Have you ever wanted to see Jar Jar get stepped on by an AT-AT or get his head cut off by a clumsy padawan? If so tell me Cuz I HATE HIM TOO!!!
Topic: Who HATES Jar Jar Binks?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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haha that would be kinda funny 'MEESA GOT MY HEADS CUT OFS!'
I always thought that monkey thing of Jabba's was more annoying. I think his name's Salicious Crumb or something.
You can at least ignore Jar Jar.
But yea, every once in a while I've thought of dangling him over a sarlacc pit and slowly lowering him in over a period of 24 hours dangling him upside down.
(BFFC Moderator)
I have learned to completely to tune annoying people out. That is quite useful in school.
I like Jar Jar actually. :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I do not hate him, I just do not think that he belongs in Star Wars.
I think they should've had a scene in ROTS just before Obi-Wan gets off the ship to see Anakin and to fight him.
It goes a little something like this (Jar-Jar is strangely aboard as well)
Obi-Wan - I'm worried, I think I may have to kill Anakin
Jar-Jar - Noosa Obi-wan You cannae kill annie!
Obi-Wan - I'm sorry Jar-Jar
Jar-Jar - Dasa Better!
(Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber and cuts Jar-Jar in half. He then throws his lightsaber and destroys C-3PO.)
Obi-Wan - No... Dasa Better Jar-Jar....
Lol and then we would be free of his frustrating antics.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
My problem with Jar Jar Binks is not just that he's immensely annoying and behaves like a cretin even in the most serious situations, but that the majority (prehaps all) of Jar Jar's humour comes from the fact that he's a bit thick and doesn't speak 'the Queen's English'. Now, I'm not usually a great supporter of political correctness, but this seems a little too 1920s even for me.. it has the stench of a racial caricature.
I don't think I'd have any trouble with this if Jar Jar had been put to good use or hadn't been so exaggerated. But he didn't appear to have any purpose other to be annoying. I'm sure greater geeks than I will be able to point out his true reason for being part of the storyline, but I think that he could have been left out or replaced by a smarter Gungan with no damage to the story.

I wonder what happens to him in the time skip (dark times)?
I guess this makes me a geek, but Jar Jar was put in so that more famlies would watch it, ergo, Lucas would make more money.
in my opinion, jar jar is the reason the prequel trilogy doesnt own the original trilogy. jar jar gets in the way, ruins the story, THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE A SITH LORD "EMERGENCY POWERS" WHICH END UP SPELLING CHAOS FOR THE GALAXY, and other things.
Jar Jar wasn't a good view of the rest of the Gungan population, if anyone remembers he had been banished, meaning his own people didn't like him too much. The rest of the Gungans weren't really that stupid.
As for his point in the movies....
- It's his bumbling that brings Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to Otah Gunga where they get to Theed in time to save Padme from going to a camp, without that they'd have wandered the planet for a very long time. Remember, the fastest way to Theed from Otah Gunga was through the planet's core, indicating that Qui and Obi were on the opposite side of the planet and on their own could never have found Theed in time, and wouldn't be likely to find Otah Gunga without Jar Jar's help.
- Yes Anakin was following Padme and Qui-Gon from Watto's Shop, but without the distraction of Jar Jar getting in trouble would he have caught up to them?
- Padme needed an army. She had no army. Jar Jar said the Gungans have an army. Without Jar Jar saying that, Padme wouldn't have thought to ask the Gungans for help. And therefore wouldn't have had an army to fight the Trade Federation with and therefore wouldn't have got back Naboo.
- Jar Jar led them to the Gungan's hiding place. Without Jar Jar to lead they wouldn't have found the Gungans to ask them for a help, and as I said above, they wouldn't have gotten Naboo back.
- Yes Jar Jar was clumsy during the battle but he did manage to take out several droids and a tank. More than some Gungans did that day.
- Also, yes, he helped give emergancy powers to a Sith Lord, however he had no idea Palpatine was a sith, no one knew. So I wouldn't blame Jar Jar for his lack of knowledge, and besides he was pushed into it. Without Padme there, and a crises brewing, and Palpatine and the others whining that they needed Padme's help, and Jar Jar being in her place for the time being, what else was he to do? He didn't know what else to do, it was a lack of training as well as a lack of smartness, it wasn't his fault. We could blame all the senators who voted yes, if it comes to that.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
lol nicely argued miba. it seems jar jars clumsiness has made him a powerful leader on the battlefield, as demonstrated in episode 1, and a headstrong senator, as demonstrated in episode 2. for these great acts, i award jar jar the "gustavo nobel prize", and he is the first person i've ever awarded this too. actually i just made it up right now....
one could say that jar jars career has been....inspirational. HAHAHA omfg everything i just said was sarcastic, but i guess he did help out from time to time.

I sort of sympathize with Jar-Jar because I'm a klutz.
I wouldn't hate his as much if he just wasn't so stupid! AND they somehow managed to throw him into all three movies...He's not that bad, but he can be quite annoying sometimes.
--Boba Fett
lol yeah i hate jar jar when he says stupid things like "meesa jar jar binks! ugh.... hey sd chick, does sd stand for san diego by any chance? just curious i live near san diego
I hate him...not all Gungans...just Jar Jar. Too annoying.
Captain Tarpuls was cool but Jar Jar was so freakin annoying!!!
Poor Jar Jar everyone hates him whata messa saying i hate him too.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters

hey sd chick, does sd stand for san diego by any chance? just curious i live near san diego
Nope, it's South Dakota. :P My home state.

Apparently some people felt Jar Jar had a racist slant because of his oddball pseudo-Jamaican speech. I've been around Jamaican people, and I thought their accent was COOL not irritating like Jar Jar.
There's a bit about the racism issue on Jar Jar's Wookiepedia page.
oh yeah i heard about that.
ya know, if jar jar didn't speak english (or basic as it's called in other parts of the galaxy) i really wouldn't have minded him at all. for all we know, chewie could have been saying some of the dumbest crap in the world, but because all we heard was "graaaaawwwwwl," he was one of the coolest cats in the original trilogy. but because we could more or less understand the moron babbletalk coming out of his mouth, that made jarjar more of a bumble*edit*. his idiot antics wouldn't have pained me nearly so much watching episode one if i just couldn't have understood what he was saying.
i think i may rip my epi 1 dvd sometime and redub his dialogue, just take what he says now and run it backwards or something.
Jar-jar For Da Preesidentsy!
I don't hate Jar-Jar, I just think that if he were a little less annoying and dumb, he could've been a pretty cool character. Captain Tarpuls or even some random Gungan would've been a better choice for Senetor either way though.
Oh, and about the "racial stereotype" thing, I heard Watto had a stereotypical Jewish accent/personality. So, Jar-jar isn't the only one.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
ya know, if jar jar didn't speak english (or basic as it's called in other parts of the galaxy) i really wouldn't have minded him at all. for all we know, chewie could have been saying some of the dumbest crap in the world, but because all we heard was "graaaaawwwwwl," he was one of the coolest cats in the original trilogy. but because we could more or less understand the moron babbletalk coming out of his mouth, that just made him more of a bumble*edit*. his idiot antics wouldn't have pained me nearly so much watching episode one if i just couldn't have understood what he was saying.
i think i may rip my epi 1 dvd sometime and redub his dialogue, just take what he says now and run it backwards or something.
slightly agreed. indeed chewy was a hell lot better than jar jar.
I don't hate Jar-Jar, I just think that if he were a little less annoying and dumb, he could've been a pretty cool character. Captain Tarpuls or even some random Gungan would've been a better choice for Senetor either way though.
Oh, and about the "racial stereotype" thing, I heard Watto had a stereotypical Jewish accent/personality. So, Jar-jar isn't the only one.
check out nute gunray and his trade federation toadies for racial stereotyping of china. all george needed to do was have one of them doing sidious' laundry to complete it.
Oh yeah and Watto's nose and sense of humor.
Wow... That film really was a bunch of racial stereotypes and stupid kids....
George must've been on Spice when he designed this film.....
Let's face it Jar Jar was a poor replacement Chewie. But as you say, if he spoke a language we didn't understand and someone translated it would have been much better.
Mind you half the time I couldn't even understand what Jar Jar said, it was only after I watched Ep 1 a few times that I actually understood. :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I don't really see how that would work to have Jar Jar speak another language. Unless it was something sorta universally understood Obi and Qui wouldn't have been able to talk to him when they run into him for the first time, and would never have gone to Otah Gunga cause even if Jar Jar somehow understood they needed to get to a city, they wouldn't have understood that he knew of a city.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Ok. There was only one Chewie.
He wasn't part of a larger species which kept turning up plus he was the original.
The Ewoks failed cos they were just mini-Wookiee-tribesman
The Gungans failed cos thye were trying too hard to be popular.
The Kaminoians were never meant to be popular. By comparison Dexter Jettster was pretty cool.
I also didn;t like the "extra" Wookiees and the return of Chewie in Episode 3.
Chewie was better when he wasn't such a sellout.
All the books and action figures went on about it.
He Was only in it 2 minutes and he had one line!!!
I also wish Lucas didn' look quite so much like a dead dog.
While I don't really hate Jar Jar I don't see where he added that much to the episodes he was in. Another Gungan would've done just great. He struck me more as tedious and boring after certain point. I guess this attempt at comedy failed.
Chewie, however, has always had a place in my heart. Ever since, I first saw "A New Hope" back in 1977, I have had a hopeless devotion to Chewie. Not that he's as fascinating as Boba Fett though.
Jar Jar; Please, Don'tsa kells me.
Me; Thanks Boba.
i hate jar jar... All of the rest of Ep. 1 was good though, so I still value the movie as a whole... Jar jar was just the stinkier side of it...
Beskaryc Beroya
I can't stress enough how irritated I was when Jar Jar Binks came into the picture. Nothing about him was appealing (although I'm not necessarily sure that was the point) I was hoping for him to get eradicated in the 3rd Star Wars episode.
I don't mind Jar-Jar. Though I never liked him either.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
TPM was definetly my favorite of the new flicks, it seems like jar jar is the only thing wrong with it. But then trying to picture the film w/o him makes it seem like there's no other attempt at comic relief (save the dialogue between Artoo and Threepio).
Maybe he was there to replace the kind of romantic tension between han and leia that was so lacking. The new films were way to serious for my taste. Cold and unfeeling... good for boba, bad for a plot.
I'd rather watch Episode I than *Shudder* Episode III
Jar-Jar or no...
And thats the way it goes...
I'd rather watch Episode I than *Shudder* Episode III
Jar-Jar or no...
IIIAnd thats the way it goes...
whats wrong with episode 3?
I must be missing something on your writings Humorbot5, what is it that disturbed you enough to "shudder" in Episode III? I think personall that The Star Wars universe culd have lived on without the appearance of Jar Jar, and that Lucas could have used another means to discover the Gungan city, rather than a high-pitched, irritating, lisping, cast-out Gungan. That is just my take on things.
I must be missing something on your writings Humorbot5, what is it that disturbed you enough to "shudder" in Episode III? I think personall that The Star Wars universe culd have lived on without the appearance of Jar Jar, and that Lucas could have used another means to discover the Gungan city, rather than a high-pitched, irritating, lisping, cast-out Gungan. That is just my take on things.
and by the way i agree with t-shaped visor: jar jar ruins episode 1.
I'd rather watch Episode I than *Shudder* Episode III
Jar-Jar or no...
IIIAnd thats the way it goes...
How can you possibly rank ROTJ that low? have you actually seen AOTC?
yea I agree AOTC should be second.
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Its actually a joint thing... It depends which one I've watched more recently...
II/IV are often fighting for control of second place.
And the reason I rate III and IV so low is cos they are awful in my eyes.
Episode III deserves a shudder because its just Anakin whining and then talking then whining then fighting then whining than turning into Darth Vader then whining.
Before I saw even Episode II I knew almost eaxctly what would happen in Episode III. i.e.
Anakin tunrs to dark side.... kills all jedi...fights Obi Wan....gets badly injured....becomes Darth Vader...
So they had extra bits like Grievous and Palpy vs. Yoda... But Yoda is an arrogant little £$%& who I wouldn;t give the time of day. So they might as well have left that out for all I cared.
And as for Grievous...well I preferred him before I realised he was a coward who runs from Jedi who he has killed so many of...
I don't like IV because the most of it is Endor. Endor was a load of rubbish.... What they were thinking when they included the Ewoks...I don't know.
and the beginning makes Fett look like a whinmy scaredy cat... ("AIIIIIEEEEEE" "BELCH")
I think IV deserves to be second right now, because when I watch it it brings me right back to 1997. The excitement and the anticipation of Star Wars.
Yes there are a lot of people that disagree with me for putting VI as low as I did and that's acceptable but III is never gonna move from last because it wasn't exciting it was anticipated. It wasn;t surprising it was obvious... Plus there was that godawful bit with Yoda making the Red Guards fall over themselves.... I'm glad later guards were trained properly....
Episode I? Well again thats one of those "That takes me back" things... You Americans got a lot of stuff very lucky with that film which you alomost certainly take completely for granted.
You know when you got that film? May 19th 1999... We got it July 16th.
Well what I'm getting at is that my family happened to be going to America a little after M<ay 19th 1999. And I saw Star Wars Episode I before practically everyone I knew. Now that my friends is a great feeling....
Now you probably thought when you looked at my list...That was my list of them in order of best....well its not... Its in order of my favourites...
Episode I and II didn't disappoint.... That makes it better in my eyes than Episode III which disappoints me everytime I watch it. If I wasn't much of a Star wars fan and I didn't know that a fight with Obi-wan was what put anakin in the suit then perhaps it woulda been better... But I did know... just like I knew Palpatine was Sidious.
And of course V was better than all of them.
When I said "Thats the way it goes" I wasn't saying "This is the official list now agree with it and bow down to me"
I ws simply saying "Thats the way it goes for me"
Its actually a joint thing... It depends which one I've watched more recently...
II/IV are often fighting for control of second place.
And the reason I rate III and IV so low is cos they are awful in my eyes.
Episode III deserves a shudder because its just Anakin whining and then talking then whining then fighting then whining than turning into Darth Vader then whining.
Before I saw even Episode II I knew almost eaxctly what would happen in Episode III. i.e.
Anakin tunrs to dark side.... kills all jedi...fights Obi Wan....gets badly injured....becomes Darth Vader...
So they had extra bits like Grievous and Palpy vs. Yoda... But Yoda is an arrogant little £$%& who I wouldn;t give the time of day. So they might as well have left that out for all I cared.
And as for Grievous...well I preferred him before I realised he was a coward who runs from Jedi who he has killed so many of...
I don't like IV because the most of it is Endor. Endor was a load of rubbish.... What they were thinking when they included the Ewoks...I don't know.
and the beginning makes Fett look like a whinmy scaredy cat... ("AIIIIIEEEEEE" "BELCH")
I think IV deserves to be second right now, because when I watch it it brings me right back to 1997. The excitement and the anticipation of Star Wars.
Yes there are a lot of people that disagree with me for putting VI as low as I did and that's acceptable but III is never gonna move from last because it wasn't exciting it was anticipated. It wasn;t surprising it was obvious... Plus there was that godawful bit with Yoda making the Red Guards fall over themselves.... I'm glad later guards were trained properly....
Episode I? Well again thats one of those "That takes me back" things... You Americans got a lot of stuff very lucky with that film which you alomost certainly take completely for granted.
You know when you got that film? May 19th 1999... We got it July 16th.Well what I'm getting at is that my family happened to be going to America a little after M<ay 19th 1999. And I saw Star Wars Episode I before practically everyone I knew. Now that my friends is a great feeling....
Now you probably thought when you looked at my list...That was my list of them in order of best....well its not... Its in order of my favourites...
Episode I and II didn't disappoint.... That makes it better in my eyes than Episode III which disappoints me everytime I watch it. If I wasn't much of a Star wars fan and I didn't know that a fight with Obi-wan was what put anakin in the suit then perhaps it woulda been better... But I did know... just like I knew Palpatine was Sidious.
And of course V was better than all of them.
When I said "Thats the way it goes" I wasn't saying "This is the official list now agree with it and bow down to me"
I ws simply saying "Thats the way it goes for me"
Well the only film i still watch completely from beginning to end is episode 3. the rest i just watch parts. for some reason episode 3 is more entertaining for me than all the other movies.
If Anakin can kill children, why couldn't we at least see him kill someone that people actually wanted to die...JAR JAR!
well stated humorbot5, i just can't understand how you can see how horribly episode 3 was done, but accept hayden christensen in 2. His acting just ruins it for me.
(The plus for me in ROTS was that jar-jar kept his godd*mn trap shut during the entire thing.)
well stated humorbot5, i just can't understand how you can see how horribly episode 3 was done, but accept hayden christensen in 2. His acting just ruins it for me.
(The plus for me in ROTS was that jar-jar kept his godd*mn trap shut during the entire thing.)
Actually he says something in the background but its hard to hear.
well stated humorbot5, i just can't understand how you can see how horribly episode 3 was done, but accept hayden christensen in 2. His acting just ruins it for me.
(The plus for me in ROTS was that jar-jar kept his godd*mn trap shut during the entire thing.)
Yeah well when you've acted along side the kind of actors I've acted along side you tend to phase it out a bit...
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