Yes, yes i know im on a posting spree, so im not sure if this a topic somewhere else but who is your guys most favouritest clone of all time, (and no Boba Fett does not count:p) yes he is all our favourites, so second favourite then. there last post of the day.
Topic: Favourite Clone
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
114 posts
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Spar I thinks the name, either him or Boss from republic commando.
I personally like Scorch from Republic Commando the best.
--Boba Fett
Commander Appo is mine (Hence my username) EDIT: I also like Boss and Sev because I really got into playing Republic Commando on my X-Box. Delta squad is great. So is Omega.
Awww, I can't love them all? Well fine then, I'll go with Delta Four-Oh.
Well definitely Not Commander Faie.
Have you noticed how the lead up to him made him look like bad news. The whole story you hate him from the beginning where he's loyal, to the end where he's trying to kill Quinlan Vos.
By comparison to Commander Cody who is made to look like a friend to Obi-Wan and so is generally better liked by fans and kids alike.
Hmmm...tie between Spar, Sev, and Appo.
Scorch, Sev, Darman, Ordo....many more.
Me no like Fixer, dude needs to lossen up a bit. :D
Scorch and Sev from Republic Commando are my favourites (because Boba Fett doesn't count).
Scorch: Hey Sev! How many kills you got today psycho?
Sev: More than you, wiseguy.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
I like the folowing: Darman, Niner, Atin, Fi, Boss, Sev, Fixer, Scorch. Those are not in order. I like the commandos.
Yeah, Fixer does need to loosen up a bit ;) Him and Niner are by the book.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I'm somewhat attracted to Niner. I don't know why. But, i have to agree with you BD, Those Commandos are my favorites too. :D :D :D :D
Luuke or Joruus C' Boath, I'm sure I spelled that wrong.
I like Niner, Boss, Scorch, Fi, Atin, Darman, Cody.....
Now spot the odd one out ;)

hmmm This is going to be very hard... but I think Cody? I love all of the commandos, I dont have a favorite, but I like Ordo second
Darman then Niner then Fi...gotta love the commandos...only 9 more months till the 3rd installment!
―Peter Griffin
Republic Commando #3- August 2007
Republic Commando #4- August 2008
I wonder what will become of Darman?
Sev is my favorite Commando and I wonder if Etain will have had her baby yet by the time of RC 3.
"Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade.-Don't mess with Mandalorians."-Kandosii Fett
I wanted to ask Karen Traviss that, but i already knew the answer. :D
BTW Kandosii Fett, Don't forget to clean you're inbox and Sent messages out. You can only have up to Ten. :D
I like Cody, and Bly was great in his comic I wish they went more into their back stories Cody does make a brief appearence in a book).
But I adore Niner,who takes on the mantle of Sarge. Yeah he takes on the mantle of being boss,and likes to do thing basically by the book. But he's a good guy at heart, and he worries about his guys. I was feeling for the big guy when he had to do his wounded soldier act and be bait in the first book.
And am I the only one who thinks "Kad'ika" ("little saber" hint,hint) of Bloodlines is Darman's and Etain's kid?
Could be. Never really thought about that. I love all clones! :)
The boys in Delta Squad and Omega Squad....hands down. And the Null ARCS too...
I tend to fret over them all... :P
Oh, and yeah...the Kad'ika (little saber) notion crossed my mind too...
Scorch, Sev, Darman, Ordo....many more.
Me no like Fixer, dude needs to lossen up a bit. :D
Ordo? As in Canderous Ordo?
Anyway, my favorite clone is Cody.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I made this topic but didnt even share my view. I like Boss. If not Boss then commander Cody.
Climber. Then a Boss/Sev/Scorch tie. Cody's cool too.
Climber, the rebellious clone. Ah,I like him too.
Hm, well, I certainly don't know everything about ALL clones... I know a lot about the Republic Commandos though.
It's really tough for me to pick who I like the best... I like them all for different reasons. :)
If I had too... I'd go with Fi from the novels... he is just adorable. I mean, even his name is cute!! I love his sense of humor, and I've always liked guys who make me laugh. And I know you're probably thinking... well what about "Scorch??" Well, I read the books before I played the actual game... so I knew who Fi was first. :)
I like Commander Cody because he reminds me of "A Hot Rod Lincoln."
Thylacine there is canderous Ordo and there is a Arc trooper named Ordo. i like commander Bly and and all troopers. but not the guy who killed ki-adi-mundi (spell?) hate his helmet. i like bacara
Ordo, Fi, Darman, Niner, Atin, Scorch, ,Sev Boss, Fixer
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
If it is individual troopers, I'd go with Fox or Bly. But for types of troopers then it is the Airborne troopers
Delta Three Eight all the way. Then the rest of the guys, sev, scortch and fixer. Then Cody.
FI by a long shot. I looooooove that character. We would get along so well....we both always joke about everything. *Grins* maybe we could make fun of Ordo together.....*laughs*
(BTW, answer to you question, not Canderous Ordo, Ordo as in Null-11. He's one of Kal Skirata's boys)
Train your sons to be strong, and your daughters to be stronger.
I also like "Mr. Death on Legs" Ordo. Just the whole deadly and silent thing I really like.
i like that red arc trooper in the clone wars cartoon.

Probably Ordo or Alpha (both ARC troopers)
Also, moving this thread to a more appropriate forum.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
HK47 that arc trooper was named captian Fordo.
Booyah another Sev fan! (Internet high five).
I like Comander Cody, he's the best.
Sev is the best commando..
Actually,38 is the best.
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