Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Tog splashed getting his torn cloak all wet. He had never been so happy in all his life. No more desert no more sand people just wide open oceans.<Ah paradise. After war Tog come back and live ere>. Tog got out of the water soaked to the bone. He gathered his things from the deck and left water tracks as he walked to his room. He picked one out and chose(sp?) it as his. In the saftey of his closed off room Tog took off his cloak. He opened his travel bag and pulled out a new one. He put it on. Tog then jumped on the bed. The Mon Calimaria's had weird beds. It was Squisy and bouncy like it was made of jelly. Tog quickly fell asleep on the strange bed.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

((Guess my post didn't go through))

Kita sat on the beach, watching Garrison being bombarded by force water-balls created by the Younglings. She popped a sugar-coated warra nut in her mouth, and glanced over at their quaters. The two brooding, and pale, Jedi were sitting out on the walkway; dressed in their dark cowls. She'd left out their swiming-suits, but it didn't seem like the two were going to enjoy the picture-perfect day.Pity, it might be their last day to relax before the were sent out back to the frontlines. Kita was thinking about going up there and dragging them out, when a familiar voice spoke over her shoulder.

"What do you see in those children?"

"You wouldn't understand, Jerriko. You ate your siblings," the last thing Kita wanted to deal with right now was Jerriko.  She wanted to enjoy the last few moments she had left of R&R.

"Try me, Rebel," he snarled. Kita nearly laughed behind her helmet, if that wasn't hypocritical(sp?), she didn't know what was.

"So we're back to name-calling are we?" Kita took a swing off her drink, "Fine. They're the only family I have left. You learn to hold on to things when the galaxy is falling around your ears. But, why would you understand the ties between siblings, eh?"

"Siblings? You're related to these... these runts?"

Kita squirmed beneath her skin; she'd said too much. "I'm done talking on this matter, General. I'm more interested in the details in why you defected," she paused, "And what we're going to do once Morticus is able to retaliate."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

"You should calm down." TenRe
"I don't like water. Don't keep me from letting you go." Rilk
"I can't swim..." TenRe
Rilk dropped his hood, TenRe busily fixing his glasses flipped the switch of the radio on with a wave of his hand.
'Another great day, temperature should be about...'
"So who's the girl?"
TenRe was about finished up, Rilk who remained as anti-social as ever was beginning to annoy him. If he was so interested...why didn't he go such thing as Sith modesty after all.
"Go ask yourself, I'm busy."
Rilk sat down, flipping the radio off with his hand. The two had gone back to before being Sith and Jedi quickly. It didn't surprise him, like a trivial arguement between a father and son it had but two ways to go. And then in the end, the tension was as obvious as when they'd met again. Rilk stayed in the small room for twelve or more hours of a day sleeping/pretending to sleep.
"As soon as I get done, we'll go together then."
TenRe hoped Rilk's face would turn red, it still looked terribly serious. He wished he'd been like that at that age. Still, TenRe hadn't turned thirty after all he had as much of a chance as that nineteen year old. Ten finished up, thrusting the glasses back on. Standing up.
"Alright, let's go."
The two of them sat down at the table behind Kita. Watching Jerriko, Rilk looked sick. TenRe hoped it was the same feeling he got.
"Morticus wants to kill him, I don't see why we keep him around. He's going to get us all killed...!"
"Of course, I can't see why he's still here. We're not keeping a Sith around anyway. Somebody Morticus would love to slice into itty bitty pieces for betraying him after all."
Kita didn't hear them, paying more attention to Jerricko. Rilk more interested in Kita. TenRe watching the younglings, no one else seemed to be aware of them. Or the giant jaws coming at them. He threw his cloak off, glasses falling off his nose onto the table, rushing down to the beach. Pushing the water back surrounding the kids, hand shaking violently. He couldn't keep it all back for much longer. It was hungry, lack of water might not stop a starved carnivore.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Tog jumped out of bed at the sound of TenRe yelling. Tog grabbed his launcher and ran outside, he saw a giant fish creature. He only had one rocket left from the battle. He loaded it up and aimed it at the carnivore. He couldnt get a lock on it so he had to just free aim the launcher. He shot it! <Leave kiddies alone!>

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

The younglings rushed out of the water, the rocket crashing into the surf. After the fact.
TenRe turned around, that was probably their last rocket...Tog was happy. TenRe and Rilk couldn't help but feel angry, the corresponding link forcing the feeling across the two minds.
"My guest and I are going into town. Get everything together, we might have to leave soon. Repair team stepped it up for the job."
He hadn't mentioned who Rilk was yet, it wasn't that good of an idea. Rilk followed after, Kita rushing towards the younglings. Jerricko had disapeared.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

106 (edited by Villimar Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:28 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Tog quickly ran up to TenRe.<Master TenRe if ju could can ju get Tog more rockets for launcher?> Tog handed TenRe a pouch of credits. <Tog out, Tog no good with out rockets> Tog waved goodbye to TenRe as they walked off. Tog then quickly ran to check on the kids.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Villimar wrote:
Kaizer_soatze wrote:

Darth Malificus
race yuhzan vong/sith
class: Sith Lord
allince: sith
weapons: 2 lightsabers that have are double bladed same size as regular can turnnswitch to have it become a lightwip or combine to become staff saber or light chuks crystals black saber crystal and a kaibur crystal shard and a adgean crystal in each
personal light saber single blade with the end were the end protrudes looks like the head of a dragon made of krayt dragon fang produces a blade like red sword
POWERS:destruction orb
death field
History:During the great sith war the very last true pure blooded sith are on the brink of extinction  some yuhzahn vong expolers stumbled on them at yavin 4 and mixed the species giving birth of darth malifcus. malificus was sent to the sith acadmey on korriban quickly seeing his powers 
Darth revan made him his left hand man malifcus was stationed as govener on rakta prime during the expolsion of the star forge when it happend   he was driven into stasis he awoke in 2000bby seeking to  give birth to an new sith empire so he scoured rakata for the blue prints for the star forge and discoverd updaeted and rebuilt the star forge and is now Darth Banes right hand man the first thing the star forge made was his Cyber netic dragon freind
serpentera it was body was made of metal but malifcus imbued it with the soul of a great demonic dragon of long past
Sepentera stats
weapons:20 quad turbolaser cannons evenly placed among it
w-165 planetary turbolaser on the end 
and in the mouth is the main gun of the sun crusher

It is a bit to late to join.

Way too late to join.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."

108 (edited by thelastMandalorian Friday, December 22, 2006 12:29 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

The war isn't over. The new guy can join. Of course, He'll have to be able to integrate his character into the story.

Darth Morticus had been watching the enemy for a few days. It's time to strike. It is time to kill the traitors.Darth Morticus headed toward the docking bay to destroy the ships and kill everyone in the base. He had changed his mind about bringing his army here. He had decided to attack the core systems and take the enemy totally by suprise. First, he needed to kill the traitors. Jerriko would be easy but Rilk would pose the problem.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja

109 (edited by Villimar Friday, December 22, 2006 10:26 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

((no its way to late in the story plus the sun crushers wernt invented yet, not for another 4000 years, plus the Vong didnt really event space travel around that time, they wernt discovered for a ahwile I belive))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Villimar wrote:

((no its way to late in the story plus the sun crushers wernt invented yet, not for another 4000 years))

Isn't thelastmandalorian in charge of this? He started it.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."

111 (edited by Villimar Saturday, December 23, 2006 5:57 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Cleaner droids were all ready at the scene, killing up the little bits of dead sea creature. The leader of the area came down personaly to apologize that something that big got past the sentry fences that keep large carnivors out. Kita was just glad that the kids were okay. Tog looked at the beast.<To large for scanners to not to detect, tis place power sullply must be jumpy. Or te staff mus be lazy.> Then suddenly Tog remebered he hadnt eaten in a while. Tog was walked off to find something to eat, he took a sip form his cantein. He found a small restraunt a few blocks away from where they were staying. He ordered a cup of Jawa juice and a dish he couldnt pronounce.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

112 (edited by Atinvod Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:41 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

((Got a point there, Gustavo_Perez. Well, if we went by the books then we wouldn't have this RPG now would we? Here's an idea on "intergrating his character" why not make him the Master of evil-Ursula? Yeah, this much time spent with the Sith would make any impulsive Jedi turn, wouldn't it? Could that work?))

Kita was able to figure out, by the hand-drawn map by Tog, where they were going to be staying. The light switch actually worked on the first try, and there was enough room for them to stay comfortably. The Youngling would share a room with Tog-- they had bunkbeds!; the three Jedi-men would share a room-- she felt sorry for Garrison, those two other men were merciless in their teasing of the teen; and if Jerriko showed up, he'd sleep on the couch and Kita in the recliner. Kita wouldn't have it any other way, to the toilets with chilvary(sp?).

She tossed her satchel in the chair and found her way to the kitchen; like all her ancestors, she loved to cook. Kita was still learning the art, but she was better then decent. Well, better than MREs. (meals-ready-to-eat.)

"Hey, hey, hey!" Kita barked at the Younglings, who had brushed, not meaning to be rude, the two solitary Jetii'se in their excitement. "You go back and walk in. Apologize to TenRe and his guest, too."

Garrison, red in the face from either fatigue or embarassment, drug out a deep-sided wok, "I don't like the way that guy watches you." Kita laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. But, Garrison, all Jetii'se hate the Mandalorians. He's just looking at me with something akin to spite. Probably just trying to figure a way to kill me." Garrison shook his head, "I suppose. Do I really have to be roomies with them?" Kita nodded, "Sorry, ad'ika. We'll be sleeping in the cabins of a ship soon, if we're lucky. Sometimes, we actually have to go a week stuck with inaction," she teased with a slap to the back of his shoulder. "You're doing fine, Jetii'jag." 

Kita watched him with a wry look beneath her helmet; I can look after myself, kid, she thought. She dug into the freezer of the apartment/flat and discovered the foodstuffs were all past expiration date. Her face darkened, and then realized that this was an oppurtunity to enjoy her day off. Way to be see the glass half-full, she thought.

"I'm going to market; anybody want anything?" She didn't get so much as a mumbled awknowledgement. She shrugged; she didn't expect better treatment from brooding Jedi and a teenager. To make her trip time well spent, she might even figure out where Jerriko had run off too.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Tog returned to hear Kita say"Im going to the market anyone need anything?"
<Tog would like rockets, Tog be out, Tog also need food rations. On wookie planet Tog almost starved, just incase we go back into war.> Tog then started playing tag with the kids. He ran as fast as he could from James.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

One person didn't need to go out alone, or that was TenRe's excuse when he pushed Rilk out of his seat. Telling him it'd be better off with at least two. Rilk mumbled, following after Kita.
"TenRe right?"
Ten turned his head toward the younger Jedi. Barely interested in anything, he hadn't slept so soundly recently and was in a slight trance.
"Last time I checked. I could be wrong, never know anymore in this galaxy...Anyway, folks call me Ten have a seat!"
The kid sat across, Ten flipping a switch.
"Garrison was it? How's a game of cards sound...Pazaak of course."
Rilk was slightly overjoyed, being Kita's secondary meant...something, he couldn't quite place the feeling. And then there was that encompassing feeling of dread. Morticus was going to kill him, it didn't seem...wrong though. Pushing that aside he tried focusing, he hadn't told anyone who he was...Ursula? I suppose that's important, Morticus won't get into her head at least, solid enough I couldn't...or who'd he'd worked for. And now he was going to the market, with someone he didn't know.
And that annoying Jawa, he wished he had nerve gas he could slip into the ventilation.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

A day of fun and comradery was not on the agenda for the stealthy Trandoshan. During the commotion in the water. No use trying to fit in with these "allies" he had associated himself with. His loyalty was far from this ragtag group of miscreants. "Why then have I betrayed my master and sentenced myself to death?" he thought changing his pace to a light run. He knew he was being followed, and there was only one person that could have detected and tracked him.

Jerriko stopped suddenly in a small clearing, turning slowly towards a familiar figure. There was nothing either could say now, Morticus drew his saber gracefully from his cloak. A crooked grin appeared on Jerriko's face as he stared through his former master with a vacant gaze. The sith charged the reptile swiftly, Jerriko only dodging the blade by inches. The grin never left his face as he dropped a concussion grenade and quickly dove backward out of range. Morticus easily evaded the blast, but the diversion was enough to keep his mind from a wrist rocket closing in on his head. A quick wave of his hand sent the missle skyward, and Jerriko was quickly in his face with a flurry of sword swipes. After parrying the attacks Morticus sidestepped a cheap blaster bolt and grasped Jerriko by the neck with a force choke.

"Now my old friend, you will die like the treacherous slime you..." Morticus was interrupted by Jerriko's maniacal laughing. His eyes had switched from their glazed look to fixate themselved on the face of his attacker. Morticus tightened his grip, only to be met with a louder cackle than before. "Do you find it funny that you and your companions are all going to die!?" sneared the sith lord.

"No," coughed Jerriko through his pain, "I find this funny" with his last word he ripped open his cloak to reveal a large det pack strapped to his chest. He laughed only harder as his hand gripped at the detonator.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Tog stoped running at the sound of a very large explosion. He looked in the direction to see the last of the flame die down and to reveal a coloum of smoke. TenRe and Garrison came running out sabers drawn. Tog ran towards the kids and pushed them to the saftey of their room. Tog reached for his launcher just to remeber he was out of rockets. <Damn! Cant do no good wit no rockets>

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Meanwhile, in the sky, Gustavo had felt and seen the large explosion. He landed a mile away from the explosion, readied his armor and weapons, and started walking towards the smoke.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

((your on Mon Calimari?))
The kids were scared, so was Tog, Tog took out his pistol. He heard the roar of fireships pass over him.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

119 (edited by Gustavo_Perez Monday, December 25, 2006 1:25 pm)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

(( uh yeah, remember I took off with an abandoned ship? ))

Gustavo was almost there. Walking was not something he enjoyed.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

A indictor class starship lands onthe planes of kashyyk malifcus stands 7' tall towering among his men next to his mandalorian genral monstross fergo "this  Morticus is lucky he found the last of the true sith empire"he and his troops march against the wookies of kasyyk all of the suudden a bomb is dropped from thesky killing the troopas arund him in ar age malificus usess the force to iplode the minds of the wookie warrriors in the area thousands of qookies die "now the jedi must fall"!

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

((Just to catch ya up: We're, the Republic Forces, are no longer on Kashyyyk; we're having a bit of R&R on Mon Calamari. We lost that battle, and nobody knows exactly where Morticus is. However, we-- as in the Jedi-players-- assume that he'll retalate soon. Morticus stole holocrons and the Jedi Ursula from the Jedi Temple on some backwater planet.))

Before explosion:
Kita made a mental note to chew out TenRe for sending that blundering fool out behind her. Last time she checked, Kita knew how to buy vegetables.
"I've never seen your face. I mean, I know you Mandalorians don't like showing your faces to outsiders, but you've never taken your's off." Rilk started as Kita put some field rations for Tog and the rest of the group in the basket she'd made him carry.
"Us Mandalorians, huh? You never will if I can help it; I don't even know your name." The man mumbled out a string of sounds that made Kita laugh, "Takalah? That's a woman's name. You Jedi get weirder and weirder by the second. Ammo?" She held up two types of clips, plus some grade-A rockets for Tog. The man pushed some of the MREs to the back. "My name's actually--" He was cut off from a second impression by the sound of a far off explosion.

Kita sighed and squared her shoulders, "Somehow, I think that was Jerriko." She glanced over at Girly Name; t-visor flashing, "First one there gets first choice in bunks in the ship." "Are you sure we should go rushing towards that?" Kita shrugged, "I thought you knew us Mandalorians. Looks like you have some things to learn. We don't get there first then the Mon Cal police force will and would you like to explain Trandoshan innards to them?" "What about your Younglings?" That put Kita's thoughts on combat on hold, "When you put it that way... You'll do more good at the explosion site. I'll go after the kids. We've enough time talking; Go!"


Ursula stepped into the flat and immediately spied the group of four children. Ages ranging from pre-teen to toddler.

"Ursula!" shouted the smallest; Neesha. Ursula felt nothing for the child. None of them.  A dark-cowled Jedi stepped out from the 'fresher; lightsabre drawn.
"Good to know they're putting you to good use, Ten-Ten." She smiled crookedly, knowing that the clan nick-name for the Jedi would frustrate him, if only a little.
She could feel another pinpoint in the Force, but it was too weak to be any threat to her mission. Ursula drew her sabre.

Kita rushed half-stance up the stairs, grasping the handrails for balance. They were back. She reached the doorway and managed to skid to a halt, nearly falling frontwards into the Sith.
"Not this way!" she shouted at the unaware Garrison. And then she realized who it was. Her Ursula... her mentor, her saver, her best friend. She who had brought the felled to light, had fallen so far. She was going to hurt the Younglings.... Kita ducked beneath the two duelists' sabres, leaving Garrison to fend for himself against Ursula-- at least TenRe was there to help.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

"Ten-Ten? I'd probably enjoy it more if it was from somebody else."
Her name was...Ursula...that's at least what he remembered. To think she'd changed, there went his good faith it seemed.

Rilk popped his lightsaber on, jumping right into Ursula. Knocking her off her feet for a second, sending her back.
The strange handle kept her at bay, not sure how to defend against it. How long was another matter.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

"Get down," Kita pushed Garrison down roughly, he made a slight uph sound as he hit the floor. "We'll just get in the way. Garrison, I want you to take this kids and get them off planet." "I'm not leaving. They more we run the more he's just going to come after us; we have to make a stand."

Kita breathed in through her nose and bit her lower lip, "Dejame en paz por un momento! ((Leave me alone for one moment. My Spanish is a little rusty, so if that's off, forgive me.)) You're right, but now? Against three Sith? With no ammo? No supplies? And four kids? No Garrison, I know you want to prove yourself, trust me I feel the same way. I know you want respect from your peers, I want the same thing from these Jetii'se... but after we get these kids safe. You know how important they are to the war effort."

They paused to watch Girly Name being backed into a corner with TenRe trying to distract Ursula. She was doing a decent job of fending off TenRe or Ten-Ten whatever they knew each as, and putting the attack on Girly Name. Keep the kids safe or protect their allies? Kita and Garrison were torn with inaction, the cowering children grating on their grains. Where was Tog?

"Mikel? I need you to get everybody else out of here. There's a ship at bay THX-1138. It's an old, old ship. It's mine, nobody there to get you in two hours leave for Caluula. Look for a man by the name of Jaster Mereel. Tell him Kita Kane sent you. On my cue..."
Kita hurled herself at Ursula, vibroblades flashing, TenRe's sabre grazing the outside of her helmet, causing a part of her t-visor to chip away. Garrison leading the kids out of the flat.
That was stupid, Kita, she thought at herself. Either your going to die here in a second or... her thoughts stop abrubtly as she hit the far wall...  Or you're going to hit a wall.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Rilk was knocked back hard, getting right back up he connected blades. Forcing Ursula to forget about TenRe. Who nearly struck the heart. Missing the body entirely, the woman moving back. And there was Kita, sailing towards him.
He sidestepped, Ursula flying past him into a wall.

"Come now Tenny, is this actually your pupil?"
"Yes, Rilk happens to be my student."
TenRe knocked her back with his staff saber, pushing her away from the feeling children.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)

Re: RPG - The Great Sith War

Shaking her head clear, and realizing that blood had run into her eyes, Kita made herself cry to stop the stinging. She was just going to be underfoot if she stepped into the battle now, and she was no use to the Younglings and Garrison now. Just make them more noticable if a bright purple Mando was with them. Tog was missing, Jerriko was either KIA or MIA, and Morticus was on planet. That just about summed it up. Oh, and plus a teenager who wanted to prove himself, four kids who were probably scared out of their ever living minds, and a love-sick Girly Name. Just what she needed, attachtment, Kita thought sarcasticaly. Plus, Kita had nearly forgotten. She had a price on her head. Things were peachy, just peachy.

Stepping up to her feet, Kita brought her knives out again-- she'd lost her palm-blaster on the skirmish on Kashyyyk-- and yelled, "EMP AND STUNS!" The two men were quick enough to get their sabres and themselves away from the blasts, but Ursula was caught off guard.

How Kita loved the look on her face, as her blue-sabre fizzled out. Kita just grinned, a self-pleased expression on her face.

"Run!" Kita shouted at the two men. She'd bought them maybe only a few seconds to get the heck away from the Sith before Ursula recovered from her impairment.

Yeah, Kita decided, these boots were made for running, not walking.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.