I say blood because no one could paint like that!
Topic: Sev's colors blood or paint?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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Could you provide an image?
Here is Sev,the Republic Commando:
I think that is paint made to look like blood.
I'd say paint. Thank you for the image.
blood! if it were paint it would be more a distinct mark.
Hm. You could have always checked out my avatar...
But I say paint. Either way it is very menacing. Hoorah for Sev.
If it is paint I wonder what kind! Although if it were actual blood wouldn't it turn brown after a certain point as the iron in it oxidizes?
I think it's paint, blood would eventually wash off.
Besides he has red on his hands as well, I'd say they are his own paint marks made with his own hands.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I think it should be blood, but Sharra Fett is right actual blood would turn brown after a certain point as the iron in it oxidizes.
It may be like Trandoshan blood which may lack iron... :rolleyes:

Remember... Sev is on of the deadliest Commandos. So he might have been outnside the cloning area when he was not traning! There is no telling wha he could have done. Also look at them marks around the visior!
It may be like Trandoshan blood which may lack iron... :rolleyes:
Trando blood is green
You mean to say it's copper-based like a the Vulcans'? Or is Trando bllod based on some other element?
It looks like he was in his armor, dipped his hands in paint and then dragged his fingers across the mask. It then dripped slowly and it has slightly gotten lighter over time. Definately not blood... unless he keeps re-applying it...
Hail to the King Baby!!
It looks like he was in his armor, dipped his hands in paint and then dragged his fingers across the mask. It then dripped slowly and it has slightly gotten lighter over time. Definately not blood... unless he keeps re-applying it...
I like the blood idea, seems more like sev, but there wouldent have been enough blood, droids dont bleed blood, and trando blood is green, unless he got it some where else........
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hehehe.....I bet he poked Scorch with a needle while he was sleeping.....

Ha. I think he could have got set in stains to!
I'd say paint, because, in addition to the reasons stated above, there is not a single drop on the visor. Unless he took time to wipe it off completely (which does not seem like an intelligent choice in that situation), there would still be drops or smears.
I'd say it's got to be paint, cause it would flake & turn brown if it was blood. Still saying it's paint means Sev must be very artistic to get looking like that :D

I'd say paint, because, in addition to the reasons stated above, there is not a single drop on the visor. Unless he took time to wipe it off completely (which does not seem like an intelligent choice in that situation), there would still be drops or smears.
The visor cleans its self.
I'd say paint as well, but knowing 07....
Definately not blood... unless he keeps re-applying it...
Heee! Sev, Sev, Sev. I wouldn't put it past him! :)
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Paint. He had it at the start of the game, right? They would not do that in training.
As a painter and artist I would have to say paint. It wouldn't take too much to get paint that color or to get the effect of smeared blood. It most likey was a decision on Sev's to have it look so menaceningly ( Yeah I Know that's not spelled right).
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Cool, hey ya know, I think that the blood might be from the wookies!
Well, I think its kinda hard to get the exact color of blood. So im gona have to say paint, because he has it all over his guantlets as well.
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Well in the game there are some rainy situations on Kashyyyk. If it were blood I think that it would change in some fashion, running, fading for example if it were to get wet. Just like in Cast Away, Tom Hanks has to "refresh" Wilson's face.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I think it is paint because in the making of Republic Commando they say that the colors are deliberate designations so that makes me think paint. But my other post is just an argument why I don't think it could be blood. Or at least not blood with out some other medium mixed into it to make it more stable, especially on the smooth armor surface.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
That is going on the premas of human blood, if it were alien of sort what if it had some mild acid that etched the armour and caused it to stain and perhaps it stared orand and then turned red once dry, and water was not a base ingediant why not an oil of sort, oil and water don't mix.
definitly paint i wonder what happened to him
Sev...........................The ending of RC made me angry.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Hopefully True Colors will explain! WHICH IS COMING OUT THIS OCTOBER 30th!!!!!!!
That is going on the premas of human blood, if it were alien of sort what if it had some mild acid that etched the armour and caused it to stain and perhaps it stared orand and then turned red once dry, and water was not a base ingediant why not an oil of sort, oil and water don't mix.
That would be blood that has similar chemical properties to many paints I have been exposed to. That totally could a possiblity.
I agree with Adeptus. I disliked that ending. I CAN'T WAIT for True Colors. I like answers.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
It's some alien blood that lasts forever, never oxidizes but retains its color despite environmental conditions. Case closed.
1st. it could be paint because, think of the other markings in his Squad.
2nd. it could be blood (like his first kill) and he put a sealent or varnish over it so it doesnt flake or oxidize or turn brown
Counter point:
2: Varnish is can slightly gleamy, snipers dont want to be seen, shiny varnish=easy counter-sniping.
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Counter point:
Sev didn't care if was seen he would just bash there head in, or stab them to death.
Counter-counter point:
How do you bash an enemy sniper's head in when he is in exelent cover and 200feet away with a high powered sniper rifle aiming at the shiny varnish on you head?
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uh....you dont?
he take them all out before they can see him
Camoflaged robot= very little signs. as in, no breathing, not moving, not twitching. Aim is very acurated, shiny varnish would giv away position, then, even if he some how detected a sneaky robot, (and if programed, robots can be VERY sneaky) he has the horible afflictions of humanity, breathing, slight shudderes, and then, he may shoot at somthing he thinks is the robot, but isnt.
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his helmet is sound proof, and i dont think Sev would shoot at somthing that he wasnt 100% sure of being the enemy. Hes not an amateur.
his helmet is sound proof, and i dont think Sev would shoot at somthing that he wasnt 100% sure of being the enemy. Hes not an amateur.
Well, then he would be dead. You cant always take your time. If there is an enemy sniper, he/she/it may already know where you are. You need to react fast, or your [CENSORED!]
Also, I didnt mean the sound from breathing, I mean the slight motion.
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