Re: what is your favorite death scene on the star wars series
count dooku death
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Film and Television → what is your favorite death scene on the star wars series
count dooku death
I like when Yoda throws his lightsaber into the chest of one of the Clone Troopers.
When Anakin "sanitized" the Tusken Raider camp.
"I... I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men... but the women... and the children too. They're like animals! And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!"
Greedo's death...Its fun to argue about...
i agree w/maltese kentaiba.... i would say mace because i loathed him.... i guess my real favorite would be jangos because he saw his death coming but he kept fighting... idk i just like it. vader had a pansys death. Luke:"father please help me"
Vader: "duh ok"
Vader:"ouch im good now"
i thought mauls death was kinda lame... obi wan lands in front of him, and maul just stands there looking at him like an idiot.... dont get me wrong, i think the lightsaber fight kicked major ***, but still...
i dont consider boba fett dead, but if you did, i think his 'death' was by far the lamest....
Blind idiot: "BOBA FETT!?! where?"
oh well like i said boba isnt dead.
dooku had a lame death.... begging for mercy!?!?!?! wtf? oh well at least he didnt die in the movie he was introduced in like most star wars baddies.... emperor had a lame death, too....
Emperor :"Wah? Vader??? *gets thrown off cliff* how could you have been manipulated so easilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...."
and last but not least, greivous. he kicked so much *** in clone wars, but sucked in episode three....
sorry if i offended any one, i was just stating my opinion... feel free to insult me all you want.
I like the way Dooku bought it. The way he goads Anakin on during thier fight, only to have him release the full fury off his swordfighting prowess. The way Anakin effortlessly cuts his hands off and holds the sabers in the scissor position at Dooku's throat, just waiting for an excuse to show this old fart who the real tough guy is. He made the whole movement look so easy.
I would have to say that the one death scene that stuck out to me was Jabba's death.
I like the Jek Porkins malfuntining X-Wing in ANH, that one is always good for a laugh. But the one I like most is when Vader uses the force chock on Admiral Ozzel, then promotes Captin Piet to Admiral. With the ending line
".... you are in command now Admiral." as Ozzel falls to the floor dead.
With me it is a toss up between Greedo's death and Jango's.
With me it is a toss up between Greedo's death and Jango's.
Why Greedo was a looser who needed to get fried anyway, Jango should have stuck arround and been killed by the Emporor when he was no longer needed with something better like force lightning.
qui gon jinn's death
Order 66, mainly for its emotian
Why Greedo was a looser who needed to get fried anyway, Jango should have stuck arround and been killed by the Emporor when he was no longer needed with something better like force lightning.
Jango was a mere mercenary, I doubt that Palpatine would have him killed.
wizardofcars wrote:Why Greedo was a looser who needed to get fried anyway, Jango should have stuck arround and been killed by the Emporor when he was no longer needed with something better like force lightning.
Jango was a mere mercenary, I doubt that Palpatine would have him killed.
I must say I agree, Jango would've had Grievous unleashed on him, and after he had defeated Grievous, he would've been severely wounded and finished off by Droidekas. Or there's a slim chance Jango would've escaped somehow.
if jar jar died then that would be my favorite death. it is my belief that jar jar dying was the ultimate solution to bring balance to the force. not anakin...
I can picture Jar Jar's death now: Been thrown into a Giant Blender, after torturing the senate and Palaptine by just been himself
draco fett wrote:wizardofcars wrote:Why Greedo was a looser who needed to get fried anyway, Jango should have stuck arround and been killed by the Emporor when he was no longer needed with something better like force lightning.
Jango was a mere mercenary, I doubt that Palpatine would have him killed.
I must say I agree, Jango would've had Grievous unleashed on him, and after he had defeated Grievous, he would've been severely wounded and finished off by Droidekas. Or there's a slim chance Jango would've escaped somehow.
I don't think Jango could defeat Grievous. Grievous had Obi-wan almost beaten. Had it not been for the force Obi would have bit it. It would be close but Grievous would have pulled it out. I'm not sure who has a better Jedi kill count though.
Jabba's death is my fav for two reasons.
First, he was absolutely foul and had it coming to him.
But the main reason I like his death scene is because a Leia kills him.
Always glad to see a woman take matters into her own hands!
Forget the damsel in distress routine....
Come on now! Pull that chain, put your back into it woman! You can do it! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!
He made your man into a wall hanging!
He tried to feed your brother to the Rancor!
He put you in that stupid metal bikini thing and dragged you around at the end of a chain!
Kill him KILL HIM!
er.......sorry. Got carried away...
ki-adi mundi's(i have no clue how to spell his name), its very emotional and its cool to see the clone troopers kill a jedi!
i'd go for the famous... boba fett death and the sail barge fight!
i'd go for the famous... boba fett death and the sail barge fight!
That wasn't a death scene. And even if it was, why would that be your favorite death you being on a boba fett fan site?
green helmeted fett wrote:i'd go for the famous... boba fett death and the sail barge fight!
That wasn't a death scene. And even if it was, why would that be your favorite death you being on a boba fett fan site?
For some reason I like that scene too, but I'm not entirely sure why lol
i like it because boba dies in it!
Actually, Boba kills the Sarlacc and crawls out.
Besides, even if Fett didn't escape, he didn't die either; the Sarlacc takes 1,000 years to digest prey. So technically, Boba doesn't die either way.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Film and Television → what is your favorite death scene on the star wars series
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