if canon boba was gay...i would have an issue with that.
and i consider myself enlightened...i have no issues with the gay community,
but dont make them the source of my fandom.
Topic: Robot Chicken: Star Wars
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
139 posts
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Gustavo, this board has rules, and it limits the "freedom of speech" very clearly. Your last post, especially with "firing [us] up," wasn't welcome here.
Manji_Ninja, I just asked Jeremy to drop by. We'll see.
Does Jeremy have an account?
if canon boba was gay...i would have an issue with that.
and i consider myself enlightened...i have no issues with the gay community,
but dont make them the source of my fandom.
yes exactly my point nicely said. about the episode i really liked the part with the space slugs. lol
for those who have not seen the special, the whole shebang is posted on adult swim website.
LINK: http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=8a25c392132567540113259bc3e6001d
I personally loved the scen with the spider-looking guy from episode IV and the Cantina scene from point of view. Freakin' hilarious.
"What the hell's an Aluminum Falcon?"
Yes, that was awesome. <I love your hair, where did you get it done?> "He doesn't like you!" <WHAT?!>
Thank you for the link Fett II :D
Though for some reason I can not get it to work
It shows an advert, tries to show the special but says there is an error, it then shows another advert before trying to show the special again before failing
That’s it I am throwing the toys out of my cot now I was not bothered about seeing it but now that I am interested I can not see it.
Devil Girl- Hopefully youtube will work for you then! :)
Quality isn't great, but it's better than missing out on it!

Devil Girl, Fett II and Manji, we linked to a better-than-adultswim.com, better-than-youtube.com link about a week ago at http://bobafett.com/news/tv/robot-chicken-boba-fett-episode/ to superdeluxe.com. But, if we're not hosting it, chances are good stuff like that disappears quickly.
Consider subscribing to the news RSS feed since we track down only the best sources for BFFC News.
Fett II, yes. Jeremy, who has been involved with Ask Jeremy, has been invited.
Thank you so much for the link
That was so funky, I really enjoyed that :D
Thanks BFFC, I probably will subscribe then :)
yea, sadly the superdeluxe link did disappear, they now tell you to go www.adultswim.com and watch it there. If you can't watch the entire thing at once, you can individually watch the clips. some of the clips go onto the second page. ill construct a list of scenes in order so u can watch it the way the rest of us have.

The clip is now on YouTube:
Robot Chicken is my favorite show. I thought the Star Wars episode was hilarious. They even made fun of Boba Fett "You go your hands out, almost like you're begging" hahaha
robot chickens class! :D
"....i gotta get that transfer to the death star"
and thats all i have to say for now
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
oh, a little heads up for everyone who hasn't seen it yet: The entire episode is on YouTube in 3 parts. good quality, so it's worth a watch. just search "robot chicken star wars special".

Fett_II, you can just as easily provide a link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=robot+chicken+star+wars+special :P
to the whole if boba was gay talk earlyier. Well I personly wouldnt care it would take some time for me to except him for who he is but I would expect that eventualy.
ty admin, i wasn't even thinking about that.
Fett_II, you can just as easily provide a link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=robot+chicken+star+wars+special :P
I like the one with Gorge W Bush.
ive seen that one, its class! :D
"you will get me a taco"
"yes sir"
that one was realy good but i liked the what really happend after the death star blew up, mostly right at the end ".....i love you to"
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
LOL :D Robot Chicken is hilarious, the Admiral Ackbar scene is the BEST!!
LMAO, i watched that bit too many times to count!!!
i liked the one with the guy who got his arm chopped off in the cantina,
and on a different subject I think a gay boba would kinda be funny to see, but i mean like the realy realy gay boba, like stereotypical gay.........purple/pink armor, but still totaly badass
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I think they ruined Fetts image!!!!!!But still FETT ROCKS OUT LOUD!!!
I would never forgive GL if he made Boba fett gay
I would never forgive GL if he made Boba fett gay
he didnt, but still, it would be funny to see a stereo typicaly gay boba.
I wonder how it would affect the character if he was gay...
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
personally, i loved when Leia says: "that was so wrong." and Luke smiles.
also, everything else.
funniest thing since Futurama!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
ITS A TRAP!!!!!!
also, the part where the dude from cloud city is dancin to the starwars music
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Admiral Ackbar cereal! yay!
Empire on Ice!
i also love when Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon drop the lightsaber...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
I know im a bit late on this thread, but I just wanted to say I so enjoyed the RC SW special. I was floored by the Boba Fett/ Han Solo skit. My girl kept yelling, "You see! you see! I told you Boba Fett was (expletive deleted) gay!"
Then I disintegrated her.
...who's gonna do my laundry now?...
Uh.......a robot???
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah, I wasn't too incredibly happy with their portrayal of Fett there...
C'mon, you people need to learn how to take a joke!
Just be thankful that Star Wars doesn't attract yaoi fangirls.... or does it? >:D
I can take a joke, yeah, but that one with Fett just wasnt very appealing of a joke to me. I liked the first bit, but when he took the helmet off, it all went downhill for me. I don't imagine Fett to be gay, that's all.
Well, I bet it if was Leia talking naughty to... Oola the dancer none of you guys would be complaining... ha ha.
Ummm yes. Because generally I find that sort of stuff distasteful...
Yeah, I wasn't too incredibly happy with their portrayal of Fett there...
Don't get me wrong I thought the skit was hilarious, admittedly the gay part too. Sigh...that makes me a traitor doesn't it?
...Im sad now...
Mandalorian Assassin wrote:Yeah, I wasn't too incredibly happy with their portrayal of Fett there...
Don't get me wrong I thought the skit was hilarious, admittedly the gay part too. Sigh...that makes me a traitor doesn't it?
...Im sad now...
No, it makes you some one who will laugh at their favorite (possibly) fictional person, then go on totaly spazing out over every thing awesome about them
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Good point Adeptus. I'm jut not good with protrayals of characters that do not exactly parallel the norm. Call me narrow-minded, I'm just weird that way.
found another link to it.
Robot Chicken sounds cool. Never seen it but sounds funny.
Know this post is a bit dead, but I just saw RC, It is hilarious. Found the gay Boba a bit disturbing, but it is just a joke, and it was pretty funny. Anyone see the part where Boba and Han are giving each other the finger in Cloud City? That one's pretty amusing as well :D
Ha! I didn't catch that. Have to watch it again.
Has anyone seen the Zuckuss Robot chicken one? lol, Zuckuss is a tv presenter, lol :P
yes, it's a spoof of Late Night with Conan O'Brien, guess who does his voice?
Superman? lol, no, tell me........ :P :D
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