Topic: What you did over summer vaction!
I went Paintballing, got a pool , went Airsofting and hung out with friends.
What did you guys and gals do?
-Boba Dude
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → What you did over summer vaction!
I went Paintballing, got a pool , went Airsofting and hung out with friends.
What did you guys and gals do?
-Boba Dude
I went to Florida to see my aunt, and passed my Hunter Safety Course.
I did not go to Disney or anything.
I'd be kinda surprised if you did.
But anyway, I started Tae Kwon Do and now I'm a green belt. (skipped yellow belt altogether)
I used to take Tae Kwon Do (for mabey two weeks), but then they started raising the price, and almost everybody quit.
I played video games for massive amounts of time, went Paintballing, practiced soccer every other day (everyday starting this week). I also started playing D&D again with a couple of my friends. Oh and I went to NC with my extended family.
everybody seems to have had a good summer
My dad's truck got broken into twice, but we are setting up a trap to catch the criminal.
not cool and cool at the same time.....tell me if you catch the son of a gun
Once my dad finds out who he is, my dad wants to stalk him an Holloween in a Jason Vorhees costume, beat him with a hockey stick, and take his candy .
I sat on muh butt and played video games and drew art and enjoyed every second of it.
I played knights of the old republic 1 and 2 and finaly figured out how to mod my games, Then played land of the dead all of august.
I spent two weeks on a Mexico mission trip...putting up crossbeams on what will be the biggest church in San Vicente (small, dirty town south of Ensenada).
And did pretty much nothing else...worked in a kitchen for a few weeks, had my wisdoms pulled a week ago...still hurts.
My dentist told me that my wisdom teeth are coming in, that is strange.
Heh, have fun with that. I keep waking up in the middle of the night to take more painkillers, lol. My jaw hurts so freaking bad....*constant pain is annoying*
I would know that feeling. After head sugery you are always in pain
-Boba Dude
Mouth pain is sometimes a daily thing for me. Lesson to be learned from that: Brush your teeth when you're a kid. That and make sure both your parents have a history of good teeth cause neither of mine do. I have fillings in almost every one of my bottom teeth and some of them have two fillings actually. My upper teeth are better with only one filling. Wisdom teeth are the ones in the very far back, right? Those grew in half way then decided to rot, I think the one on the upper right's not there anymore.
Anyway. My summer "vacation" included work, work, a small vacation out of state in June, some 4th of July fun, and more work.
Went to Portugal (first time out of the country 'cept for a day in Canada, and first time on a plane), then came home and played X-Men Legends II. Oh, and then I tried to catch up on Russian homework from last year, just in case.
Summer Holiday? What's that oh yeah I gotta remember I'm in the other hemisphere
Well we're just coming into spring and as for holidays they won't be coming until December when it's bloody hot. I've never had a white Christmas - I'd be seriously scared if it snowed over here on Christmas.
Hot in December? ahh thats wierd!
I like cold! I like snow! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............
Warm Decembers are awesone. Last year we had a heatwave and instead of the normal 50-60 degree weather we had highs around 83 and the such. That was the best!
Our average for December is about 0-20. Though it's not till January that it goes from 0 to -30.
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