I would prefer Black with a midnight blue trim
Topic: Colours of Mandalorian Armor
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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If i comes in a black and silver that would b mine
LOLp.s I did this in 30 seconds I timed myself
It needs something more ... like a "Hello Kitty" emblem somewhere haha
This is my newest armor set. I like the way it looks
What'd you use to make that?
I can't draw, but mine would be gunmetal, red and orange trim.
[i]Cogito, ergo armatum sum[/i]- I think, therefore I'm armed.
I would like one that was Pink and Black, or lime green and Black. But that would defeat teh purpose of trying to hide somewhere. lol
Incase God doesnt show
What'd you use to make that?
I can't draw, but mine would be gunmetal, red and orange trim.
if yours asking me. Thats one of my sets from Star Wars Galaxies
I need to get galaxies. Is there somehwere I can download it, or just have to buy the CDROM?
[i]Cogito, ergo armatum sum[/i]- I think, therefore I'm armed.
I like this combo. I have a full set in the green and black but i mixed it up with a diffrent type
I need to get galaxies. Is there somehwere I can download it, or just have to buy the CDROM?
um i think starwarsgalaxies.com has a free trial download. Other then that you could probably buy the newest version at some game stores
Does, for future reference, try not to post twice in a row, this is considered spam, use the edit button instead.
That Mando Samurai was freaking sweet!
He has been good about it so far let it fly.
sorry about that. I will try to keep that in mind
Im thinking black under part, red armor, white slashes across chestplate (like on sev's helmet from republic commando)
to Dose: My freind, who showed my this website, double posted when he got on first. its fine, most people do it accidentaly, you just are new here so dont worry about it, just try to use the eddit button next time,
cool mando armor guy in that picture
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
There is no limit to the color possibilities.
Choose your warrior(es)
[ADMIN: Link to mercs.firespray dot net/gallery/index.htm no longer active.]
[url=http://mercs.firespray.net]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
My favorites there are Taglar Dreskk, X, silus Cath, Exar Koontz, Novall Talon, Jun Garros Fett, Eagleskull, Resse Fett, Ram Zerimar, Bern Hoda and Ordon Tal

This is my newest armor set. I like the way it looks
Nice contrast. Looks really sharp.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
My favorites there are Taglar Dreskk, X, silus Cath, Exar Koontz, Novall Talon, Jun Garros Fett, Eagleskull, Resse Fett, Ram Zerimar, Bern Hoda and Ordon Tal
We have another member who is working on an awesome gold/light copper set thats gonna be really nice to. Thanks for the complements! We all put alot of time, money, and heart into our armor.
[url=http://mercs.firespray.net]Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club[/url]
mine would be Boba's helmet with the clone troopers' armor.
(see my avatar for helmet look...)
the armor would be hmmm...gray?/black?/white?
i'll get back to you on that in a few days...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
i like jango's.
matt black or very light grey with leopard spots like in a afnfic i did.too long for me to type.
Black, with white rip marks on the chest, red T visor and dark grey undersuit. extra gear like bobas, but in a more fitting color scheme.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
mine would be Boba's helmet with the clone troopers' armor.
(see my avatar for helmet look...)
the armor would be hmmm...gray?/black?/white?
i'll get back to you on that in a few days...
mine would be Jodo Kast's armor without the jet pack.
it would look...sleeker...more acrobatic for my Jedi moves.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
what does savvy mean?
thanks draco
do you savvy now, Green?
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
???? sorry i got confused what it ment :|
Try Google: http://www.google.com/
k i'll look it up definetly this time
good boy.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
is there a template or somthing you can use online to color mado armor, that would be cool, somthing like this.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I dont understand what savvy means! ( head exploding ) :O
draco fett wrote:Try Google: http://www.google.com/
You can use Google to look up words. Savvy just happens to be a word.
i know what it means now anyway. lol :D
me thinks some one is a little obsessed with the word savvy....
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
me? i am totally not obsessed with the word savvy, geeeeez! :|
It is a joke. A joke is a short story or ironic depiction of a situation communicated with the intent of being humorous.
lol i know what joke means draco. lol
It is a joke. A joke is a short story or ironic depiction of a situation communicated with the intent of being humorous.
although said "joke" isnt always humorous, it can still be considered a joke, as it was meant to be humorous.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i dont take jokes sometimes
ok.... but is there somthing like that where you can color a set of mando armor online? like that link above?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i hope so...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
I remember star wars.com has a game where you can color scenes from ep 2 and i rembemer thedentedhelmet.com had a thread where there was a blank pic of boba and you just download it and color it with like paint. Adeptus i used that painter to when i for my spacemarines!! :)
same here, i wish they could make the mettalic colors look more mettalicy though,
thanks for the info
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
lol, is mettalicy a word? :D j/k.
probly not
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
yeah, it is not a word, i was right, lol :D
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