:08 pm)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

My bad.
Zaal sprinted down the hall as the charge went off, dropping melta charges as he ran. He wanted to get to his Thunderhawk before they detonated. Turning the corner, he put his helmet back on. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. Drawing both bolters, he slowly advanced towards the gunship. Anyone waiting for him would rove fatal if he wasn't careful.

"Just because Boba is smarter than Jango doesn't mean Jango is retarded."

54 (edited by Mandal_ShadowWarrior Sunday, August 26, 2007 5:24 pm)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Name: Darth Creaus
Class: Sith Master
Rank: Darth Vaders Apprentice
Armor Color: Durasteel armor, blacker then the darkest night, Helmet has a triangle shaped visor, thats the color of dried blood. Black cloak, w/hood
Woc: Lightsaber (red)
Woc2: Disrupter pistol
Secondary: Four class-B Thermal detonators

Over seeing the conquering of the last remnants of the outer rim Darth Creaus forces where attacked and now he was repeling borders in one of the main hanger bays, killing them by the dozens with the force and with his lightsaber. A Space Marine came at him with a chain saw, he cut the chain saw in half and did the same to him, 4 heaver type Marines unloaded from there ship (thats the ship your goin to boba fan), and started to fire, he stoped the bullits in mid air with the force and sent them flying back to there shooters, killing them.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Mattias blocked a slash with his powersword.He swung at the merc with the xeno blade, the blade fragmented into a thousand living shards as he swung, he could not see the merc's face, but he could almost sense the look of suprise on his face, the merc would have to roll, because  if he didnt, the shards would kill him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Zaal paused. He saw a Dark Figure with a red glowing sword cutting down Space Marines.
Grabbing bolt pistols he spun then once around his fingers before shooting. The melta charges were set to detonate in three minutes. The blast would most likely destroy the hanger for sure. He had to deal with this threat quickly.
' All men on board the Thunderhawk' he spat into his vox 'I'll take care of this'.
And with that he fired a hail of bolts.

"Just because Boba is smarter than Jango doesn't mean Jango is retarded."

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Taigen threw himself to the ground and rolled away from the caped figure, dodging a killing blow. He strapped his A280 blaster rifle beside his jetpack and decided that since he would be fighting against weapons like these he would use his two wrist mounted vibro blades, their cortosis weave would help. He did consider his lightsaber however but he only used it when necessary. He lunged at his enemy and they began to duel at an increadible rate since they both had two melee weapons. Taigens weapons, being smaller but quicker, had started on the defensive looking for an opening, yet his foe was also quick with his own blades.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

The blade reformed, and Mattias struck again, the powersword swinging in an arc, as his opponet blocked the strike, he swung with the xeno sword, the blade fragmenting again.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

He lunged and dodged another attack of the fragmenting blade. At this point he decided he better take all the precautions necessary, he unhooked his lightsaber and brought it in front of him. He didnt have the skill of a Sith Lord or Jedi Master since he didn't have knowledge of the force, yet he never went into battle with a weapon he couldn't use. He had much training with his powerful weapon, although he preffered his A280 blaster rifle anyways. He then began to use both his vibroblades and his lightsaber.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Mattias wasnt suprised by the energy blade, he had seen things more outlandish, he swept out with his powersword, and stabbed with the xenoblade.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Taigen blocked the powerswords blow with his lightsaber and deflected the xenoblade with one of his vibroblades. This left his foe's torso open, however Taigen did not have enough time to deal a killing blow so he kicked him.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Mattias dived to the left, realizing he could do more damage with his pistol, he back pedaled, replacing his xeno blade, and drawing his pistol, he opend fire, tracers streaking twoard the merc
(Mattias uses bolt like bullets, so they explode after entering the target, for added damage.... not as bad as the bolt, but still not a very good thing)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

63 (edited by Mandal_ShadowWarrior Monday, August 27, 2007 2:08 pm)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Leaping over the hail of bolts, Creaus knocked down the Marine that was fireing on him with a force shove. Then force runing over to the power conduit that feed the energy field that kept them from being sucked out into space, and slashed it with his lightsaber, Hurling them all into space.

(my armor is vaccum-sealed)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Taigen ran. His first experience with the bullets had not been an enjoyable one. His mando iron helped him escape the deadly bullets being fired by the caped figure. He turned a corner and came upon one of those little black robots that led TIE fighter pilots to the hangars. So he thought what the hell, and followed it. Maybe it'll lead him to the hangar containing his YT-2400 class ship, the Apocalypto was waiting for him.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

65 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Monday, August 27, 2007 6:02 pm)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Mattias sprinted after the merc, still flowing him, he picked up a blaster from a dead stromtrooper, not grabbing a bolter, because the recoil would might break his wrist. He fired, and one shot hit, but it hit the armor of his target, and did minimal damage. If the merc saught to escape, he would need to get past an Imperial blockade.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Floating freely in space, Darth Creaus used the force to hurl himself back to the space station . As soon as reached it, he begain to cut threw the hull with his lightsaber.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Taigen ran after the little black robot, the caped figure close behind. He had picked up one of the stormtroopers' BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle and was firing it repeatedly at Taigen. There was no chance a standard issue weapon could pierce his mando iron however. Yet Taigen still began to fire back at him while they ran. Eventually Taigen's more tactical armor had allowed him to gain some more distance on his pursuer. At one point Taigen simply picked up the little robot, ripped out its memory core and downloaded its blueprint information into his helmet. He now had a detailed lay out of the Death Star in his helmet. He tossed the now unresponsive little robot down a random shaft as he heard footsteps nearing. He anticipated his foe's arrival and tossed a thermal detonator down the passageway towards him.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

68 (edited by Boba Fan Monday, August 27, 2007 7:48 pm)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Grabbing on to the nearest object, Zaal clung to it as hard as he could. Slowly he climbing into the Thunderhawk which was still in the hanger. As he boarded, he removed his helmet. Only a handful or marines remained in the gunship. 
As the ship left the hanger, the melta bombs detonated, taking a large portion with the ship with it.
Flying back to the station he was certain he wouldn't let the jedi get away.

"Just because Boba is smarter than Jango doesn't mean Jango is retarded."

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Mattias caught the grenade in mid-air, and threw it into a hatch he was passing. He was almost close enough to use his sword, he continued to fire though, purposly missing his target, to give the impression of greater distance.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Taigen came upon one of the huge empty voids in the Death Star that linked to many levels. He had been running the blueprint data in his HUD and saw the passageway 4 stories up that would eventually lead to his ship. He looked down and saw only darkness. He looked back and saw his pursuer coming nearer. "This guy doesn't give up does he?" he thought to himself. He jumped in the direction of the passageway he needed to go to, 4 stories up, and activated his jet pack. This propelled him over the chasm below and onto the next hallway while sending fire and billowing smoke down the passageway his pursuer was in. After landing on the platform he looked back downward and tossed another thermal detonator into the smokey hallway.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

is it okay if i jump in too?

Name: giup burmu
WOC 1: YU-95 blaster pistol, 3 VB-4 thermal detonaters, 500% body armour and a D-HJ flamethrower
class:Bounty Hunter

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.

72 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Wednesday, August 29, 2007 7:21 am)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

(we dont mind if you join, but could you kinda fill out the 'sheet' thingy like it says. just use the edit button. also theres alredy a bounty hunter so, i guess the closest thing is a mercenary.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

Where did everyone go?

"Just because Boba is smarter than Jango doesn't mean Jango is retarded."

74 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Friday, August 31, 2007 7:02 am)

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

(i dunno. but whats weird is that this happend on In space no one can hear you scream, just after green joined.....)
Mattias lost the merc, he yelled in anger as he saw somthing fall to the ground near him, he realized what it was, and sprinted, the grenade exploded, and the blast knocked him to his feet. He had barely escaped, as he had so many times in his carrer

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: Boarding action (Rpg : Empire vs Space Marines)

What do you mean you closed the distance? I was four stories up.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.