Re: The Red Helm
Anbu's thoughts coiled for a second as they disembarked. Strange no one had mentioned yet about the missing creds, even these Mandalorians would have noticed. Must not have played strongly in their minds, maybe it just didn't matter. Doc having solved the data card. A good nights sleep was all the stood in their way before the mission began. Maybe a nice room and board would come of this. Dres lead the pack in sight only, Warren giving directions from behind his left shoulder. "Doc and Motoko are sharing a room, I have mine next to that with Brassk and Dres on the side of either room."
Anbu spread his wings lightly. Yawning his only response. Space travel was always tiring.
"Tomorrow, we'll need to wake at five early."
Piling into the turbolift, Dres waited for the next one.
(BFFC Moderator)