Topic: Boba Fett costume templates
If u have any templates post links to them here for the beginner costumers please...
e-mail me for a gauntlet template or others at
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Creative → Boba Fett costume templates
If u have any templates post links to them here for the beginner costumers please...
e-mail me for a gauntlet template or others at
Heres a gauntlet template for everyone to print [img]LTBFgauntletFP-windows picture and fax viewer
Nothing came up for your image up there. ^ As you can see, but try getting a photobucket account, it's free.
But here are some ankle spat patterns. -> … 1175911444
I went to Jo-Ann and bought some grey twill fabric and sew-on velcro.
All you have to do with that pattern in open the file, and do Ctrl+P on you keyboard. The pattern will be the correct size printed out on an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of printer paper. I'll post a pic of my ankle spats if you'd like.
e-mail me its easyer and how do u get a photo bucket acount
also yes post them up please
no ones post ing any yet do u have a photo shop if u do how do u get an acount
jodo kast did u make that helmet or...
Mandalorian Mercs Tutorial/Template Library
[EDIT: Link to no longer works.]
That should help you guys out. I've got a ammo belt and leather holster tutorial that should be up soon also.
what are templates??
templates are sorta like blue prints that u can print out .our templates are Boba fett armor go to the link above to see some templates.
"The Mandalorian Blueprints"
jodo kast did u make that helmet or...
my avatar?
no, that's a photo touch-up by...Mandal_Shadowwarrior (?)
oh well it looks cool u should make a helmet like that ...
actually, if i were to make one it would be Jodo Kast's helmet. (to go with my character...)
yah that would be cool too...
but, i don't have the time for that sort of thing...
Here s some gauntlet blue prints I found on the net I hope they work !...
I know its a really big pic!!!!!!...
that's kinda abstract, aye?
cool blueprints
a good referance for a fett gauntlet is in the 12 " figures ill post a pic of my almost finished right fett gauntlet made out of card board and fett armor...TOMORROW SO U SHOULD REALLY CHECK IT OUT PERFECT FOR A REFERANCE ON A GAUNTLETS SHAPE...
it's tomorrow...
are the templates for ure costume that novill talon are helping you with?
but my freind made gauntlets out of theme
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