Topic: What if Anakin...
What do you think would have happened if Anakin sucsesfully jumped over Obi-Wan in episode III?
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Serious Geeking → What if Anakin...
What do you think would have happened if Anakin sucsesfully jumped over Obi-Wan in episode III?
Well, to me, that seems easy to answer. I guess we would have killed Obi-Wan... ?
But the thing is... he couldn't. Anakin was blinded by his own arrogance, blinded to the extent of being unable to see his errors. So he jumped. End of story.
I think he would have hurt Obi-Wan and Obi would've lived so then they both confess their love for each other and end up sharing Padme and each other lmao
I think he would have hurt Obi-Wan and Obi would've lived so then they both confess their love for each other and end up sharing Padme and each other lmao
lol?!That's an interesting perspective.....and a bit...ya'know.Strange.
Oh that's just scary.
I'd pray that Obi Wan would have simply thrown his lightsabre back between his legs getting Anakin on the landing. Ouchie!
Oh that's just scary.
I'd pray that Obi Wan would have simply thrown his lightsabre back between his legs getting Anakin on the landing. Ouchie!
LOL that is class and amusingly cruel, I really like that
i think the fight would have pressed on but same outcome with obi-wan winning and anakin getting diced
Gustavo_Perez wrote:I think he would have hurt Obi-Wan and Obi would've lived so then they both confess their love for each other and end up sharing Padme and each other lmao
lol?!That's an interesting perspective.....and a bit...ya'know.Strange.
I was joking what I really think would be that the fight is interupted by a huge "force fire" and then Jar Jar is revealed to be the true Darth Vader and they all suddenly drop their lightsabers and pull out assault rifles and wen they run out of ammo they put on sock'em-boppers or somethin like that and duke it out. and the winner gets to have padme and then leia as their slaves for ANYTHING
I know this is my own topic but even I didn't expect such weird answers. Jar-Jar as Darth Vader LOL, but I'm a little disturbed by Pad`me going out with Obi-Wan and Anakin.
if 45 and 6 were not made yet they wouldnt fight but, anakin would have put his lightsaber through obi wan's head even if obi slashed they would both die. but if 45 and 6 were made obi would have thrown back his lightsaber to kill anakin
I know this is my own topic but even I didn't expect such weird answers. Jar-Jar as Darth Vader LOL, but I'm a little disturbed by Pad`me going out with Obi-Wan and Anakin.
oh the wrong directions fan fiction can run. -_-
Although I think Jar-Jar as vader would have been slightly... more terrifying, but probably really short lived (thank god)
In the EPIII video game there is such an outcome. They have Anakin kill Obi- Wan and when Sidious comes to suposedly help Anakin/Vader, Anakin kill Sidious and become Emporer. I found it to be hysterical. I think that if Obi Wan didn't end up striking Anakin as he did there was still a chance that he could be turned back to the light side of the force and defete Sidious to reverse the spreading darkness. However slim the odds are of that happening.
SI Titran, two things, one nice avatar, and two I have the video game. I just wanted to know what you think.
no, its like a comedy scene and anakin pulls out bread and slices it in half and they eat.....5 minutes later and they make up and be friends. and its the emperor who vs obi wan on ANH because anakin is good
i know, lol
If Anakin had sucessfully jumped over Obi-wan Kenobi he progbably would go down the same path just not as badly disfigured. Padme lost her will to live and would have died in any case. In which case, they still would have to hide Luke and Leia the way they did.
but Vader wouldent look as awesome.
what if Anakin had jumped, but a shorter distance so he landed in front of Obi-Wan?
He would get kicked, then go all lavay, but he probably woundent have survived.
If anikin did make the jump and kill obi-wan he would either...
A: Kill Padme for betraying him.
B: Luke and Leia are born, Padme dies, and Anikin Raises them to be evil
C: Padme commits suicide so the kids aren't born.
D: obi-wan unarms anikin ( literally ) pulles of anikin's mask to reveal that its not anikin, its old man jenkin's the amusment park owner! ( who would've gotten away whith it too, if it weren't for that dog and those meddilling kids! )
(or...he would pull away the mask and see that old guy from the Six Flags commercials
(then the music would play and Obi-Wan would have a disgruntled look on his face and slice off the old man's head)
Or He would land, and then they would fight some more, and then eventually Lucas would through in a completely unbelievable, and unrealistic plot device to arrive at the same conclusion, a la General Grievous and Jango Fett.
No, no, he would flip they would fight, then Chuck Norris would show up with a legion of Space Marines and kill every one. Then they would breakdance.
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