so i recently got my lipped pierced and was wondring if Fett would have n e piercings himself. i do believe in a comic book/picture where his helmet is off he has an earing or two but other then that any one think hed have any thing else and think outside the box it is star wars so they can have then on their fingers if they want to im sure.
Topic: Boba Fett piercings
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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―Peter Griffin
I don't think Fett would like that many piercings cuz they might get stuck on the inside of his helmet . Also evrywhere else he is wearing other body armor and stuff, another reason is cuz he doesn't seemlike the kinda guy who would want piercings that much.
I don't think he would, he doesn't seem like the sort who would want them. First off, yes, he is almost always inside the armor and they would make the armor rub wrong on them. And second off, he has no one to show them off to, and isn't that one of the points of a peircing, so people will see it?
I've never seen a picture of him with them. He was unmasked in Tales, Infinities, and that one action figure, and I saw none.
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Boba does not seem like the kind of person to destroy his body like that.

true but what about ritualistic...maybe something mandalore's do or up and coming mandalorians, as a way to rise from a rank or show a kill...theres a lot to be uncovered about mandalorians so mabe in that aspect he could have 1
―Peter Griffin
I doubt that Boba would do such a thing.
Are Mandalorians that barbaric? They don't seem the type to destroy their bodies, as Draco said. Besides, even if Mandalorians did have a ritual like that how would Boba know about it?
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Are Mandalorians that barbaric? They don't seem the type to destroy their bodies, as Draco said. Besides, even if Mandalorians did have a ritual like that how would Boba know about it?
What's with destroying bodies? It's just a little piercing. One time I pierced my friend's nose successfully, by the way.
I have my left ear pierced, but it is still the destruction of the body.

its only considered destruction in certain societies of the world and since Fett is part of a completely different society they may be considered a must for some
―Peter Griffin
Impaling a part ofthe body with a small piece of metal; that sounds destructive to me.
Can I see Mandalorians with ear piercings? Yes, I can. Anything else seems a bit over the top. Fett? Not really, it's not impossible, but it doesn't seem very practical nor does it seem like something he would have done.
Maybe destructive is too strong a word? Filling the body with questionable substances is destructive, but wouldn't it be more reasonable to describe a piercing as disrespectful? Either way, a piercing doesn't sound like something Fett would do.
Actually, in the article Karen Travis wrote for Star Wars Insider magazine on the Mandalorians, she specifically stated that it was very rare for Mandalorians to pierce their bodies, especially their ears. She specified that earings would only be bothersome to the Mandalorian warriors, because there is a risk that they could get caught on something during combat. :)
So there you go, I'm sure Boba would see it the same way...

thanks Manji dint know about that...ya never kno tho maybe a non-canon source has him like a punk goth with piercings everywhere lol
―Peter Griffin
Manji_Ninja: I didn't know that. That actually makes perfect sense.
So, I'm guessing that the answer is that Fett wouldn't get pierced because it's impractical and out of character?

seems to me a likely story
―Peter Griffin
Definately no piercings.
besides I don't think there is even peircings in SW I mean have you ever seen anybody wear any peircings in SW?
I think that I saw a Devornian with piercings, but I am not certain.
They do have them in SW, if anyone wants tomorrow I can find some pictures of SW people who have peircings.
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