Topic: IG-88 vs Cradossk
Manufacturer Holowan Laboratories
Model IG-88 combat droid
Class Assassin/Battle droid
Gender Masculine programming
Sensor Color Red
Height 2 meters
bio:When IG-88 was activated, he inexplicably gained sentience almost immediately. He then proceeded to destroy his makers with his bare hands, copy his programming into three other IG-88s (and one IG-72), kill the majority of the guards in the Holowan Labs complex, and escape. It has been estimated that this took a matter of minutes.
IG-88 designated himself as 'A' and the rest in activation order "B,C and D". They worked in team, while IG-72 went his own way. They traveled to Mechis III and conquered the droid factory there, killing all of its biological occupants. To throw Imperial investigators off their trail, IG-88B worked as a bounty hunter, killing various former employees of Holowan to prevent discovery.
From their base on the Mechis III, the four IG-88s began planning their "Droid Revolution", a movement in which an army of all types of droids would rise up and annihilate all the biological scum of the universe. Their bounty hunter aliases also kept them hidden.
In 3 ABY, IG-88 was commissioned to find the Millennium Falcon. However, IG-88 was beaten to the Han Solo bounty by Boba Fett. IG-88B was destroyed on Bespin by Fett in retaliation for attempting to track him. Despite IG-88's feuds with Boba Fett, IG-88 helped Boba Fett on a mission involving the Shell Hutt. IG-88s C and D engaged Fett on Tatooine to attempt to steal the carbonite contained Solo, but were defeated. C was destroyed, and D limped away to be later finished off by Dash Rendar on Ord Mantell.
The remaining droid uploaded his consciousness into a computer core destined for Death Star II. He succeeded in being uploaded, and was preparing to activate his program to take over all droids in the galaxy when it was destroyed. With his consciousness in the Death Star II, he would literally become the Death Star. When Lando destroyed the core, he not only helped save the galaxy from the Empire, but from the dangerous A.I. of IG-88 as well. Years later, the IG-88A body, now inactive, was reprogrammed to serve the Thul family and protect them from the Diversity Alliance and serving as guard-coast of Tyko Thul.
Emperor Palpatine was the only person on the Death Star to suspect something was wrong after the uploading of the computer core with IG-88 inside. Before the station's destruction, he noticed a series of doors in his throne room opening and closing sporadically. IG-88 did this to show the Emperor that he was not all powerful. However, IG-88 was utterly baffled when it appeared that Emperor Palpatine used some unseen force to push the doors open.
bio:Cradossk was a once legendary Trandoshan bounty hunter who led the Bounty Hunters Guild. He was also the father of Bossk. He was killed by his son and eaten by him during the Bounty Hunter Wars after Boba Fett started them.