thanks alot Miba :) !!!
Topic: Avatar Requests
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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i'm not the greatest artist, but i think i could be good enough.......
That is from a while ago. There is not really a "team." You just supply avatars when you can.
im having some trouble changing my avatar can anyone help?
What's the problem?
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Well I have a few other pics that I can use as avatars and so the way this got started was I tried to change my avatar and it said
Well I have a few other pics that I can use as avatars and so the way this got started was I tried to change my avatar and it said "The server was unable to save the uploaded file. Please contact the forum administrator at" Why would the server be unable to upload it? I made sure it was the right size I mean I just don't get it.
Yeah, mine does the same thing. Mel said Aaron might be editing, so that's most likely what is going on.
I hope so I really wana change mine. By the way I like your avatar Revan.
Thanks, I'm thinking about changing it to a cropped version of this:
Thanks, I'm thinking about changing it to a cropped version of this:
That is from a while ago. There is not really a "team." You just supply avatars when you can.
Eh? What's funny? Me or the picture?
The picture duh you're not funny at all. Ugh I still can't change my avatar...
Heh. Thanks a lot. I can't change mine either...Send Aaron a PM about it. I sent one, but never got a reply.
Maybe he'll look into it if he get's multiple complaints.
Heh. Thanks a lot. I can't change mine either...Send Aaron a PM about it. I sent one, but never got a reply.
Maybe he'll look into it if he get's multiple complaints.
I'll do it later.
this probably isnt good enough, but I thought i might take a whack at it.....
umm.....and also.....everytime I try to upload an avatar, it NEVER works. :/ Any help?
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
can someone make this small enough to be used?if it hasn't been used already.
I believe that is being used by Basilisk War Droid but they seem to be inactive.
Feirfek....I'll look for something else then...
What about this one?
Can I have one like thesithlord's? Plz. =D
What does his look like? Can u give a picture or description.
Hail to the King Baby!! Fifteenth post.
For some reason i cant upload my avatar. It fits the description of 60x60 and stuff but it keeps saying that the server could not save the uploaded file and to contact aaron@ etc... I did ask him about it but havent gotten a reply. Can anyone help?
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Please do not post twice in a row. You can use the edit button.
forgot that i posted that...
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Draco man lay off at posters got lock for mini moding.
This is not Posting twice in a row is spamming, though.
I got locked. for socking. They thought I a dude called mastervrook. I think thats how he spelled it....
I got locked. for socking. They thought I a dude called mastervrook. I think thats how he spelled it....
What did you just say...
And this is not the place to talk about that (whatever it is), if you need an avatar this is the place. Not rocking and socking or whatever it is you are doing...
Hail to the King Baby!!
You don't get banned for minimodding at, or at least not a few years ago. I was one of the biggest minimods in 2004. And socking is bad.
Socking, btw, is when you have more than one username on one forums. For some reason TFN allows this, but they're the only site I've ever heard of that does.
Now back to avatars...
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
if its possible i would love an avatar with a clone commander on it
How about this commander Gree
If someone could make this into an avatar:
I would love them forever. :cool:
Thats awesome. Thanks a ton. I love it.
Hey can some one get me a fase 1 clone trooper?
could some one draw this guy for me? or shrink the image? :|
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Not problem. Karson, I'm working on yours.
Hows this?
Good, but could make zoom in on his face like mine?

yup yup.
is this better?

IT would tank a long time, because of the way it works. You could try it in paint. but you would have to go around teh helmet by hand.
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