Topic: Greek Mythology: War in the heavens
Hello, and thank you for visiting this rpg. in this rpg there will be 7 gods, the rest will ether be titans, titan servents, titan army warriors, god servant, god warriors, or high priests.
the 7 gods chosen will be the 7 gods for the entire game, no more gods(even though there are 5, more) will be played, only Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, Artimis, Hermes, and Hades.
When you are a god you pick: what your throne is comprised of, what weapons you posses, what your armor, if any, looks like and is made of, what kind of pet you have, the city, if any, that you rule over and the domain of godly powers that you posses, (eg. Ares- war, Zeus- sky/head god, Athena-wisdom, war, Poseidon-sea, Artimis-hunters and moon, Hermes- theivs, merchants, and messenger of the gods, Hades-lord of the underworld)
remember that this rpg is based in the A.D. ages so no guns.
this rpg is about the titans escaping from their eternal prisons, lead by Kronos, to attack the Gods of Olympus and kill them all, reclaiming what was taken from them all those years ago.
If you are a titan pick which titan you are, what torture you escaped and what weapon you weild.