Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)
Valthonin heard Darus' message and relayed it to his ARC troops. They, naturally, were ready for more and gave the signal that they were good to go. Valthonin first headed to the closer hills to the East and moved towards the formation uploaded onto the LAAT's display. He had decided to do this the easy way this time.
"Orbital bombardment ready?" He asked the ships orbiting the planet.
"Yes the ships are in position again, sir. Upon your signal we will fire upon the uploaded coordinates." Replied the ships commander.
"Alright then, we've reached an observation distance. I can see the generator from here as well as the troops defending it. Do it."
"Very well."
The increadible force of the barrage severly weakened the troops, and also the generator. The LAATs moved in and took care of what was left. The ships commanders voice came in over Valthonin's commlink.
"Thats it sir, hope it helped. However we need to focus on the ongoing battle so for the next generator your on your own im afraid."
"Very well." Valthonin responded and set course for the next hill formation to the West. He would pass by the battle on the way to see its progress.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.