and he didn't become the best bounty hunter, that's what Boba did.
Topic: Mace Windu vs. Boba Fett
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
203 posts
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draco fett wrote:He did not train Boba, and he never killed the Kryat Dragon, he ran from it. In Tales From Jabba's Palace, another bounty hunter kills one with a single shot.
He did kill it u @$$hole
Lol yet again another pathetic insult im starting to dislike you. If you want to say somthing make a point dont just try and insult someone for expressing his point of veiw. As far as i cna remember i dont think jango did kill the Kryat.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
He did not kill it. Re-play the game and see. Jango had no way to kill it; he was weaponless. Gustavo, what is the point of your insults? If you do insult someone about a possible factual error, make sure you are correct, as you are not.
Gustavo_Perez wrote:draco fett wrote:He did not train Boba, and he never killed the Kryat Dragon, he ran from it. In Tales From Jabba's Palace, another bounty hunter kills one with a single shot.
He did kill it u @$$hole
Draco's right he ran from it, he didn't kill it. Only because, if I remember right, his weapons were taken from him by Gardulla.
You don't remember right. At the end of the level, he throws Gardulla to the dragon and then kills it.
and he didn't become the best bounty hunter, that's what Boba did.
Well Jango was the best in his time.
Gustavo_Perez wrote:draco fett wrote:He did not train Boba, and he never killed the Kryat Dragon, he ran from it. In Tales From Jabba's Palace, another bounty hunter kills one with a single shot.
He did kill it u @$$hole
Lol yet again another pathetic insult im starting to dislike you. If you want to say somthing make a point dont just try and insult someone for expressing his point of veiw. As far as i cna remember i dont think jango did kill the Kryat.
Well considering it didn't take any effort to insult Draco, I don't care how pathetic it was. It doesn't matter whether you like me or not, dislike me as much as you wish. Besides, I'll make an insult if I want to, don't tell me what to do. And Jango did kill the krayt dragon he kills it at the end of the level.
He did not kill it. Re-play the game and see. Jango had no way to kill it; he was weaponless. Gustavo, what is the point of your insults? If you do insult someone about a possible factual error, make sure you are correct, as you are not.
Actually I think you're the one who needs to replay the level. He kills it at the end. There is no point to mine,or any, insults. Just say one when I feel like it =). And besides I am correct.
knowing what Mace Windu is a Jedi an what he done to Boba's father
he may just come out on top an just bearly
Does anybody know about what could have been in Revenge of the Sith? Boba Fett was originally supposed to kill Mace Windu. There was a story board of the fight and everything. In the shot where he kills him Boba is on his back on the floor and shooting up at Mace Windu as he decends down upon him and nails him right in the chest. However Lucas decided against it because he thought that Boba Fett would have been too young at the time to kill a Jedi such as Mace Windu. Also, little addition here, i dont know if anyone else knows but in Return of the Jedi in the sarlaac scene while the hover ship with Luke, Han, Lando etc. flies away at the end, there was originally supposed to be a segment in which you see Boba Fett escaping from the pit. However Lucas thought that the audience was supposed to be focused on Luke's victory over Jabba, and not Boba's return in this particular scene.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
yeah, that's extremely old news. Plus, Samuel L. Jackson didn't want a "low-life" like Boba Fett being his cause of death. And we all know Boba Fett escapes in episode 8.
Episode 8...
there is no episode 8....
Unless you're going by Supershadow. (Lunatic). *Cough cough*.
Welcome you two. Its blessing to see new faces! Came and injoy the boards and chat room.
Man it would have been soo cool if Boba killed Mace....... and got his revenge.
They are not new, they have been active for months to a year or two.
Yes, Boba should have gotten revenge.
i agree with valthonin. i have seen it too
And we all know Boba Fett escapes in episode 8.
Just curious as what you mean by that Fett_II? Typo or are you referring to something else? Or are you just joking?
so then boba would win
Boba would'nt win he's too young (give him 10 years then let him have another shot at it) as much as i hate to say it
Mace would have killed him if Palpatine had'nt walked in.
Age is not relying on canon in this conversation. Palpatine let Windu best him as part of his strategy.
indeed, to make himself appear weak in order to seduce Anakin to the Dark Side and believe that the Jedi were plotting to overthrow him.
sorry guys the reason i said "so then boba would win" is so the conversation sparked again
anyway i still think boba would have killed mace if not for palpatine
I agree dumb old Palps wanted to kill him himself!!!!!!
There are many "what if's" here. Mace is reported as being one of the most powerful Jedi ever, and that is how he attained a spot on the High Jedi Council at such a young age, the youngest untill Anakin came along. He was also the only master of his lightsaber form Vaapaad. This would make him quite the foe to Boba Fett even in his prime. Yet there is still hope for those who root for Boba. Through out the Star Wars Universe there has been Jedi assains and non-force sensitive individuals that have killed Jedi. Perhaps those were not those of Mace Windu's level, but Jedi nevertheless. Boba Fett is a carefull planner and pays very close attention to details. If Mace Windu and the Jedi Order had continued to be a force in the galaxy an adult Boba Fett could have talken down Windu or another Jedi of his caliber.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
boba would eventually beat mace
Like he could of in the young adult series
Boba was almost killed in the young adult series.
Why does everyone always mention Boba's figth with Mace when they're talking about how good Fett is? He didn't do anything to Windu in that fight. Palpatine saved his life when he intervened.
Actually boba almost froze mace in the fight shot him with glancing blows from the gun hit him a few times and stalemated him at the end. If u reread it boba had his flechette pistol pointing at mace and mace had his lightsaber ready to strike boba. But if u remember how long it took for mace to strike palpatine then boba has a very high chance of shooting mace windu before the blow connects. Plus because of boba's armour it would have protected him from an attack. It did earlier in the fight several times.
Mace could have beheaded Boba. No armor on the neck.
Bobo Fett the clown,not getting killed by Windu is not the same as stalemating him.And you said it yourself, he hit him with "glancing blows" and those punches probably didn't amount to much damge towards Windu.
i can't choose between my favorite Jedi/character in prequel trilogy and my favorite bounty hunter/character in original trilogy/overall favorite character!
don't make me choose!
(kidding...Boba Fett all the way, baby.) :cool:
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
Ehh...Mace Windu is a pansy. Sure, he's a well esteemed Jedi Master, but we're talking about the most feared bounty hunter the galaxy has ever seen.
I'm going with Fett hands down. At his peak, he would have demolished Windu. Let's face it, Windu is no Shaft, he's a girlie man with a purple lightsaber.
Star Wars Roleplay forum
Lol he dose have a point.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I don't think that the fight between a teenage Fett and Windu is valid as testimony in this hypothetical. I really think that its about each of them in their prime, their top physical form. Boba was not yet at his battle hardened self. Plus during that fight his motivation was very emotional. When Boba took his emotion out of the equation he was a much better fighter. Emotion get in the way for almost everyone but the Sith. Older Boba was far less emotional in a fight.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
the Sith use their anger, the Jedi try to distinguish it. my best bet is that Mace would win.
btw the way obiwan blocked flames in the clone wars and boba could beat him but not at 13 maybe 25 earliest
Let us all remember that it took trechary and a distraction to kill Master Windu.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I just played SWBF-2 as Boba Fett, on the all hero vs. villain in mos eisley battle, and I didn't die the whole time. I killed Mace and the other jedi like 10 times each. But that is unrealistic (or is it not?). Boba Fett would jetpack to a high place, fire his gun at Mace, and while Mace was concentrating on blocking, Fett would fire his missle. Mace would barely get out in time with the force, and Fett would flamethrow him while Mace was shell shocked. Mace would survive by force pushing Fett, but barely. Fett would roll, throw a grenade, fire some more, shoot a poison dart while Mace was rolling from the grenade, it would slow him down, then Fett would hammer him with his blaster in one hand, flames flying from the other, and it would be too much for Mace. Fett would use his wristcord and wrap him up, and deliver the finishing blast.
its unrealistic, Mace could just yank him out of the air, knock away the missile, and use force speed to escape the blast
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Ehh...Mace Windu is a pansy....Let's face it, Windu is no Shaft, he's a girlie man with a purple lightsaber.
LOL, VERY funny Revan Reborn!!!
O.K. I think Boba Fett might have a bit of an unfair advantage in this depute since this is the "Boba Fett Fan Club" but yeah I can't help it. :) Go BOBA it be a close fight but I think Fett would come out on top. :D
-Boba Fett-
Hey "peter5158" you have an AWESOME signature :D
-Boba Fett-
Kind of obvious huh?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Haaa haa ha that was hilarious :D but so sad at the same time :(
-Boba Fett-
J. fett, when you post, try to say something on topic. If you want to say something unrelated, feel free to use the chat room. Thanks. :D
I'd say Windu.
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