Topic: round one match two
in order to save a bit of time i am posting match two of round one.The winner of this will face the winner of cydon prax vs Jodo Kast.
So drawn at random is Aurra sing vs Zuckuss
Aurra sing:
Species Unknown (believed to be Qiraash)
Gender Female
Height 1.74 meters
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
bio:Sing was born in the slums of Nar Shaddaa to a spice-addicted mother named Aunuanna and brought to the Order as a candidate for training. In an attempt to control the young woman's overtly aggressive instincts, the Council assigned her to The Dark Woman, a mysterious and secretive Jedi Master with a track record of training difficult apprentices. However, the two did not get along well and Sing never progressed past the stage of Padawan. Around the age of nine, she was kidnapped by pirates who played on her deep-seated fears of abandonment and betrayal to shake her trust in the Jedi. They raised the conflicted young woman as a fellow pirate. Tragedy struck again when she was eventually captured by a Hutt crime lord, who in turn lent her to a group of Anzati assassins. The Anzati trained her to be a remorseless killer, even equipping Sing with a bio-computer that fed her additional sensory data.
Species Gand
Gender Male
Height 1.5 meters
Hair color None
Eye color Silver
bio:A native of the planet Gand, Zuckuss tracked his prey by using traditional Gand techniques to invoke visions of his prey. He was the owner and pilot of the Mist Hunter. After the Empire overran his home planet, Zuckuss and a few other Findsmen left Gand and sold their services to the highest bidder. While working for the Hutts, Zuckuss was teamed with the bounty hunter droid 4-LOM. The atmosphere in Gand had high ammonia content and exposure to oxygen was poisonous to Zuckuss, so he was forced to wear a special mask and suit. Zuckuss's lungs were badly damaged after breathing three seconds worth of oxygen, meaning that they needed credits to save Zuckuss - and fast