I'm torn between. They're both good but I think doom marine would win, yes Boba is tough a kick arse but he never took on the super natural forces of hell. Although if it was Boba Fett in the shoes of the Doom Marine the forces of hell probably would have just been beetin quiker, ok i think fett would win.
Topic: Boba Fett vs Doom Marine
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
8 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestBoba is faster has cooler stuff (jetpack flame thrower better armor.........posible lightsaber im gona need to confirm that) and he faced darthvader in combat at least once and survived
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yeah Darth Vader not Satan and his minions
The marine never saw satan...............ever the worst he saw was the cyberdemon, and if you mean doom3 then he has an invincible cube of death. also he had a ton of high explosive weapons
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

The cyber demon is still much tougher then vader, but the worst the first marine saw was the cyber demon, The worst thing the second marine saw was the Maledict which is practicly Satan as he controled the demonic invasion. And does Boba not have tons of explosive weapons? probably none as powerful as the Big ****ing Gun 9000. Fighting a half robotic man with telekenisis(spelling) is much easyier then fighting a 2 story high half robotic demon with big arse rocket launcher firing three at a time. Although I think Boba would have done a better job at killing the demons he could not beat the marine. Any three of the marines
ok.....the first marine is awesome............ i think he would beat boba, the second.....maby..........and the third, well he had a demonic heart, possible help from an angelic entity and, he died, the only reason hes not in Maledict's stomach is Maledict's own stupidity. but aside from all that i agree with Karson
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