Boba's past is really fuzzy, first off was his name really Jaster Meeral, i thought he was the one that helped Jango to become a Mandalorian. Also was Fett a stormtrooper in the Imperial army. There are many things in his past (and possibly future) that need cleared up.
Topic: Fett's Past
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
114 posts
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Boba was never Jaster. Some people think he's Jaster, and Boba doesn't discourage that, so as to keep his past a mystery. Some sources say Boba sometimes wears Jaster's armor, so that might help with the rumors. In reality, Jaster is kinda-sorta Boba's grandpa. (If you look at Jaster as Jango's adopted dad)
And, no, Boba was never a stormtrooper.
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According to cannon, Boba is the clone son of Jango. After his father's death he became a bounty hunter.
Of course, that is what is cannon. I am sure many Fett fans hate it. If Boba was Jaster though, he would be very, very old in Episode VI. He would be at least 70, but more likely 80.

Yea, I guess, I guess his past is just not suppose to be fully known!
Oops, I just made a reply in another topic that would have fitted better here.... But what I said was that some people are saying that Boba WAS Jaster at some point (probably during his teenage years) but Jaster was also his own separate person. Basically, Mandalorian Jaster and exiled-JP Jaster are two separate people, the latter being teenage Boba in disguise. What I wish is that someone with authority (like a character manual or something) would come right out and say which is correct.
BFFC Moderator
I don't like that theory. Why would Boba pretend to be Jaster in his teens? Why would he go back to Concord Dawn to pretend it? Besides, I read somewhere that Mando-Jaster was exiled, I think it was Open Seasons but I'm not sure.
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I agree, it wouldn't make much sense...
I don't beleive in Jango. I don't think Fett was a Mandalorian. And I certainly don't beleive he had anything to do with the Clone Wars. Yeah, it's oldschool of me, but I just HATE how Lucas treated Boba's past, and didn't read page one of any book in his own expanded universe, as stated before in another thread. It's kind of rediculous when books written before the prequels on the characters and the technology of Star Wars (the essential guides) have to be edited and re-released, as if Lucas' word is the word of God. I hate it.

I like how Jango asked for a clone of himself, he knew he wouldn't live for ever (especially in bounty hunting!) so he wanted someone who could carry on his legecy. Plus, Jango might have hoped Boba would maybe someday reconstruct the Madalorian warriors.
Did you play Bounty Hunter? I love how it sets up why Jango asks for Boba. :D
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I really need to play some more on that game. I'm still stuck at the part where the dudes shoot you with rocket launchers every time you open up the door (I think it's like Level 7 or 8 or something.)
BFFC Moderator

I beat the game, it took me forever to kill Vossa though.
I wish I had gotten that game... I rented it once, and it rocked! But I never got to purchasing it... :(
Chrys have you gone to Gave FAQs yet? And one of the things I do, I use the Bounty Scanner to check where people are (you know how it says No Bounty" when it hits someone, that's how I know where they are) and then I memorize it and blast the hell out of the entire area where I remember they are and then check to see if they're still there, and if they are I inch forward one tiny little step and then blast again. And if they shoot the moment you open the doors, get a grenade or something ready and the moment the doors begin to open toss one through and run.
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Does this game work on computers, or only the X box, play station stuff?
Don't have x box or play station, but the game sounds cool enough to warrent an early birthday present, plus, I don't think the DH would complain if I brought one int he house. Still, if I can get if for the computer, more the better.
I don't think it's for computer, as far as I know it's only for Gamecube and PS2. I have it for Gamecube. But who knows, they might have released it for pc lter on. I checked Amazon but they have a really bad listing, they had the PS2 one but not the Gamecube one and no computer. lol
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Well, my brother's several levels ahead of me so it's clearly possible to do. I've gotten all the way up to where you have to kill the droid in the hanger, but then I died and had to start over. I think my main problem is that, first of all, I'm used to adventure gaming, where there is basically no skill involved, and secondly, that I only play every few months. So I have to relearn everytime I play it. Kinda makes my reflexes slower than they should be.
BFFC Moderator

It's a good game and you should buy it.
The only weapon that I ever use (not counting the wip-cord launcher, and scanner for collecting bounties) are the dual Westar blaster pistols. I usually (unless there is a bounty) just blast very thing that moves, and some that do not. I once got
"enimies killed:65" and "non-enimies killed:81."
lol! I try not to hit non-enemies, but sometimes you can't help it. I usually use the blaster pistols for everything too. Though I do occasionally like using the sniper rifle and the rockets.
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I like how Jango asked for a clone of himself, he knew he wouldn't live for ever (especially in bounty hunting!) so he wanted someone who could carry on his legecy. Plus, Jango might have hoped Boba would maybe someday reconstruct the Madalorian warriors.
I like that idea. I think the whole "Boba is Jaster" is stupid. Boba is a clone of Jango.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
thesithlord wrote:I like how Jango asked for a clone of himself, he knew he wouldn't live for ever (especially in bounty hunting!) so he wanted someone who could carry on his legecy. Plus, Jango might have hoped Boba would maybe someday reconstruct the Madalorian warriors.
I like that idea. I think the whole "Boba is Jaster" is stupid. Boba is a clone of Jango.
Yeah, I agree. Perhaps in a future book Boba will clone himself as his father did... Hm... That could make an interesting fan fiction...
See i got the whole stormtrooper thing to early on, but for some reason i always called him a drop out shock trooper. So, is there actually a unit in the galatic empire with that name?
(BFFC Moderator)
I assure you its been done. I am one of many Fett-children authors.

Cool, it would be nice to have Boba fett live on in a clone.
.....I lost my self.....JEDI RULE! GO KOTOR!

Your obviously not on the same page as we are.
I dont mind the jedi, well the regular jedi, the majority of the council memebers(sans Kenobi and Plo Koon), seem a bit conceited.
Those are probably two of my favorite Jedi aswell, but are are you saying Grandmaster Yoda is concited?
I don't think Yoda is. But Mace is certainly the King of Concitedness.
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Yoda just rubs me up the wrong way,well in the prequels. I dnt mind him in the OTC.
My least fav Jedi(the jedi i dispise), is quinlon vos. Have you heard the way he talks about clones?He dislikes them, dispite he hasn't met many and becasue of what they where created for.
Yoda just rubs me up the wrong way,well in the prequels. I dnt mind him in the OTC.
My least fav Jedi(the jedi i dispise), is quinlon vos. Have you heard the way he talks about clones?He dislikes them, dispite he hasn't met many and becasue of what they where created for.
Who the heck is quinlon vos?????
Do you have a pic?
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I like Quinlan Vos, though I've only read maybe two of his comics.
And, Boba Dude, Quinlan Vos is a comic book character who was mentioned briefly in ROTS when Obi says, "Master Vos has moved his troops to Bos Pity." Here's a pic:
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Yeah, I agree. Perhaps in a future book Boba will clone himself as his father did... Hm... That could make an interesting fan fiction...
I have to kill myself if that happened. But first I'd kill whoever did it. *Narrows eyes*
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Boba cant have a clone son. His legacy will live on in resurecting the mandalorians.
No, Boba changing nappies and feeding a baby would just be so wrong.
Boba cant have a clone son. His legacy will live on in resurecting the mandalorians.
No, Boba changing nappies and feeding a baby would just be so wrong.
You make a ver good point, and I would rather not think about the the second part.
Bah. I like Vos better than most Jedi. And as it just so happens, I like Mace too. He's got good reason for acting superior.
I could see Boba cloning himself. But raising the kid himself? Never. He'd probably let it be raised by droids or something. On the other hand, he's Mando. And as we all know, Mandos are obsessed with kids. I don't know... I could see him parenting, I think. Just not very well.
Are you kidding? I'd love to have Fett as a father.
"Shooting range, now! That grouping is dispicable, you expect to kill people with an NPA like that?"
"Yes Daddy." *looks ashamed*
I like Quinlan Vos, though I've only read maybe two of his comics.
And, Boba Dude, Quinlan Vos is a comic book character who was mentioned briefly in ROTS when Obi says, "Master Vos has moved his troops to Bos Pity." Here's a pic:
COOL!!!!!! he looks fearsome.......
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
COOL!!!!!! he looks fearsome.......
......and hot. ;)
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Boba Dude wrote:COOL!!!!!! he looks fearsome.......
......and hot. ;)
I would agree if I weren't so attached to my boyfriend. ;)
Boba could take care of a baby. If Ichi the Blind Swordsman can do it, so can a bounty hunter.
BFFC Moderator
Miba wrote:Boba Dude wrote:COOL!!!!!! he looks fearsome.......
......and hot. ;)
I would agree if I weren't so attached to my boyfriend. ;)
Boba could take care of a baby. If Ichi the Blind Swordsman can do it, so can a bounty hunter.
Do you still have the same boyfriend???????????????
if so you have had him since the old boards......
-Boba Dude
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Yep, we've been together for almost 11 months now, thanks for remembering. :)
So the timeline I'm gathering at this point is:
1) Teenager Boba meets D'harnan and hunts Jedi
2) Teenage Boba visits Concord Dawn at some point and becomes a Journeyman Protector under the name of Jaster Mereel
3) Fenn Shysa and Tobi Dala join a group of new pseudo-Mandalorians led by some psycho clone who thinks he's Fett (this is from Wookieepedia)
4) Something about the Emperor forcing these new Mandos to go to war, and all end up dead except for Fenn and Tobi?
5) Boba gets kicked out of Concord Dawn and goes back to bounty hunting, meets Han; pre-"George's interference" timeline resumes
Is this the way everyone else understands the current info we've been getting?
BFFC Moderator

"You are one sad strange little man" Buzz
Dang BFFC Chrys!!! 11 months! jeez, hey at least you have a BF i have never had a GF but i'm working on it! YAY!!!
I've been with my BF almost two and a half years. :P
And as for Arc getting a GF, aren't you still a kid? I say wait a few years first. :) I didn't get my first BF (which is the one I've had 2 1/2 so far) till I was 16. And I'm happy it turned out that way.
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Dang miba! yeah so what if i'm a kid? it would be kind of cool for a GIRl to like me, and me to like her which i do. and Boba dude might have GF (Punk)
I think what Miba meant was, Chrys is older, so she has a higher chance of having a boyfriends than of you having a boyfriend, not that you shouldn't have a girlfriend because you are younger. I do agree, but then, I also slightly disagree... It really depends. I know a few 10 year olds that have girlfriends, but you have to know a relationship like that won't last very long.
Miba wrote:I've been with my BF almost two and a half years. :P
And as for Arc getting a GF, aren't you still a kid? I say wait a few years first. :) I didn't get my first BF (which is the one I've had 2 1/2 so far) till I was 16. And I'm happy it turned out that way.
I really think thats none of your buisness. But it's up to Miba to say.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!

Boba Dude wrote:Miba wrote:I've been with my BF almost two and a half years. :P
And as for Arc getting a GF, aren't you still a kid? I say wait a few years first. :) I didn't get my first BF (which is the one I've had 2 1/2 so far) till I was 16. And I'm happy it turned out that way.
I really think thats none of your buisness. But it's up to Miba to say.
yeah boba dude you moron! just kidding but i also think that its none of his buisness
BFFC Chrys & Miba
I am sorry............... It is none of my buisness
so never mind the question I asked you both..
*sniff sniff* :(
I'll just delete my postes...
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
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