OK, the Admin and I were chatting last night, and he came up with the awesome idea to have new contests that will be open to all members of the BFFC. In this thread, I'm trying to gather ideas to what different contests that we can have. Remember, in each contest there has to be some sort of effort put into it, so no raffles unless the Admin decides to have one. And for prizes, a couple of ideas Gustavo and I had were an EE-3 replica and/or a full set of Mandalorian armor! I still need to confirm those with the Admin, but you guys can post any idea for a contest or prize that you think of. Prizes are pretty easy to think of, and what I'm searching for is mostly ideas for the contests, so please, only a few people think up prizes. Start posting!
Topic: BFFC Contests
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
42 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestHow about a fan fiction competition?
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Fan fiction'd be fun. (Free write, chosen topic.)
Art submission: Scenario(Boba Halloween Party, Boba meets an Anime character, Boba paying for gas, etc.)
Number contest (Name the number of times Boba moves his pinky finger in ESB kinda stuff)
(BFFC Moderator)
OK, the Admin and I were chatting last night, and he came up with the awesome idea to have new contests that will be open to all members of the BFFC. In this thread, I'm trying to gather ideas to what different contests that we can have. Remember, in each contest there has to be some sort of effort put into it, so no raffles unless the Admin decides to have one. And for prizes, a couple of ideas Gustavo and I had were an EE-3 replica and/or a full set of Mandalorian armor! I still need to confirm those with the Admin, but you guys can post any idea for a contest or prize that you think of. Prizes are pretty easy to think of, and what I'm searching for is mostly ideas for the contests, so please, only a few people think up prizes. Start posting!
First I'd like to say this is a great idea. Second I'd say that it is probably a good idea to confirm things with the Admin before stating what prizes could be. (I only say this because replica EE-3s and armor can cost a bundle.)
Also, I thought maybe a fan-film contest could be cool. It would be cool to see what everyone could come up with for that.
Hail to the King Baby!!
i like the Fan film and fiction idea or maybe find the most Boba Fett oriented thing in your city ( like a building whos side has an odd distinction of a slave 1 or lights in a skyskraper thet look like a t visor type deal ) and it would have to be your city not some yahoo or google search pic
―Peter Griffin
Fan fiction'd be fun. (Free write, chosen topic.)
Art submission: Scenario(Boba Halloween Party, Boba meets an Anime character, Boba paying for gas, etc.)
Number contest (Name the number of times Boba moves his pinky finger in ESB kinda stuff)
Yeah I like the 1st 2. I'm not sure about the 3rd one. I'd like to see some other ideas as I cannot think of any good ones right now.
Armor costs a lot of money. Thousands of dollars in some cases. I doubt that that is going to be given away.
I agree with Draco. Armor costes WAY to much just to give it away.
I like the idea of a Fan Fiction Contest(I would force ARC to to id :P )
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
There is a set of unpainted Boba armor on ebay for $35
Ummmmm.....isn't that Miba's avatar? But to stay on topic, I agree with draco because armor costs about $1000 a set (The good quality armor made from metal/fiberglass)
yes it is mibas avatar i couldint find 1 i liked
yes it is mibas avatar i couldint find 1 i liked
Ok well see that is not an excuse to take sum 1 else's avatar. So if you wouldn't mind finding another, it would be appreciated.
On topic, I thought maybe another contest idea could be a contest to find an idea for a contest. How bout it?
Hail to the King Baby!!
bobafett87 wrote:yes it is mibas avatar i couldint find 1 i liked
Ok well see that is not an excuse to take sum 1 else's avatar. So if you wouldn't mind finding another, it would be appreciated.
On topic, I thought maybe another contest idea could be a contest to find an idea for a contest. How bout it?
Well it's aq good idea but I would probably lose because I would suggest a martial arts tournament in real life....
Let me know if you need some contributions for prizes.
(email me off loop: EDITED: Please don't post personal e-mail addresses. Public message boards are prone to spambots.).
Gustavo, you crack me up! Mado cage fights! No holds barred, pins count anywhere.
Gustavo, you crack me up! Mado cage fights! No holds barred, pins count anywhere.
2 mando ENTER!! 1 mando LEAVE!! 2 mando ENTER!! 1 mando LEAVE!!
Have vibroblades strapped to the top of the thunderdome and hook us up.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Gustavo, you crack me up! Mado cage fights! No holds barred, pins count anywhere.
Ursula wrote:Gustavo, you crack me up! Mado cage fights! No holds barred, pins count anywhere.
2 mando ENTER!! 1 mando LEAVE!! 2 mando ENTER!! 1 mando LEAVE!!
Have vibroblades strapped to the top of the thunderdome and hook us up.
oh by the way guys, the song playing during the tournament would be "Eye of the Tiger"
Amour And Figures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The chances of that are miniscual. Also, you may want to consider getting your own avatar. :)

[Removed off-topic posts]
wat about a figure contest. you make your own figure from any type of thing you can find. clay wood metal gum anything, painting it can be optional but obviously better and we can have judgings. maybe even best ROTJ ESB Holiday or Droids figure.
―Peter Griffin

Prizes will be within the range of what we've given away before: signed poster ($) and the Koto Jango statue ($$).
Keep the ideas coming and we'll get one going.

Head's up: there will be a giveaway on the front of BobaFett.com between June 21, 2007 and June 28.
I think this topic should be revisited. It never really got off the ground and I think it would keep people interested. Lately that boards have been getting a little... less than normal. Maybe start up one of the ideas we have posted or maybe somebody could spit out a better one.
Hail to the King Baby!!
The only things I can think of are fiction contests and perhaps graphics. There could also be a craft contest, where you go out and make something Mandalorian themed and submit a picture (but I don't know about that, since it would be easy to simply google something up.)
The only things I can think of are fiction contests and perhaps graphics. There could also be a craft contest, where you go out and make something Mandalorian themed and submit a picture (but I don't know about that, since it would be easy to simply google something up.)
A craft competition would be funky as well.
It could be anything crafty (like collages, cushions, quilts etc) as well as drawings and paintings.
I think it would be fun to have people submit photos of them in a Boba/Star wars character costume out in public doing everyday stuff. At a baseball game, in line at Carls Jr., ect. And have the funniest one win!
How about the ultimate Boba Fett fan quiz?with questions only a true fan would know?
How about the ultimate Boba Fett fan quiz?with questions only a true fan would know?
The only problem with that, is that people could look up the answers, I mean we are an online community. As much as I'd like to think most of us wouldn't cheat like that, it is bound to happen.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Fan fiction'd be fun. (Free write, chosen topic.)
Art submission: Scenario(Boba Halloween Party, Boba meets an Anime character, Boba paying for gas, etc.)
Number contest (Name the number of times Boba moves his pinky finger in ESB kinda stuff)
sounds fun!!
i like the fanfic idea!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.

Lots of good ideas! Keep 'em comin', and we'll start with one or two that'll actually be realistic.
cool! :D
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.

Contest: BFFC Image Gallery Beta Test
WINNER: BalanceSheet
10 members responded back in May 2007 about our new image galleries needing beta testers. Each member was invited to dig deep and give some constructive criticism of everything they saw. The best feedback came from BalanceSheet and we're awarding Balance the "Star Wars Boba Fett Classics Bust" from Gentle Giant, due out November 2007.
Congrats to everyone involved and keep your eyes open for more contests at The Boba Fett Fan Club!
Congratulations Balance :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I have an idea, RPG contest, goes to the most creative idea 4 an RPG
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I think we should have a most honorable member, thingy
And that would be me, right Karson???? :P :P
I really like the fanfic idea. Something that I could possibly--and I stress possibly-- do!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I think that the most honorable after a year of having the title, should become a mod, We could change it every month.
Wow...I've been away too long.
Sorry I wasn't here when this was announced. ^_^ Thanks everyone.
-Captian Murphy