Who has better piloting skills
i personally say anakin
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
Who has better piloting skills
i personally say anakin
And of course, I say Boba... hehe... we always disagree Chase.
We will agree the day that Mustafar freezes over.
I say Anakin when he was younger, but now Boba.
Well I'd agree with Anakin when he was younger. But when he became Darth Vader he lost some of his mobility, so I'd say Boba.
Both great pilots hard to decide.
I'd say young Anakin. I mean, he was the only human that could Podrace, so I guess that would help his skills as a pilot.
I say Boba, maybe because he spends his life travelling in it, while Anikan was only in a pod and ship for a small time. But Anikan definately has the Jedi advantage.
Hm, all good, valid points.
I'll lean towards Boba. He's cool.
I remain neutral for now.
Actually, now that I think about it, Boba might have a lot of automated things on his ship...
But then again, Anaking has an astro droid doing some work for him as well...
I'm going to say Anakin in his prime. When I say prime I mean pre-Vader. He was conducting manuevers that were advanced for Jedi. But if Boba had force senses that would be a totally different story.
I'm going to say Anakin in his prime. When I say prime I mean pre-Vader. He was conducting manuevers that were advanced for Jedi. But if Boba had force senses that would be a totally different story.
Boba has something greater than force senses... Boba senses. He knows when danger approaches... "Boba senses... tingling"
Sorry wrong character.
My heart says go for Boba but my mind says Anakin is the better pilot. So, even though I want Boba to win Anakin would still beat him.
I would say in certain surcumstances Boba is better but allround i would say Anakin. I doubt Anakin would've been able to do some of the stuff Boba did in TOTBH and BHW like when he beat those to IG-88's and pulled that manuver.
Anakin was a better pilot when he was younger. Remember in Boba Fett: Pursuit when the Slave I was crippled by Asajj Ventress's ship, but Anakin was able to beat her and make her fly away? But after Anakin became freaky crippled robotic force-choking black-armored dude, I'd say Boba.
Anakin was the better pilot in his pre-Vader days. I'll give him that. But for the rest of their lives Boba is the better pilot.
Yeah but boba was only young when he was beaten by Asajj Ventress so you couldnt really judge it by that.
i think anakin was an awsome in the prequils but pathetic in originals. boba would beat him ether i think
It would be very close. Probably a break out tie.
Vader's piloting skills weren't that bad. We would all have different decisions if he went out earlier in ANH, because when he came, he actually made a huge comeback for the Empire, and teared up a lot of Rebel ships.