Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Valthonin heard Darus' message and relayed it to his ARC troops. They, naturally, were ready for more and gave the signal that they were good to go. Valthonin first headed to the closer hills to the East and moved towards the formation uploaded onto the LAAT's display. He had decided to do this the easy way this time.
"Orbital bombardment ready?" He asked the ships orbiting the planet.
"Yes the ships are in position again, sir. Upon your signal we will fire upon the uploaded coordinates." Replied the ships commander.
"Alright then, we've reached an observation distance. I can see the generator from here as well as the troops defending it. Do it."
"Very well."
The increadible force of the barrage severly weakened the troops, and also the generator. The LAATs moved in and took care of what was left. The ships commanders voice came in over Valthonin's commlink.
"Thats it sir, hope it helped. However we need to focus on the ongoing battle so for the next generator your on your own im afraid."
"Very well." Valthonin responded and set course for the next hill formation to the West. He would pass by the battle on the way to see its progress.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

A THX, tore through the carnage. Its Blaster canons blazing hiting its enemys hard enough to crack there bones, and hot enough to go strait through them, its missles fireing hiting four Space Marine and incinerating them on the spot, its beam canon pulsing blue, beheading a number of Space Marines as it passed, its cooling systems barly keeping up with the heat of the gun. The THXs hatch burst open with commando units charging out, Blasters spiting plasma all over the enemy, somtimes piercing there armor and wounding them. The commando units finished off what ever enemys the THX had missed with there heavy ordnance. "Sir, this Havoc squad, sector five-alpha is secure." Said one of the commandos into his comlink. Darus replied: "Very good sergeant, move to zone beta, Cammand out. Roger that, said the sergeant, Havoc squad, lock and load!

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

All the guns stopped at once, the chaos marines stood perfectly still, and the clones stooped in confusion, soon, all eyes fell on the Titan, they saw a figure emerge from a hatch onto it's shoulder. A voice bust from the figure, and the speakers on the outside of the Titan. "All hope for you is lost, This planet will soon be over taken by the Warp, then you will be in our relm. The only hope for you is to lay down your arms, you will be spared" Rykol knew this was a lie, some would be enslaved, others killed, and some even used to make more Chaos Space Marines. The rest would be slaughterd as sacrifices to the Dark Gods. 'You have seen what we can do, if you resist you will all die." Some seemed acctualy convinced, lowering their weapons. Abbadon truly was like Horus before him, a master warrior, and a master irator.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Devon watched with awe as Abbadon spoke as ever their was a liveing god of chaos it was now standing on the shoulder of the titan.  Devon used the lull to order the rest of the Iron Warriors Land Raiders and Predators to sweep into a further arc out of sight of the Clones onto a small ridge about two kilometers behind were the first wave of Land Raiders had attacked the Juggernauts.  some of the Land Raider drivers found that makeing high speed passes in between the Juggernauts was extremly effective as the sides of the vehicals didn't have the ability to bring as much fire power to bearas the front and rear of those massive vehicals, the sponson mounted twin linked las-cannons were effective in dissableing many of the Juggernauts leaveing them sitting ducks for the artilary.
     Still on fire Devon walked back towards the remaining Marines of his squad, out of the middle of the squads of clones that he had been fighting he emmerged dripping with blood he then picked up a bolter off the ground tunred and faced the clones that he had just walked past.  He would stand faceing the enemy until they gave-up all together or Abbadon gave the word for merciless extermination. Even the Berserkers were waiting not wanting to disobey the one.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Rykol launched himself back into combat, he would have stood as still as a broken Titan, but Abbadons plan had failed, a squad of Iron warriors had attacked prematuely the commander would die. if not by Abbadon's hand then by his.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

To his horror a squad from his Leigon was attacking befor Abbadon had commanded, all in that squad must die. Charging back into the fray he aimed the bolter and fired over the clones hitting an Iron Warrior in the haed dropping him instantly, blue blaster fire bounced off his armor causeing him to turn his attention back to the clones.  Seeing Rykol on the move was as teriffing to him as to the enemy as he caught glimpses of the Dreadnaught utterly destroying that entier squad. 
"Land Raider's of squadron two attack."  Devon gave the order, it was the last he would ever give Rykol plowed into him impaling him on a leg spike then the Dreadnaught looking up he saw the flamer pointed at his head red-yellow flame spewed out covering him in an inferno of purrifing flame.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i killed you...hello promotion.. smile jk)
Rykol pickd up a dead Marine, he held him out to one of the Cultists that seemed to enjoy following him and said "You, prim these grenades" The cultist primed the grenades, and Rykol threw the corpse at a gunship, half the shipe dissapearing in a flash of white, as the grendes detonated the melta charges the marine had.
(pls make a new character....)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Legion:World Eaters
WOC:Chain Sword
WOC2:Chain Axe
Secondary weapon:Bolt Pistol

     Lucius was enthralled at the carnage all the Blood for the Blood God and skulls for his throne after the Iron Warriors attack before Abbadon had commanded had allowed them to close the distance on a lot of the clone troopers.  Useing the chain sword he could cut through enemies with ease with no helmet he was drinking the blood of the fallen as he went bolstering his frenzied state of mind.  raceing through the enemy lines he saw to him what was the equivalent of the holy grail the triage where the clones had brough their wounded.  With the stringht of Khorn himself running through his veins he began the slaughter. … art-01.jpg
(My new charicter)

59 (edited by Adeptus_Astartes Thursday, August 23, 2007 5:36 pm)

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(why does your character remind me so much of Lucius from the Horus heresy?)
Rykol continued to charge, as the planet was almost completly swalloed by the warp he rampage through the clones killing them with ease adding more and more bodies to the spikes that coverd him. He would make a good Khrone worsiper, he had collected many skulls this day if he was lucky Abbadon himself would see his talent, then, Ancient Rykol would be a curse on many imperial worlds, and he would be almost as feared as the Warmaster

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

((That is were I got my insparation.))

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(great...crazy insane...tratorus, and think Rykol should be noticed by Abbadon?)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(Yes he was reveered enough to get encased in Dreadnaught armor and is slaughtering everthing in your path.)

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Rykol continues to charge and kill everything in his path. It had gotten to the point where some were running when they saw him come their way, they were to late, bolts from his guns tore them apart, he aimed to maim, not to kill, he wanted them to die slowly, or kill them in close combat.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

After killing the medics Lucius took his time slashing some, others he took a more personal approach biteing their throats and drinking their blood, all the time lost in the moment, frenzied and derranged the atrocities that he put upon the other's is far to grim for words. Some begged others were to wounded to react but all were to be killed in the name of the blood god.  After the killing of the wounded Lucius saw a new prize to be had he would try to take over a Juggernaught.  Seeing one slow to drop off more troops he sprang at the oppritunity slashing and shooting his way on board.  Once inside he would turn the silver metal deck and walls red with blood in the name of Khorn.  The first trooper he encountered fireed at him blue energy washed over his armor he grabbed him by the back of the neck and beat his head against the walls until his helmet broke spraying everything close with blood, another trooper was rushing him fireing away but Lucius's armor was demonicly posesed and the blaster shots were haveing no effect with a flick of the chain sword he made a cut right through the troopers mid-section, dropping the bolter he reached into the troppers wound to pull out his liveing guts he looped a section of small intestine around his neck then lifted him off his feet strangling him.  With that sight the other troopers in the area retreated not wanting to face this demon in here.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(Wizerdofcars your teeth should be cracked or broken cus you just tryed to bite threw a stab-proof materiel that can with stand a vibro-sword, enless  of course your a demon thats invincible, just like all your other troops.)

(clones dont surrender like this, they are fanaticly loyal to the Republic)

The AT-RTs closed in on the Dreadnaughts. Moving to fast for one of them to train there heavy bolters or las canons on them, circleing around them repeatedly fireing there blasters and grenades into the Dreadnaughts armor intill it finally succumbed to the enemy and fell to the groung. The sqauds used these tactics repeatedly and they proved to be quite affective against them.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(( Space Marines under go phisical alterations that include ceramics in their diets makeing their bones and teeth harder than normal men and their saliva is acidic and slightly poisonous. It has been written that if captured an put in a cell with steel bars a Marine could chew his way out in only a few hours.))

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Rykol, contunied to slaghter his foes in close combat, buning punching and ripping through them, shots became more and more foucused on him, but it was as if the Dark Gods themselves defended him, the shots sarmed around him, only a few gaining a direct hit. a LAAT circled over head, trying to drop soldiers near him, he fired a salvo of missles and it went down in a trail of fire. He would make Abbadon proud.
(just because they fall back does not mean they retreat, it could be a tactical withdrawl, to get to a better position.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Valthonin's forces flew by the battle and Valthonin took the opportunity to get a perspective of who was winning. He saw the portal, it did seem weakened. It was flickering uncontrollably and less troops were coming through. He also saw a giant titan thing descending upon the battlefield. The last generator had to be destoryed NOW. However even then, they still had to fight the enemy troops that are already throough the portal. They stopped by the field base to resupply and get more troops, didnt take long. They flew until they saw the hills Darus spoke of and this time they decided for an arial attack instead of a ground attack like the first time. They came up to an outcropping in the rocky hills and saw the generator along with the same number of forces as the last two generators. The LAATs began firing upon them as well as the ARCs within them. Thermal detonators were being dropped and taking out large chunks of their infantry however they were still taking many ships down. Valthonin then suddenly noticed a rocket coming straight for his LAAT.
"BAIL OUT!" He yelled. The piloting clones didnt have enough time, but the troops in the personnel bay as well as Valthonin himslef leapt out of the LAAT just as it exploded. Valthonin cuchioned their drop with the force. They were the only ones on the ground so they would be targeted first. The demonic troops charged their position and the ARCs took out many but Valthonin was quickly neck deep in the fray. His lightsaber was killing countless of their kind. Their armor has neevr met with a weapon such as the lightsaber. The arial troops provided cover and cleared a path for Valthonin to run out of the mass of enemies. He force sprinted while also force pushing groups of enemies out of his way. The demonic troops were eventually overwhelmed and once again, killed to the last man. Around 14 LAATs had also been shot down. The remaining LAATs then focused their combined firepower upon the last generator and destroyed it. Valthonin then ordered the team to return to the battlefield to assist in the battle.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

"KILL THEM" Rykol's vox screamed in his sarcofogus and he turned and made all speed for the generator, he saw figures charhing twoard the battle, and he opend fire,knocking soldiers away from him, his guns roared and missles screamed from their pods, the gate flickerd slightly, and seemed to fade, the stream of marines chrging from the gate has began to slow drasticly, the gate was at its most vaunrable, with only one generator holding it. and that generator wasnt even fully functional. Ancient Rykol knew that even if the gate was shut these soldiers were doomed, the mouth was closing,so to speak, the planet could not escape

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Wait wait wait, theres another generator?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(have you played dawn of war, the new one? when fighting the CSMs there are multiple objects driving it, like 6, this is just two. its alot less. and the tide of marines is realy realy....slowed.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

After exiting the Juggernaut Lucius saw Rykol leaveing the battle feild, he knew that the Dreadnaught with countless more centuries experiance than him was heading for something very important but what he wondered to himself. Then it occured to him the genorators they had been held on this plane not realizing that the enemy was trying a vain attempt to stop the warp from overtakeing this world.  Looking arround he spotted a landed Land Speeder Typhoon belonging to the Red Corsairs, running up to it Lucius threw the pilot out and proceded to take off following the Dreadnaught.  As clones began to regroup in the wake of the giant war machine Lucius told the gunner to wipe them out in the name of Khorn.  The unfortunate side effect of fireing missles at ground troops was that it left a good trail back to your position, a missle fired from a clone struck home the Land Speeder went down the gunner was killed on impact, Lucius servived but he was pinned under the craft his left arm below the elbow was pinned, useing his chain sword he cut off his arm, the clotting was almost instant.  At least he was now close to the Dreadnaught, slinging his sword onto his back he pulled his bolt pistol and proceeded after Rykol.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Rykol was getting closer, and closer to the figures, one of them was torn into chunks by his heavy-bolters and the others dived for cover. Absent mindedly grabbed a normal clone, and threw him at a passing LAAT.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

Fireing past the Dreadnaught he was missing more than he was hitting dropping a few clones.  But the loss of his left arm was distracting he would need an artifacer to make him a sutibal replacement back on the fortress ship.

Re: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

(er...what happend to you on Will of the emporer?)
Rykol charged and shot a gout of flame at a robed man, some how, the flame curved around him. Rykol activated the energy feild on his arm, mostly used for vehicles, and swung at the man, he held up a blade and blocked it, the blw sent the man stagering, and he fell, Rykol turned his attention away from him , and picked up another of the puny warriors, impaleing him upon some empty spikes, the man's screams horrible and gurgling.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]