((Sorry for my late post. I had a date.))
Kita didn't trust having Jerriko behind her, frack, she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. And by judging by their sizes at opposite polar ends, she doubted she's even be able to lift him. She'd hear him out. [i/] After[i/] she'd regrouped with her friends. She followed Tog outside, Mikel and Micah standing close to her, Neesha and James asleep in Garrison's arms. Jerriko, silent as a sentinal (sp?), walked out after them.
Land was scarce on Mon Calamari, but often dramatic. They were looking out across a landscape of bloodred and black swirled together in a myriad of enertwining paterns, laced over with silver coils and memanders of tide creeks and pools. Beyond that, jagged black mountains sawed at a sky the same metallic color of the water.
"It's just salts. Formed by the volcanic activity millions of years ago," came a watery-smooth voice.
"Arakah?" Kita asked the Mon Cal behind her.
"In the aging flesh; your wounded are being cared for. Our generals and your leaders wish to speak with you and your persons. They are quite interested in that those two," intoned the light blue Mon Cal, pointing at Jerriko and Tog.
"Any chance that there's a Jedi here that could take care of these guys?" Garrison jutted his chin downward at the sleeping Younglings.
"Yes," Arakah clasped his hands together, "I will take them for a time." He handed them a datapad, "Here is where the meeting will take place."
Kita hung back and fell into step with Jerriko, "The only reason I'm alive is because of you. I thank you for that. I've kept you alive for that reason only-- plus, you're a traitor; I'm curious as to why you betrayed your precious Master. Either you are a double agent or the top kath hound has been replaced? I doubt you had an easy choice in the matter; why would the spoiled ad'ika leave his comfortable seat at his Master's feet to join the Jetii'se?" Kita was tempted to taunt the Trando, but kept her seroius tone that eroded any sense of mockery. "Come, Jerriko, our generals do not like to be kept waiting."
They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.