Topic: I am still alive...
Hi All,
Just letting you know I am still around. Been offline for ages - been extremely busy between a new job etc. But I'm back now
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Fans → I am still alive...
Hi All,
Just letting you know I am still around. Been offline for ages - been extremely busy between a new job etc. But I'm back now
WELCOME BACK MEL!! Glad you could return to BFFC.
Thank you. Been so busy lately. Been invited to so many parties, be it birthday, engagement, wedding etc. I can't believe it but in the next 18mths we've got five weddings to go to! Unreal hey!
Should be online more often now, planning on ditching the dial up and getting broadband. Hooray!
It is good to have you back.
Hooray for Broadband!! I mean... It's good to see you're back.
Good to have you back mate.
Good but very busy. Currently at home, off sick from work. Got a bloody cold.
Welcome back! Sorry you're sick, though, hope that goes away fast.
Hi All,
Just letting you know I am still around. Been offline for ages - been extremely busy between a new job etc. But I'm back now
Welcome back Mel!!!!
Hope you feel better soon!
Yes, welcome back. Speaking of people who havn't been around for a while, does anyone know why MandalorianSpy9 hasn't been around here lately?
BFFC-Mel? Are you the one SciFi RPed with in the Battledome? He saved a couple of his posts on Microsoft Word and sent them to me, and from just those two I can tell it must have been awesome. Sci said it reached 9 pages, that's the longest I've ever seen! I hope you join some RPGs again, I want a chance to see what the old ones must've been like. The ones we have now are badly written or dead from inactivity, so far as I know; we need a revival.
Well, welcome back, I'll tell SciFi that you're here again.
You can go to the archives.
Cool, thanks for telling me.
Hurrah! The i-net's greatest RPG creator has returned to reclaim her throne! Huzzah!
P.S. I let my inner voice tell me what to type right then, so if it sounds wierd, not my fault.
The's all here. The Plague, The Battledome, Imperial Garrison, everything. It's incredible, I'll be up for hours reading all this.
Ah yes, Imperial Garrison=good times. Battledome=not so much. Plague=erm...missed that one. Yes, those were good'uns, yessir.
Sorry to tell you, but I didn't like your fire guy much either. It was all kinda choppy and on its own. But forget it, this isn't a critique thread, let's forget about RPGs.
Forget it. He was pretty lame. But still, yay! Mel's back! MEL'S BACK! WHOOHOO!
Hey guys! I'm back too!...
...sorry I haven't been on in ages, I've been...preoccupied, to say the least.
Welcome back Mel...left us high and dry on the Stolen Bride RPG for a while, didn't ya?
My writing sucked back then, at least it got better I guess.
Well, welcome back then.
Ah you live and learn. Beside sometimes you have a vision of where you want an RPG to go and the others want to go another way. Anyway, I've just finished a short fan fic, added it to Creative. Look for Voiced Emotions, it's a story of Boba and his demons.
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