Hey I dont know who top address this to but I would love to have a avatar. I was thinking about a punk rock boba fett that would be so cool. If not just anything would be cool. Thank you
Topic: Avatar Requests
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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Hey if you look back from the start of this tread you will come across quite a few.
Can someone Resize this
I would love to made an avatar for myself and to help you guys make avatars for people (I've got free time). I just don't have the proper software. If anyone could link me to a good free picture editing program that would be very helpful. Thanks

Rengaw, waht kind of Avatar would you like?
I think I'm going to make my own avatar in Microsoft Paint ... I'll let you know if I need any help. Thanks ARC
Hey man try not to double post. Thats spam.(not the food kind)
Sorry about that, I deleted it.
And I have some avatars I made but don't want anymore. Some of them look pixely (if thats a word) but they are some cool images. I guess they are "up for grabs" as elementary school kids put it ...
could some one get me a picture of boba fett, holding his helmet, but instead of his head its a predator's? (like from the movie Predator)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Can I get this as an avatar?
i was wondering if someone could do a custom Mandalorian helmet shot with, like, an Emerald green on the visor in place of Boba's red.
thanks so much.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
Can someone shrink this and make it Boba?
can some one shrink down the top half of this?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Looks like we had a back up of avatar requets. So I tried my best to throw as many together as I could in the time I had today. Just tell me if you wanted something different, but I probably won't get it done till tomarrow or sometime this week most likely...
Jodo Kast =
Adeptus =
Volk-Ordo =
Everettj = or
Hail to the King Baby!!
thanks, so much!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
I had to try Adeptus's request because it was very... orginial. Had some trouble resizing this 1 to a visable image, but think it's ok..
Original =
Avatar =
Hail to the King Baby!!
thats nice, but, i meant more of the predator face, without its mask, if thats to much trouble, that one is nice.
great job on the necromancer one though thanks
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
anyone tell me how to get an avatar?
you can upload one one the profile page under personality, then click browse and select it from the file thing that opens, for that to work you need to have an image thats compatable with the requirements saved to your computer
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Take you pick of any on the thread or request one. Like me, And no one has filled it!
you press browse, then you find your picture then you click it, the bar to the left of the browse button should have stuff in it, then click upload
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Can someone shrink this and make it Boba?
please can someone help me find an avatar that is big enough to fit in the boards :( :( :(
I told you to look at some along the thread!
can someone please tell where to get an avatar thats big enough to go into the boards, ....sniff, sniff :(
As Karson said, three times, you can request one. You can also look for them on Google, Yahoo!, etc.
but thats to high for the D*** thing to go in :(
What's too high for what damned thing?
you have to hav a various height and lenth but all the avatars i've tried there all that
That made no sense. Try re-reading your posts before submitting them. The avatars have to be no more than 60x60.
post it here, and some one will resize it for you
to draco: actualy it did make sense, to me at least, he means that the avatars he has tried are to big/small or whatever
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I don't think having them too small is a problem, I've seen a handful that are too small. In fact, yours Adeptus, looks like the height is smaller than 60 pixels? It might be the actual file size that's the problem, in which case all the image needs is some compressing, but I'm not sure how to do that.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Alright first let me say to Karson... sry I forgot you in my last batch, I was trying to get them all. But I did get it this time, and I think it came out ok.
Karson =
Adeptus I tried using the Yautja head and it came out ok, but I still like the helmeted 1 better... but hey, u decide....
Adeptus =
^^ Caps were used to get his attention. The last few posts directed towards him did not seem to get through to him...
Hail to the King Baby!!
fetterthanyou please can you find me an avatar , that is small enough to fit in my boards? thx, green
fetterthanyou, can you please find me an avatar to fit in my boards?
Green, posting twice in a row is spam. Right above your posts, Fetter offered to make you an avatar if you request one. So if you want one, ask for a specific avatar. He isn't going to look for a random avatar for you. Oh, and Green, this was atleast the fifth time we have tried to help you. I suggest reading every post.
Fetter, posting in capitals was pointless, because Green only reads the first line in posts.
i can read you know fetterthanyou. i'm not thick. :|
Why didn't you read the last part of his post?
i did, and fetterthan you heres the link, Renegade%20Daleks%20(22)
can someone get this get to 60x60 ? Renegade%20Daleks%20(22)
Green, posting twice in a row is spam. Also, you might want to give a link to the picture.
fetter the link is http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.redders-daleks.com/graphics/JPG/Renegade%2520Daleks%2520(22)
You might want to get a link to the actual picture, as people are not going to search for it.
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