Topic: Mcquarrie Wave B or C?
So i was browsing and they have th mcquarrie prototype figure listed as in wave b and c. one ships only a month later but does anyone know for sure which it is?
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Collecting → Mcquarrie Wave B or C?
So i was browsing and they have th mcquarrie prototype figure listed as in wave b and c. one ships only a month later but does anyone know for sure which it is?
I believe they have them in both waves.
is he a new character??
who...? Boba? umm duh no and its a concept
i am not thick dageen fett i just thoght of another character
its not of f topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there already out, theres tons on ebay and buyers say they are inhand and buy the pictures they are so i mean i guess its a matter of time b4 they pop up in retail stores.
i am a ebay user and an amazon one
Perhaps you should say something contributive?
How much do they go for on eBay?
23-33 dollars are common id say. im sure there are a few going for cheaper but it'd take some luck and hard digging.
Which wave would you rather have? I'm kinda partial to wave B myself.
I'd say wave c because i like the R2 and burning droid figures. Yet b has a good choice too so i mean if u took out the R2 and droid it'd be a deadlock
i dont know what a wave is please tell me in chat room.....
Green, a wave is a term for the set of figures released in a group at a certain time. Wave 1 means it's the first group in a series. Collectors might reference "Power of the Force 2 - Wave 1," for the group of figures that included Boba Fett when that came out.
oh, thanks aaron! oh and i have some power of the force 1 figures - porkins, bossk and the ep. 5 medical droid!
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Collecting → Mcquarrie Wave B or C?
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