Re: Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Jango died by Mace's blade because his jetpack was damaged when the reek trotted over him. Otherwise, Jango would have flew away just in time.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Bounty Hunters → Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Jango died by Mace's blade because his jetpack was damaged when the reek trotted over him. Otherwise, Jango would have flew away just in time.
Jangos skill is just masked by Boba Fetts skill. He is a worthy character with skill ranking above most Jedi Masters.
he does not rank above Jedi masters. He was able to kill one, with a cheap shot. In a one-on-one battle, just about any Jedi master would kill Jango.
he does not rank above Jedi masters. He was able to kill one, with a cheap shot. In a one-on-one battle, just about any Jedi master would kill Jango.
It wasn't a cheap shot actually.Trebor managed to deflect the first few.
I haven't seen Episode II in a couple years. Didn't he try to tske Trebor by suprise? If he did, it was still a cheap shot, but the Jedi was able to sense the attack.
Yeah but you'd only call that a cheap shot for Jango,draco.
I would call it a cheap shot for anybody. I have called Boba's actions in "Overkill" dishonorable, and unloyal.
You did?Well,I guess it was a bit cheap...but we should keep it to ourselves,eh?
I, while not being the biggest star wars fan, know ow the scene played out, and I haven't seen attack of the clones in over a year, maybe two. Trebor, jumps down in front of Count Dooku in an attempt to capture him. Jango, simply standing over to the side, shoots at him. Trebor simply fails to block all the shots. Not cheap, unless you call not openly challengeing your enemy to 1 on 1 combat cheap.
Hell yeah, He was friggin' Mandalor!
And as Mandalore, the Mandalorians were decimated.
True....... Ordo did the best job as Mandalor.
he does not rank above Jedi masters. He was able to kill one, with a cheap shot. In a one-on-one battle, just about any Jedi master would kill Jango.
Listen...I REALLY don't want to have to bring out that one time when Jango killed a bunch of jedi with his bare hands, some of whom were masters, but you seem to keep forgetting, so I must remind you yet again. So obviously, not any jedi master could beat him one-on-one.
it wasn't cheap draco, jango simply had the tactical advantage. By the time Trebor got on his feet and took out his saber, Jango would have already made his kill.
Jango was not that bad, yea he died in a crappy way but the bounty hunter game was awsome, now dont get me wrong he was no Boba Fett but he was pretty cool
Jango died by Mace's blade because his jetpack was damaged when the reek trotted over him. Otherwise, Jango would have flew away just in time.
Really his flame thrower sucked all the fuel from it. If you watch episode 2 one more time you will see his jetback start and then dies, because he had used all his fuel.
no, flamethrower and jetpack fuel are different. when the reek trotted over him, you see sparks come from his jetpack, ergo it was damaged.
Well thats what says.........................I gess draco's right ..........or your wrong!
Jango is GREAT! He took down that Jedi easy, and could have had Mace AND Obi-Wan! Was sad when he went down
Except there is no way he could take down Mace and Windu. Trebor wasn't that great of a Jedi master.
Anyways, Jango did not kill Vosa, and the honor that he passed down was not just his, it belogs to all Mandalorians.
???? what? Oh, well technically....he had her beaten, and could have killed her. Dooku just finished it.
Never even knew that Jedi had a
I think Jango is very worthy of the Fett name. Not so much from what we saw in Ep. II, but based on what we know about him in the EU. Keep in mind, Jango didn't get the same shake Boba did.
Boba got TWO films, one scripting him as the sucsessful hunter who tracks Han. That's his only real achievment in the films
Jango only got ONE film, and every meaningful spot he was put in was against essential-plot characters. He DID handle Obi-Wan pretty well *and could easily have looked a lot better with some improved writing,* and he more or less held his own against Mace considering the situation.
Based on just the movies, Jango looks like a better AND smarter fighter then Boba. Throw in the EU, and I'd say they BOTH are much more wothy of the Fett name
To be fairly honest, Jango Fett was the greatest bounty Hunter of his time. Hell, Jango taught Boba everything he knew, wouldnt that be a valid reason for him to be called a "Fett"?
Well, not EVERYTHING Boba knows, but it seems pretty obvious that Jango didn't hurt Boba's chances to become the galaxy's Greatest bounty hunter
To be fairly honest, Jango Fett was the greatest bounty Hunter of his time. Hell, Jango taught Boba everything he knew, wouldnt that be a valid reason for him to be called a "Fett"?
I'm with you on that one. Jango was the greatest hunter of his time, and likewise, Boba was the greatest of his time. Like father, like son. If Jango wasn't all that great, then why would Boba care to live up to his name?
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Bounty Hunters → Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
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