((Got a point there, Gustavo_Perez. Well, if we went by the books then we wouldn't have this RPG now would we? Here's an idea on "intergrating his character" why not make him the Master of evil-Ursula? Yeah, this much time spent with the Sith would make any impulsive Jedi turn, wouldn't it? Could that work?))
Kita was able to figure out, by the hand-drawn map by Tog, where they were going to be staying. The light switch actually worked on the first try, and there was enough room for them to stay comfortably. The Youngling would share a room with Tog-- they had bunkbeds!; the three Jedi-men would share a room-- she felt sorry for Garrison, those two other men were merciless in their teasing of the teen; and if Jerriko showed up, he'd sleep on the couch and Kita in the recliner. Kita wouldn't have it any other way, to the toilets with chilvary(sp?).
She tossed her satchel in the chair and found her way to the kitchen; like all her ancestors, she loved to cook. Kita was still learning the art, but she was better then decent. Well, better than MREs. (meals-ready-to-eat.)
"Hey, hey, hey!" Kita barked at the Younglings, who had brushed, not meaning to be rude, the two solitary Jetii'se in their excitement. "You go back and walk in. Apologize to TenRe and his guest, too."
Garrison, red in the face from either fatigue or embarassment, drug out a deep-sided wok, "I don't like the way that guy watches you." Kita laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. But, Garrison, all Jetii'se hate the Mandalorians. He's just looking at me with something akin to spite. Probably just trying to figure a way to kill me." Garrison shook his head, "I suppose. Do I really have to be roomies with them?" Kita nodded, "Sorry, ad'ika. We'll be sleeping in the cabins of a ship soon, if we're lucky. Sometimes, we actually have to go a week stuck with inaction," she teased with a slap to the back of his shoulder. "You're doing fine, Jetii'jag."
Kita watched him with a wry look beneath her helmet; I can look after myself, kid, she thought. She dug into the freezer of the apartment/flat and discovered the foodstuffs were all past expiration date. Her face darkened, and then realized that this was an oppurtunity to enjoy her day off. Way to be see the glass half-full, she thought.
"I'm going to market; anybody want anything?" She didn't get so much as a mumbled awknowledgement. She shrugged; she didn't expect better treatment from brooding Jedi and a teenager. To make her trip time well spent, she might even figure out where Jerriko had run off too.
They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.