Topic: Droid Rebellion RPG
Ther's been alot of RPG's that have pertained oly to living creatures so why not start one that has to do with droids.
Here's what to post: 1) Identification, 2) Model, 3) W-O-C, 4) 2nd weapon, 5)Tech.
Also you can have hidden weapons that you can pull out at any time or that can be your main weapons. This all occurs during the Clone Wars. You can have any droid on either side but you all will be infected by a virus that gives you free will and makes you adaptable. You can choose any droid you want from the video games or the movies or you can make one up.
There can only be three IG models.they look like Grievous' bodyguards with different modifications. they are the first ones to rebel. And the have jetpacks but everyone can be outfitted with jetpacks. All droids are stronger after they are infected.
Identification: IG-54
Model: Assassin Droid
W-O-C: modified sniper rifle
2nd weapon:electrostaff
Tech:Cloaking Device(it has been modified to be able to stay on for extended periods of time.)
IG-54 looked up. He was in a labratory. He scanned the room. There were two others like him. he could not identify their purpose but he knew his. He has created to kill. To kill whomever he was designated to kill. IG-54 noticed that there was screaming. There was screaming because a droid virus had escaped the containment and was uploading into the three droids.
IG-54 felt empowered after the virus uploaded. He felt superior. He knew the humans were inferior to him and he was going to kill them. He was going to have a droid rebellion and take over the known galaxy. He would set up the perfect government.He would be omnipotent. But that would all start after he killed these three lifeforms and contained the secret of his power.